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Category Archives: Testosterone Replacement Therapy

What I Learned From Taking Testosterone For A Decade

Posted: April 21, 2019 at 9:47 pm

There are a ton of short articles telling you to eat some kind of new superfood to boost your testosterone, but there is a surprising shortage of real talk about how normal people (men and women) really change their lives by gaining control of their testosterone levels.

I used bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy for almost a decade because I had a medical need for it, then stopped it a few years ago to make sure that it was not a confounding factor during the development of The Bulletproof Diet. I verified that I had found a way to raise my natural production with biohacking.

Ive been very public with my use of smart drugs like modafinil and anti-aging hormones like testosterone for years, and have talked about them with national TV reporters many times, but Ive never written about the experience as a whole until now.

Here is my story, and some real info for both men and women.

See what I learned

This post can absolutely change your life, and probably help you avoid some pitfalls. Like shrunken balls. (I am not an expert in the synthetic anabolic testosterone drugs used by bodybuilders they carry lots of risks but pack a big punch if you want to get swole. Bulletproof is all about having massive clean energy, looking good, and living a very long timeso anabolic steroids arent on my roadmap.)

Testosterone does a lot more than youd think, whether were talking about male or female biology. Its the hormone that helps you burn fat, build muscle [1], and increase your sex drive [2], and its power doesnt stop there. Keeping your testosterone levels in a normal range can make you happier, too [3], and testosterone can even improve your cardiovascular health and decrease your risk of mortality (from all causes!), according to a study of 83,000 older men who underwent testosterone replacement therapy [4].

In my late 20s, I visited an anti-aging doctor who was one of the pioneers of what we now call functional medicine. I got a full hormone test. Shockingly, my testosterone was lower than my mothers. No wonder I felt crappy and was overweight. My other sex hormones were out of whack too, especially my estrogen levels. They were high because the little testosterone I did make my body converted into estrogen. I went on a mix of topical replacement testosterone cream, plus small doses of pharmaceuticals like clomid and arimidex in order to keep my other sex hormones functioning properly.

The doctor regularly measured my levels to be sure they were within the normal range for a male my age. In other words, I wasnt taking roids to get big; I was getting control of hormones that were not functioning well. This is how you should look at testosterone therapy it is a gentle nudge to help you be in normal ranges, not a big push to get you huuu-yge. If youre like me, you want normal ranges of a 27-year-old, not of a 60-year-old. Its my plan to keep my testosterone where it is now (around 700) no matter what it takes. Right now, the Bulletproof Diet and the other biohacks Ive written about do that! Im 43.

The TLDR version of the rest of my story is that within days I found more zest for life than Id had in a long time. I felt better and got sick less. I woke up with a kickstand again. That said, there were some significant side effects too, which you can read about below.

Im telling you all of this because no matter who you are, keeping your testosterone levels balanced is more important now than ever before. Modern living has not been kind to our hormones. In American men, serum testosterone levels have declined by about 1% each year for the past 30 years [5], and you can make a few educated guesses about why. Hormone-disrupting chemicals are more prevalent than ever before, physical activity is less and less common, veganism is popular (I was a raw vegan for a while), and many doctors insist on pushing a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet for health (by the way, the concept of a low-fat diet began in the mid-70s, shortly before the nationwide testosterone decline. It could be a coincidence, but I doubt it).

Here are the 7 most powerful ways I know to increase your testosterone, both medically and naturally. Many of these recommendations are for you too, ladies men may have more testosterone, but its plenty important for women. Read on to learn more.

This is one of the most controversial recommendations I make, but it shouldnt be. Its no different than using thyroid medication. If your levels are low, and the other techniques here dont work, use TRT. You will like your life again. If your levels are low, bioidentical testosterone will make you live longer and better, provided you use it right.

There is no compelling legal, moral, or ethical argument against keeping your hormones wherever you want them, and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise does not have your best interests at heart. That said, you can screw yourself up with self-medication; we have medical schools for a reason.

If you have low testosterone, your functional medicine or anti-aging physician will help you diagnose it. There are several different hormones your physician should measure, but the most important two are your free testosterone and estrogen levels, because converting too much testosterone to estrogen is a problem thats different from not making enough testosterone in the first place. In my case, I wasnt making very much testosterone, and what I was making my body converted to estrogen way too effectively.

You can also order your own labs online from companies like WellnessFX, but unless youre using diet and inflammation control to raise your T, youll want to work with a doctor to treat it.

