Pan Pacific Surgical Hawaii Plastic Surgery Symposium

Posted: November 27, 2016 at 8:42 pm

Why go to Hawaii? is not a question often asked since you may already have the answer. No one would question that Hawaii is one the most beautiful destinations on earth if not the earthly paradise. We can spend hours praising the spiritual beauty of its dance (hula) and its unique music heard over the emerald valleys and golden sands as well as the visceral power of its active volcanos with a constantly flowing river of molten red lava. Our next biennial and 33rd Hawaii Plastic Surgery Symposium is conveniently planned on Saturday and Sunday of February 17 and 18, 2018 (not 2017) to coincide with the ugly weather that prevails in most parts of the northern hemisphere where the cold, the ice and blizzard paralyze outdoor activities. So put on your imaginary lei and perhaps mix yourself a real Mai Tai and plan attending our next symposium in February 2018.

We present another great program with world-renowned speakers in 2018. We will be fortunate to have among the guest Faculty, Melvin Spira, Professor Emeritus and former Chairman of Plastic Surgery at Baylor-Houston; Mark Granick, Professor and Chair at Rutgers-NJ; Ernie Manders, Professor University of Pittsburg Med School; Dan Del Vecchio of Harvard/MGH; Angela Pratt, Professor and Chief of Ob/Gyn at University of Hawaii-Honolulu; Professor Wong C Choi of Seoul, South Korea; Frank Lista (Toronto-Canada); Maurice Nahabedian, Professor and Chairman, Georgetown University; Reza Jarrahy of UCLA; Ash Ghavami (Beverly Hills); Charles Lee, Clin. Prof. Seoul- S.Korea, and a host of other well-recognized authorities. The topics will include: what I did right and wrong as a plastic surgeon; Understanding metaphysics of Beauty; Fat Grafting; Stem Cells and their Future; Breast Implants; Rhinoplasty; Cosmetic Surgery of Genitalia; Face, Eye and Future of Transplantation; Breast Reconstruction; Gynecomastia; Patient Selection and a 2 hours course on Hormone Treatment. CME Category I pending up to 17 hours.

Registration fees: $550 for Surgeons ($500 for registrations before September 1, 2017); $200 for Allied Health; $200 for spouses; No registration fee for residents and medical students. The Registration fee includes all meals and a dinner reception on Saturday evening on February 17, 2018.

Best wishes and see you in February 2018!

Tom Kosasa, F. Don Parsa, Paul Faringer, Robert Peterson, Ash Ghavami, Tom Crabtree

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Pan Pacific Surgical Hawaii Plastic Surgery Symposium

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