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CFR-Trilateral pedophile Jeffrey Epsteins corporate …

Posted: October 22, 2016 at 6:44 pm

Jeffrey Epstein is currently infamous for his conviction for soliciting a fourteen-year-old girl for prostitution and for allegedly orchestrating underage sex slave orgies at his private Virgin Island mansion, where he purportedly pimped out underage girls to elite political figures such as Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, and probably Bill Clinton as well (he also traveled to Thailand in 2001 with Prince Andrew, probably to indulge in the countrys rampant child sex trade).

But before these sex scandals were the highlight of Epsteins celebrity, he was better known not just for his financial prowess, but also for his extensive funding of biotechnological and evolutionary science. With his bankster riches, he founded the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation which established Harvard Universitys Program for Evolutionary Dynamics.

Epstein, a former CFR and Trilateral Commission Member, also sat on the board of Harvards Mind, Brain, and Behavior Committee. He has furthermore been actively involved in . . . the Theoretical Biology Initiative at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, the Quantum Gravity Program at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Santa Fe Institute, which is a transdisciplinary research community that expands the boundaries of scientific understanding . . . to discover, comprehend, and communicate the common fundamental principles in complex physical, computational, biological, and social systems.

The scope of Epsteins various science projects spans research into genetics, neuroscience, robotics, computer science, and artificial intelligence (AI). Altogether, the convergence of these science subfields comprises an interdisciplinary science known as transhumanism: the artificial perfection of human evolution through humankinds merger with technology. In fact, Epstein partners with Humanity+, a major transhumanism interest group.

Transhumanists believe that technologically upgrading humankind into a singularity will bring about a utopia in which poor health, the ravages of old age and even death itself will all be things of the past. In fact, eminent transhumanist Ray Kurzweil, chief of engineering at Google, believes that he will become godlike as a result of the singularity.

But the truth is that transhumanism is merely a more high-tech revision of eugenics conceptualized by eugenicist and UNESCO Director-General Julian Huxley. And when corporate philanthropists like pedophile Epsteinas well as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, and Google executives such as Eric Schmidt and Larry Pageare the major bankrollers behind these transhumanism projects, the whole enterprise seems ominously reminiscent of the corporate-philanthropic funding of American and Nazi eugenics.

In America, Charles Davenports eugenics research at Cold Spring Harbor was bankrolled by elite financiers, such as the Harriman family, as well as robber barons and their nonprofit foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Institute of Washington. Davenport collaborated with Nazi eugenicists who were likewise funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. In the end, these Rockefeller-funded eugenics programs contributed to the forced sterilization of over 60,000 Americans and the macabre human experimentation and genocide of the Nazi concentration camps. (This sinister collusion is thoroughly documented in War Against the Weak by award-winning investigative journalist Edwin Black).

If history has shown us that these are the sordid bioethics that result from corporate-funded biosocial science, shouldnt we be weary of the transhumanism projects of neo-robber barons like Epstein, Gates, Zuckerberg, Thiel, and the Google gang?

It should be noted that Epstein once sat on the board of Rockefeller University. At the same time, the Rockefeller Foundationwhich has continued to finance Cold Spring Harbor programs as recently as 2010also funds the Santa Fe Institute and the New York Academy of Sciences, both of which Epstein has been actively involved in.

The Rockefeller Foundation also funds the Malthusian-eugenic Population Council, which transhumanist Bill Gates likewise finances in carrying on the population reduction activism of his father, William H. Gates Sr.

And in 2013, the Rockefeller Foundation funded a transhumanistic white paper titled Dreaming the Future of Health for the Next 100 Years, which explores [r]e-engineering of humans into separate and unequal forms through genetic engineering or mixed human-robots.

So, considering that transhumanismthe outgrowth of eugenicsis being steered not only by twenty-first-century robber barons, but by corporatist monopoly men who are connected to the very transhumanist Rockefeller Foundation which funded Nazi eugenics, I suspect that transhumanist technology will not upgrade the common person. Rather, it will only be disseminated to the public in such a wayas Stanford University Professor Paul Saffo predictsthat converts social class hierarchies into bio(techno)logical hierarchies by artificially evolving the One Percent into a species separate from the unfit working poor, which will be downgraded as a slave class.

