ST-elevation MI treatment with Stem Cell Therapy | Stem …

Posted: October 27, 2014 at 3:54 pm

ST-elevation is a measurement on an electrocardiogram, in which the trace in the ST segment is very high above the isoelectric line. An electrocardiogram, or electrocardiograph, is an evaluation of the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time. It is captured and recorded by external skin electrodes.

The ST segment is related to a period of ventrical systolic depolarization, which means the cardiac muscle is contracted. Relaxation then subsequently occurs during diastolic repolarization. Normally the ST segment displays a particular order of muscular layers that repolarize at set times.

However, if the cardiac muscle becomes damaged or inflamed, its electrical properties transform. This can lead to premature repolarization, or the systole ending earlier than usual.

ST elevation can be present in several conditions including acute pericarditis, which is an acute inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart, left ventricular aneurysm, which is a complication that can occur after a heart attack and myocardial infarction (MI), another word for heart attack.

Undifferentiated adult stem cells can transform into the cells of countless organs and tissues within the human body. Used in many therapies, they restore impaired fibers and renew failing cells through cell division, a process in which they multiply indefinitely. Stem cell science has seen vast improvements in recent years and many new developments and discoveries have been made.

Angeles Health developed the Adult Autologous Stem Cell (A-ASC) Therapy program to manage a variety of diseases, including ST-elevation. ST-elevation is treated using autologous adult stem cells, which come from the patient themselves. This means there is very little possibility of a patients body rejecting the stem cells.

Angeles hospital uses stem cells that come from the patients bone marrow and adipose tissue, or fat. As adipose tissue extraction is more effective than bone marrow extraction, because the tissue can yield up to ten times more stem cells, it is much more commonly used. Bone marrow extraction is also a more difficult procedure to carry out.

The innovative therapeutic endovascular placement of adipose-derived adult autologous stem cells in the Stem Cell Therapy treatment program at Hospital Angeles means organs or tissues can be targeted directly.

The specialized catheterization procedure is not invasive but easy on the patient. Stem cells can be delivered throughout the body, there is no need for an anesthetic and it is completed in less than an hour.

Angeles Health International is a Center of Excellence and offers patients with SI-elevation the most innovative therapies of the highest quality and confidence. Collaborative medical practitioners work to promote and define best practices. They measure results, learn together and establish treatment protocols. The Center of Excellence works with groups of licensed medical professionals who adhere to formally appointed bodies of expertise. This upholds the highest standards of treatment and investigative research.

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ST-elevation MI treatment with Stem Cell Therapy | Stem ...

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