index | WVU Statler College

Posted: August 18, 2015 at 5:49 pm

See more stories here Chemical engineering combines chemistry with mathematics and economics to solve problems and to find safe, efficient, and environmentally benign ways of making useful products.

The Department provides educational programs at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels. WVU offers electives for specialization in such fields as electronic materials and polymers, and an undergraduate certificate program in biomedical engineering. Open-ended design problems are introduced from the beginning, and grow in complexity as students become more proficient. As part of a capstone design course, seniors organize and operate as a team to solve a real industry problem. Faculty in the Department are involved in an active program of innovative research areas including biochemical and biomedical engineering, carbon products, catalysis and reaction engineering, fluidization, fuels, natural-gas hydrates, particle science and powder technology, polymers and composites, and semiconductor processing. Scholarships are available.

The chemical engineering curriculum is designed to give graduates a broad background in chemical engineering processes and to prepare them to become professional engineers. Students are prepared for positions in operation, development, design, construction, and management of industrial plants. These industries subject raw materials to chemical and physical changes and produce economically desirable products. Graduates are also qualified for positions with research institutions and government agencies. Learn more about our student outcomes.

The Chemical Engineering Department at West Virginia University, Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources' vision will be realized by:

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index | WVU Statler College

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