In his 1932 eugenic-engineering dystopia, Brave New World, Aldous Huxley (Julians brother) depicts how biotechnology, drugs, and psychological conditioning would in the future be used to establish a Scientific Caste System ruled by a global scientific dictatorship. But Huxley was not warning us with his novel. As historian Joanne Woiak demonstrates in her journal article entitled Designing a Brave New World: Eugenics, Politics, and Fiction, Aldous brave new world can . . . be understood as a serious design for social reform (105). In a 1932 essay, titled Science and Civilization, Huxley promoted his eugenic caste system: in a scientific civilization society must be organized on a caste basis. The rulers and their advisory experts will be a kind of Brahmins controlling, in virtue of a special and mysterious knowledge, vast hordes of the intellectual equivalents of Sudras and Untouchables (153-154).

With the aforementioned digital robber barons driving the burgeoning age of transhumanist neo-eugenics, I fear that Huxleys Scientific Caste System may become a reality. And with Epstein behind the wheel, the new GMO Sudras will likely consist of not only unskilled labor slaves, but also child sex slaves wholike the preadolescents in Brave New Worldwill be brainwashed with Elementary Sex Education, which will inculcate them with a smash monogamy sexuality that will serve the elite World Controllers.


Huxley, Aldous. Science and Civilization. Aldous Huxley: Complete Essays. Eds. Robert S. Baker and James Sexton. Vol. III. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2000. 148-155. Print. 4 vols.

John Klyczek has an MA in English and is a college English instructor, concentrating on the history of global eugenics and Aldous Huxleys dystopian novel, Brave New World.

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Transhumanism – Transhumanismo

Posted: October 22, 2016 at 6:44 pm

-Alguien Quiere Ser Androide? - El Cerebro Puede Sobrevivir a La Muerte del Cuerpo

- Biological Immortality and You

- Cerebros y Mentes Digitales - A La Vuelta de La Esquina

- Chemtrails, Transmutacin Gentica y Transhumanidad


- Cyborg America - Inside the Strange New World of Basement Body Hackers

- Cyborg Brain/Machine Interface is Now Reality

- DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - Main File

- Depopulation of A Planet - Thinning Out The Useless Eaters - An Unspoken NWO Agenda

- El Movimiento Singularidad, la Inmortalidad y Quitando el 'Fantasma' de La Mquina

- El Programa Inmortalidad 2045' del Transhumanismo Amenaza La Integridad de La Humanidad

- El Reino de Las Mquinas - La Separacin de los Mundos 1

- Ethical Assessment of Implantable Brain Chips

- Ethical Issues in Human Enhancement

- Futurist Claims Technology Causing Humans to 'Evolve' Into a New Species

- 'Genetically Modified Micro Humans' to be 'Farmed' for Drug Testing by 2017 - Mad Science

- Google versus Muerte - El Combate del Siglo?

- Hacking The Human Brain Furthers The Advent of Super Soldiers

- How 'Smart Dust' Could Spy on Your Brain

- Humans Fully Outsourced to Robots by 2045?

- Immortality Transhumanism Program 2045 Threatens Humanitys Integrity

- Intelligent Neural Dust Embedded in The Brain Could Be The Ultimate Brain-Computer Interface

- Is The Transhumanist Movement a Threat to Our Survival?

- Kurzweil and Google Working Together to Develop Technology for Immortality

- La Agenda de Vacunacin - Transhumanismo Implcito


- La Fantasa del Transhumanismo es un Fracaso para la Humanidad


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- Por La Senda del Transhumanismo


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- The Coming Technological Singularity - How to Survive in The Post-Human Era


-Te Gustara Ser como 'Dios'? - Transhumanismo

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- The Human Avatar Programs by NASA & DARPA

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- The Singularity Movement, Immortality, and Removing the Ghost in The Machine

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- Transhumanism - The Anti-Human Agenda of the 'Singularity' Cult

- Transhumanism - The New Face of Eugenics

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Transhumanism - Transhumanismo

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What is Integrative Medicine? – Andrew Weil, M.D.

Posted: October 22, 2016 at 6:43 pm

Andrew Weil, M.D., is the worlds leading proponent of alternative medicine, right?