If you do have a sex hormone imbalance, and fixing your food and stress the way I recommend in The Bulletproof Diet doesnt work, you have a few options for correcting it.

When I first started TRT, my physician prescribed a cream that you rub into your skin. The cream version of TRT is not too convenient, because if someone touches you while you have the cream on, the testosterone can rub off on him/her. This can be really bad around kids or pregnant women. If youre sleeping next to someone, the cream can get on the sheets and transfer over that way, too. The cream can be annoying, but it works. Theres also a gel version called AndroGel; I skipped it because it doesnt absorb as well as the cream does.

The best place to put the cream or gel is on the scrotum (or perineum for women, but a different dose for sure!). However, no one likes greasy balls. The next best place is the armpits, so like many men on TRT I shaved my armpits and put the cream there. Greasy armpit hair = no bueno.

There is a dirty little secret about testosterone cream that almost no one knows, and Im going to share it here. Please dont abuse it. If you take a vanishingly small dose of testosterone cream and apply it to your labia and the vulva (or your partners), you will witness a form of vasodilation rarely seen no matter how good you are in bed. It has a profound local effect and will produce a night you wont forget for years.

You are still messing with hormones, and you dont want to do this all the time, but on an occasional basis, it is unlikely to be harmful, and very likely to blow your mind. (REMEMBER: THIS IS A DRUG. DO NOT DO THIS WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS NOT CONSENTED. That would be evil.)

In the last few years, a lot of men and women have switched over to a pellet that goes under your skin. This is probably the best way to take testosterone now. The pellet is life-changing for both men and women (the dose for women is much lower than it is for men). Women, you wont get bulky and grow a beard when you take testosterone to achieve normal levels, but you will probably lean out a little without losing your curves, and your energy and sex drive will be amazing. Female bodybuilders who experience weird scary side effects are taking anabolic steroids.

Some anti-aging physicians also use sublingual ( taken under the tongue) forms of non-bioidentical testosterone like oxandrolone. I took oxandrolone with a physicians guidance for about two weeks, and I got pimples and hair loss. I quit and was bummed that it didnt generate enough impact to write a blog post about it. I have continued to recommend bioidentical testosterone since.

Before TRT, I recommend trying the natural testosterone-balancing methods I outline in the rest of this post. (If you decide to do TRT, work with a doctor, use bioidentical testosterone, and keep your levels right where they should be. Taking too much is dangerous, and I do not advocate TRT without a qualified physicians guidance.

Be sure you cycle testosterone, too. After taking it for a couple years, I forgot to cycle, and I suffered gonadal hypotrophy my balls shrank. Dont let this happen to you!

Im all good now, by the way. I talked with a doctor about it and we decided to use a short course of HcG (another hormone) to correct the problem. Fortunately, the boys are full-size and happy again.

Like you would on the Bulletproof Diet.

Heres how your body makes testosterone:

Cholesterol > pregnenolone > androstenedione > testosterone

Testosterone begins with cholesterol. In fact, every single sex hormone you make you synthesize from cholesterol thats one reason a heart healthy low-fat, low-cholesterol diet limits your performance. Fat and cholesterol dont make you fat. They give your body the building blocks to create abundant testosterone and other sex hormones, which actually makes you lose weight and build muscle, especially if your current testosterone levels are low [1].

You may find this hard to believe, but some common breakfast foods like Kelloggs corn flakes and Graham crackers were invented 100 years ago to lower male libido. Kellogg and Graham believed that male sexual desire was the root of societys problems, so they set out to make bland foods that would take away libido (this is absolutely true; look it up). That low fat, grain-based thing absolutely works wonders for lowering testosterone.

There are two keys to incorporating fat in your diet: getting enough fat, and getting the right kinds of it. A study from 1984 (done, no doubt, with Big Brother watching) looked at 30 healthy men who switched from eating 40% fat (much of it saturated) to 25% fat (much of it unsaturated), with more protein and carbs to make up the difference in calories. After 6 weeks, their average serum testosterone, free testosterone, and 4-androstenedione (an important hormone for testosterone synthesis) all dropped significantly [6]. I think getting 40% of your calories from fat is too little I recommend 50-70% of calories from fat, or even more in some cases.

The other component of that study is that the subjects ate much less saturated fat. Saturated fats are common in meat, butter, and coconut products, and theyre crucial for your body to function. Saturated fats keep the integrity of your cell membranes, and if you limit carbs and/or do Bulletproof Intermittent Fasting, saturated fats become a phenomenal source of energy for your brain.