Although this is how the popular media often portrays him, Dr. Weil is actually the worlds leading proponent of integrative medicine, a philosophy that is considerably different from a blanket endorsement of alternative medicine. To fully understand Dr. Weils advice presented in his Web sites, bestselling books and lectures, and reflected in the daily practice of thousands of physicians worldwide its important to grasp what integrative medicine is, and is not.

The first step is mastering some basic terms.

Using synthetic drugs and surgery to treat health conditions was known just a few decades ago as, simply, medicine. Today, this system is increasingly being termed conventional medicine. This is the kind of medicine most Americans still encounter in hospitals and clinics. Often both expensive and invasive, it is also very good at some things; for example, handling emergency conditions such as massive injury or a life-threatening stroke. Dr. Weil is unstinting in his appreciation for conventional medicines strengths. If I were hit by a bus, he says, Id want to be taken immediately to a high-tech emergency room. Some conventional medicine is scientifically validated, some is not.

Any therapy that is typically excluded by conventional medicine, and that patients use instead of conventional medicine, is known as alternative medicine. Its a catch-all term that includes hundreds of old and new practices ranging from acupuncture to homeopathy to iridology. Generally alternative therapies are closer to nature, cheaper and less invasive than conventional therapies, although there are exceptions. Some alternative therapies are scientifically validated, some are not. An alternative medicine practice that is used in conjunction with a conventional one is known as a complementary medicine. Example: using ginger syrup to prevent nausea during chemotherapy. Together, complementary and alternative medicines are often referred to by the acronym CAM.

Enter integrative medicine. As defined by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health, integrative medicine combines mainstream medical therapies and CAM therapies for which there is some high-quality scientific evidence of safety and effectiveness.

In other words, integrative medicine cherry picks the very best, scientifically validated therapies from both conventional and CAM systems. In his New York Times review of Dr. Weils latest book, Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Physical and Spiritual Well-Being, Abraham Verghese, M.D., summed up this orientation well, stating that Dr. Weil, doesnt seem wedded to a particular dogma, Western or Eastern, only to the get-the-patient-better philosophy.

So this is a basic definition of integrative medicine. What follows is the complete one, which serves to guide both Dr. Weils work and that of integrative medicine physicians and teachers around the world:

Integrative medicine is healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person (body, mind, and spirit), including all aspects of lifestyle. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and makes use of all appropriate therapies, both conventional and alternative.

The principles of integrative medicine:

By Brad Lemley News

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What is Integrative Medicine? - Andrew Weil, M.D.

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Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) – WebMD

Posted: October 22, 2016 at 6:43 pm

If youre looking for relief from menopause symptoms, knowing the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help you decide whether its right for you.

HRT (also known as hormone therapy, menopausal hormone therapy, and estrogen replacement therapy) uses female hormones -- estrogen and progesterone -- to treat common symptoms of menopause and aging. Doctors can prescribe it during or after menopause.

After your period stops, your hormone levels fall, causing uncomfortable symptoms like hot flashes and vaginal dryness, and sometimes conditions like osteoporosis. HRT replaces hormones your body no longer makes. Its the most effective treatment for menopause symptoms.

You might think of pregnancy when you think of estrogen. In women of child-bearing age, it gets the uterus ready to receive a fertilized egg. It has other roles, too -- it controls how your body uses calcium, which strengthens bones, and raises good cholesterol in the blood.

If you still have your uterus, taking estrogen without progesterone raises your risk for cancer of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. Since the cells from the endometrium arent leaving your body during your period any more, they may build up in your uterus and lead to cancer. Progesterone lowers that risk by thinning the lining.

Once you know the hormones that make up HRT, think about which type of HRT you should get:

Estrogen Therapy: Doctors generally suggest a low dose of estrogen for women who have had a hysterectomy, the surgery to remove the uterus. Estrogen comes in different forms. The daily pill and patch are the most popular, but the hormone also is available in a vaginal ring, gel, or spray.

Estrogen/Progesterone/Progestin Hormone Therapy: This is often called combination therapy, since it combines doses of estrogen and progestin, the synthetic form of progesterone. Its meant for women who still have their uterus.

The biggest debate about HRT is whether its risks outweigh its benefits.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy – What You Need to Know

Posted: October 22, 2016 at 6:43 pm

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What is it? Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment for women who have low hormone levels, like a woman going through menopause. HRT is also called estrogen (es-tro-jin) replacement therapy or ERT. With HRT a woman takes estrogen, and often progestin (pro-jes-tin), to help the symptoms caused by low hormone levels in her body.

What are hormones and how do they work?

What are the reasons I may not have enough estrogen?

What are the signs and symptoms of a low estrogen level? You can have physical and emotional changes when your estrogen level is low.

Will HRT help these symptoms? You may choose to take HRT to help or prevent the symptoms of low estrogen. Hot flashes and night sweats will occur less often and may possibly go away if you take estrogen. Estrogen helps prevent vaginal dryness and thinning of the tissue inside the vagina. Your chances of breaking a bone are much lower if you take estrogen. HRT may also improve your mood and memory. HRT may reduce your risk of heart disease.

Is HRT safe?

Are there side effects with HRT? Following are possible side effects of HRT.

How long do I need to take HRT? Bone loss is highest during the early years after menopause. To get the best results, HRT should start soon after the beginning of menopause. You should continue with HRT for at least 7 to 10 years. You and your caregiver can decide how long you should take HRT. You will need long-term treatment if you are trying to prevent heart disease or osteoporosis. Bone loss will begin right away when you stop taking HRT.

How do I take HRT?

Are there other ways to prevent bone loss or heart disease without HRT? Eating foods that are rich in calcium and low in fat is one way to control bone loss and heart disease. Caregivers may give you medicine to prevent bone loss or heart disease. Other ways to prevent bone loss and heart disease are to exercise regularly and to limit the amount of alcohol that you drink. You should not have more than 1 drink a day. A drink is 1 1/2 ounces of whiskey, 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer (regular or light). If you smoke, you should quit.

How often should I see my caregiver if I take HRT? Call your caregiver if you are bleeding from your vagina or have other side effects that are bothering you. You should see your caregiver every year for a check up. Your caregiver may want you to have the following tests.

Where can I get more information about HRT? You can call or write the following organizations for more information.

You have the right to help plan your care. To help with this plan you must learn about hormone replacement therapy. You can then discuss the treatment options with caregivers. Work with them to decide what care will be used to treat your decreasing estrogen levels. You always have the right to refuse treatment.

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Hormone Replacement Therapy – Teresa knight

Posted: October 22, 2016 at 6:43 pm

Lets put menopausal estrogen use in an historical perspective: Throughout history and as women have become over-nourished, the age of puberty has become younger. The age of menopause, however, has stayed the same, on average about 52. When the ancient Egyptians were going through menopause, the average age of death was ten years before menopause. Now the average age of death for women is 78 to 80. We live nearly half our lives past menopause. In the 1960s, scientists discovered hormone replacement and its benefits: improved cognition, less arthritis, stronger bones, better sleep, and better sex.

For decades now, millions of women entering menopause in America were prescribed Premarin or Prempro without much question. Premarin, a mixture of estrogens derived from the urine of a pregnant horse, and Prempro, a combination of horse estrogens and synthetic progesterone, served to replace female hormones that naturally dissipate in peri-menopausal and menopausal women, primarily estrogen and progesterone.

Healthcare providers and their female patients were shocked to learn that hormone replacement therapy was not as safe as they had once thought after receiving the data from the Womens Health Initiative. The results of the study suggested that this type of hormone replacement therapy did not protect a woman from getting heart disease, and actually increased her risk of breast cancer, blood clotting and possible stroke. A reanalysis of this study was completed in 2007 further suggesting that actual heart disease risk factors was dependent upon what age a woman was when she began hormone replacement therapy. These results still remain controversial. Again, in 2008 the study underwent a reanalysis which concluded that hormone therapy is associated with an increased risk of stroke, regardless of when hormone replacement therapy is initiated.