Great sources of fat include grass-fed beef and lamb, butter from grass-fed animals, pastured egg yolks, coconut oil, Brain Octane oil, raw nuts, avocados, and wild-caught fatty fish (sockeye salmon is my favorite). You can check out a full list of Bulletproof-approved fats here.

Sugar is to testosterone what kryptonite is to Superman. Eliminating sugar is probably the single most powerful way to increase your performance, in part because sugar absolutely devastates your testosterone levels (but all carbs do not, especially under heavy training.) In one study of 74 men, a 75g dose of sugar about the equivalent of a bottle of soda decreased serum testosterone by 25% in under an hour, and levels stayed low for at least 2 hours [7]. On top of that, 15% of the men who started with normal testosterone dipped into the hypogonadal range after they ate sugar thats the range in which doctors diagnose mens testes and womens ovaries as failing. When you do eat carbs, stick to Bulletproof ones like sweet potatoes and squash. My recommendations for types of carbs and how often to eat them are here.

You can still enjoy sweet flavors on the Bulletproof Diet, including desserts, but use birch syrup (xylitol from trees) or erythritol or stevia, not artificial sweeteners.

Exercise is the original testosterone booster, and its one of the most powerful full-body hacks around. Men see a sharp increase in both testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH) after lifting weights, and the boost is greater with shorter rest time between sets (1 minute rest outperforms 3 minutes rest) [9]. With the shorter rest time, women also get a large boost in HGH.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is another great option, especially if youre short on time or dont want to spend an hour in the gym for every workout. HIIT pushes you to your edge in minutes by using super intense exercise punctuated by brief rest. A full workout can take fewer than 20 minutes and leave you spent.

Rest and recovery is just as important as exercise, if not more so. Every time you do an intense workout, give yourself a minimum of 2 days to recuperate afterward, if not more. And dont mix exercise with sleep hacking. If youre exercising, get at least 8 hours of sleep every night. Your body uses it to rebuild, and you can throw your hormones out of whack if you dont rest up properly. Heres a more in-depth guide to Bulletproof weight training, complete with sample workouts.

Vitamin D and zinc are both essential to testosterone production. A year-long study looked at the vitamin D and testosterone levels of 2299 men. It found that men with vitamin D levels above 30 nmol/L had more testosterone and lower levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG binds to hormones so your cells cant use them, and if you have too much of it, your testosterone levels drop [8]. Men with vitamin D deficiency had lower testosterone and higher SHBG levels.

The other interesting thing about the study: mens testosterone levels were lowest in March (at the end of winter) and highest in August (at the end of summer). Sunlight affects your vitamin D production, so you have seasonal dips and peaks. Get a blood test to check your levels, and if youre low, take a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement. If youre going to take D3, take vitamin K2 and vitamin A with it. The three work in sync, so you want them all to be balanced. Here are my dosage recommendations.

Take a look at your zinc levels while youre getting your vitamin D checked. Zinc deficiency can also cause low testosterone. If youre low on zinc, try eating more grass-fed red meat, and maybe a few oysters now and then. You can also take a zinc supplement the dose will depend on how deficient you are, if youre deficient at all.

Yes, seriously. Many deodorants, lotions, shampoos, conditioners, shaving creams, and other grooming products contain hormone disruptors. Check the labels on your toiletries for:

If youre using products that contain phthalates or parabens, ditch them in favor of natural options. Its especially important to use a good deodorant, because the pores in your armpits absorb chemicals easily.

And never, ever use antiperspirant deodorant. When you stop yourself from sweating, youre blocking your bodys natural detoxing system. Plus, most antiperspirants use aluminum to stop your sweat. Aluminum has possible links to dementia, especially Alzheimers [12]. Its also what causes yellow underarm stains.

Two natural deodorant brands that really work are Herban Cowboy and Fat Face, and EO makes excellent lotion, shampoo, and conditioner. I love Mother Dirt for bacteria-friendly shampoo and soap.

Professional-athlete-turned-biohacker Maximilian Gotzler gave a speech about boosting testosterone at the 2015 Bulletproof Conference. He started by leading the room through the Haka, a Maori war dance that New Zealands pro rugby team has made popular. The Pasadena Conference Center trembled as over 100 people shouted and stomped in unison. It was awesome.

It also had a purpose. It turns out posing in powerful stances causes your testosterone to increase within 20 minutes [13,14]. In those two studies, power posing for just a few minutes also dropped cortisol and boosted confidence. Its a great way to start your day, or to give yourself an edge before a job interview or a big presentation. They dont call it warrior pose for nothing!