There were major problems with the study. Sponsored by Wyeth, a major producer of HRT, the WHI looked at whether hormone replacement could prevent heart attacks, since estrogen is protective for heart disease. They set up the study as a placebo-control, double-blind study. The problem is, women who are on HRT know it, so they specifically chose women who werent having night sweats or hot flashes. The only women who fit that criterion had an average age of 63, more than 10 years passed menopause. By that age, permanent changes from estrogen deprivation, such as hardening of the arteries, have already occurred. Giving HRT at that point is too late to prevent it and can actually make it worse, so people had more heart attacks and strokes. If supplemention starts early in the mid-40s when menopausal symptoms first start, it has the potential to prevent heart disease. The recent increased concern about HRT is from following women in the original study who were on average ten-plus years beyond menopause, taking oral HRT for at least 15 years, in higher doses than are prescribed today, and taking a combination of estrogen and progestin. Even given that, the increase in breast cancer and death are very slight. None of the non-oral delivery systems or current age and dosage recommendations was studied.

Unfortunately many practitioners often label all hormone replacement therapy the same. What this means is that many women are often advised that the risks apply regardless of the type of hormones. The reality of the study and the reanalysis showed associated risks only for oral conjugated equine estrogens and synthetic progestins, not bio-identical hormones.

Bioidentical, non-oral estrogen supplementation is a different animal. Bioidentical hormones are made in the lab, and once they get into the body, your body recognizes them as their own. The only way that is likely to happen is via a non-oral route. Taking any estrogen orally requires processing in the liver before it goes to the rest of the body. That processing changes the oral medication into something else, a by-product not recognized as the youthful estrogen your body likes: estradiol. Transdermal creams bypass the liver.

Objectively, HRT is the best way to protect bones. Osteoporosis treatment is only second-best because while it increases the density of bones, it makes them very brittle. Its a different architecture.

Meanwhile, women continue to come to us every day, completely confused and even scared about hormone replacement. We have always been dedicated to clearing up misconceptions about hormone replacement therapy, and . providing women with alternatives to conventional hormone replacement, including bio-identical hormones Because there havent been many definitive studies done on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, we do not know exactly what the risks are for every woman taking it. What we do know is that from the results of studies that have looked at bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and from what has been seen in the clinical practice of prescribing bio-identical hormone replacement to patients, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy does not appear to have the same side effects consistent with conventional hormone replacement therapy, in particular transdermal forms.

Bio-identical hormones have been shown to share the exact same molecular structure with those found in our bodies. Unlike conventional or synthetic forms of hormone replacement therapy, they are not patented and sold by pharmaceutical companies. That is the main reason why there have been very few studies to evaluate their risks and benefits. Bio-identical hormones are not as profitable as the conventional synthetic forms. In the future, more studies will be done to help clarify the benefits or disadvantages associated with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

There has have been serious efforts made to shut down compounded bio-identical hormone replacement therapy as an option for women. The belief of our office is that women deserve to know all of their options and alternatives surrounding hormone replacement therapy. They need to be fully informed of everything we have learned and have access to these options when they need them.

In order to find answers to your questions about bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and how to decide if that could be a better choice for you, please call our office at (314) 292-7080 to set up a consultation with one of practitioners. We here at Womens Health Specialists of St. Louis are dedicated to your complete healthcare needs. Educating yourself as much as possible will always lead you to better health. Being informed is the only way you can decide the right decision for yourself.

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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy | Menopause Doctor …

Posted: October 22, 2016 at 6:43 pm

RejuvinAge, a Virginia Beach Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Center, focuses on Individualizing Hormone Therapy for Women and Men. RejuvinAge specializes in Hormone Replacement for approved indications of Menopause for women and Low Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men.

Women and men are very comfortable and confident in our boutique setting for hormone replacement. Programs are individualized; one size does not fit all. Every program is physician managed; appointments are always on time with our hormone replacement doctor, Jennifer Krup, M.D. Personalized care is our focus; we recognize the importance of one on one attention.

Focusing on menopause for women, Dr. Krup encourages every woman to embrace this phase of their life.Understanding BHRT empowers women with the knowledge to make the right decisions and successfully manage menopausal symptoms. Understanding appropriate dosages, appropriate routes of administration and the appropriate length of treatment for each woman keeps RejuvinAge in the forefront

Offering Low T options for men, Dr. Krup will help determine ifTestosterone Replacement Therapyis right for you. Making the right choice for TRT is an important decision for men today.

The RejuvinAge approach to Bio Identical Hormone Replacement for women and men is based on sound medicine. Hormone optimization takes patience, compliance, great communication and a partnership with you. Our Virginia Beach Hormone Replacement center is easily accessible to the surrounding cities of Norfolk, Chesapeake, Hampton Newport News, Williamsburg and beyond. Make your appointment today-meet Dr. Krup in her Virginia BeachBio-Identical Hormone Center.

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Rhode Island Hospital Unveils New COBRE Center for Stem …

Posted: October 22, 2016 at 6:41 pm


Current stem cell studies include research into new treatments for leukemia, lymphoma and liver, kidney and bone marrow damage

Rhode Island Hospital is expanding its research space in the citys bio-med-focused Knowledge District with the opening of a new hematology-oncology laboratory, the COBRE Center for Stem Cell Biology. The lab, which is located in Lifespans research hub the Coro Building -- provides researchers with the state-of-the-art technology needed to support ongoing research in the areas of cancer, tissue injury and basic stem cell biology.

The new 11,000-square-foot hematology-oncology research lab was made possible by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NIH conferred more than $300,000 to Peter Quesenberry, MD, director of hematology oncology at Rhode Island and The Miriam hospitals, specifically for the construction of the new lab.

This new lab space will help us to further study the use of stem cells for the treatment of many illnesses various forms of cancer, tissue and organ damage and much more, Quesenberry said. Creating this research hub provides our researchers with the best possible resources, and places us in close proximity to the hospitals, allowing us to more appropriately collaborate with our peers, and truly bring research from the bench to the bedside.

Quesenberry continued, Additionally, by working closely with the physicians, we are developing new studies that stem from the patient essentially, creating research in reverse, from the bedside to the bench, in an effort to develop new treatments for all-too-common and debilitating illnesses.

The cancer studies being conducted are directed toward revising drug resistance in prostate cancer, chronic myelocytic leukemia and breast cancer. Additionally, cutting-edge studies to develop better treatments for prostate and breast cancer are being conducted, as are studies of mesenchymal stem cells for their ability to reverse pulmonary hypertension. The laboratory also will support research in novel anti-cancer treatments for pediatric and adult malignancies, and will continue to examine therapeutic mechanisms underlying refractory leukemia and lymphoma. The new lab space can accommodate 14 laboratory benches, and can accommodate 10 funded investigators, as well as their technicians and students.

Part of Rhode Island Hospitals mission is to be at the forefront of patient care by creating, applying and sharing the most advanced knowledge in health care, said Peter Snyder, PhD, senior vice president and chief research officer for Lifespan.. One of the ways we do that is by providing our researchers with the tools they need to conduct cutting-edge research in order to discover and create improved diagnostic measures and treatments. This new research space is the first step in a major renovation project at the Coro Building that we believe will serve as a focal point for clinical research in Rhode Island, and propel us to the forefront of academic medicine in the U.S.

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Regenerative Medicine

Posted: October 21, 2016 at 6:44 am

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Regenerative Medicine

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Newcastle Hospitals – Molecular Genetics

Posted: October 21, 2016 at 6:44 am

Contact: (0191) 241 8600 - Dr David Bourn, Head of Laboratory, Molecular Genetics

The molecular laboratory service provides genetic diagnosis for those families suffering from inherited conditions caused by mutation of specific single genes.Testing is performed using a variety of DNA analysis techniques to identify causative mutations or to track defective genes through families.

The Molecular Genetics Laboratory operates within the Professional Guidelines of the Clinical Molecular Genetics Society (CMGS).

The laboratory is accredited by Clinical Pathology Accreditation

Clinical scientists and MLSO staff are State Registered with the Health Professions Council after the required period of training.

The Molecular Genetics Laboratory participates in the following external quality assurance schemes:

Northern Genetics Service Institute of Genetic Medicine Central Parkway Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3BZ

Tel: 0191 241 8600

The laboratory operates Monday to Friday between the hours of 08.30 and 17.00.For the receipt and analysis of very urgent samples outside these hours, please make special arrangements with the laboratory.

Head of Laboratory

Dr David Bourn

telephone: 0191 241 8600

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