Hacking your testosterone influences everything from body composition to energy levels to mood. Its easy to eat more butter; its hard to visit a doctor and get tested, but thats what I recommend: know your levels. If youre 25, youll know what your target is when youre 35. By the time youve noticed symptoms of low testosterone, its too late to get your normal measurements!

So enjoy this information, get some data, and try some upgrades! Have a great week and thanks for reading. And watch out for the boys if you have them.

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What I Learned From Taking Testosterone For A Decade

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How Much Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Cost?

Posted: April 21, 2019 at 9:47 pm

The cost of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will include injections, supplies and everything else that comes with a safe and legal program. At Greenberg Health, the price will depend upon exactly what the client needs. There is no one specific number for the cost of testosterone therapy, but we can give you a general idea to plan your bright and exciting future.

There are two kinds of medications that are mostly used by our clinic. They are:

The generic medications are just as good as the brand names, so we can quote that for the generic Watson brands of these injections, the cost can begin at approximately $60.00 per week. Testosterone therapy cost using Depo-Testosterone can start at approximately $49.00 per week.

Women and some men will be using a cream instead of injections for their testosterone delivery. How much does testosterone replacement therapy cost when using a cream? The cost for the cream is approximately $125.00.

When using the generic Watson medications, this is what a client will receive in their TRT kit:

This is everything that a TRT patient will need for therapy and a clinical advisor will help to explain what is in the kit and how to use the contents. All the answers that you are looking to find are just a toll free phone call away when you are a patient of Greenberg Health.

The above information should give people a general idea of how much does testosterone therapy cost. In order to get an accurate price for medications and therapy, call our clinic and start a conversation with one of our highly trained and compassionate clinical advisors.

Our experts understand how patients feel when they call with the symptoms of low T. They will do everything possible to make clients feel comfortable and educated with TRT. They will make the process as simple and as easy to understand as possible.

How much does testosterone therapy cost? Here are the elements of a TRT program that make up the price of what any patient would pay to positively change their life:

A List Of What Makes Up The Price Of Testosterone Therapy

In order for a TRT program to be legal, according to US government, everything listed above must be included in a testosterone replacement therapy protocol. This is to protect patients from harm and to make sure that these potent medications are used properly.

Problems will usually occur if a patient does not want to pay the testosterone replacement therapy cost. Often these people are under 30, or are professional athletes looking to get injections for physical and athletic enhancement.

Some men will seek out testosterone injections to improve their sexual lives or to lose fat and to gain muscle. These are benefits from TRT, but are not reasons that a person can get legal injections. In order to get legal testosterone shots, patients must be dealing with clinically proven low T.

When a man does not have low T, but still desires to get his hands on testosterone injections, this is when they will often be bought from overseas, from the black market online or from unauthorized sellers. This is never recommended, as it can result in very negative side effects that can become extremely dangerous.

How much does testosterone replacement therapy cost when bought this way? Most likely a lot less than legal injections, but there is no guarantee that they will be real, authentic or safe. Plus, a man is looking at a great consequence physically and legally if they are caught using illegal testosterone injections.

Greenberg Health offers everything necessary for a safe TRT experience. Call us to learn all about legal testosterone replacement therapy at a fair cost.

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How Much Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Cost?

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Natural Testosterone Pellets | Testosterone Replacement …

Posted: April 21, 2019 at 9:47 pm

BioTE Medical offers natural testosterone pellets for men and women. Learn more about our products and then Find a Provider to get started today.

Testosterone is a hormone naturally found inside both men and women that is responsible for many different critical body processes. Testosterone is produced in the testes and ovaries. Deficiency occurs as the body ages but suffering from the side effects of this is no longer unavoidable.

BioTE Medical provides bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in the form of pellets. Other forms of testosterone are tablets taken by mouth, tablets placed in the cheek and left to dissolve, muscle injections, patches applied to skin or as a gel. The forms of testosterone that do not release a consistent dosing may provide patients with inconsistent treatment or in the case of patches, short term consistent treatment. Pellets are the only form of testosterone replacement therapy that provides consistent dosing over a period of up to six months. This simple solution to testosterone supplementation has provided lifechanging results for BioTE Medical patients.

BHRT, or bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, uses hormones that most closely represent the ones found in the human body. The term bio-identical refers to how the hormones used in BHRT have a similar molecular structure to the ones found naturally. BHRT uses hormones from plant based sources rather than the animal based sources found in synthetic hormones.

Testosterone pellets are powdered testosterone fused together into a pellet using stearic acid and no chemical binders. The compound pharmacies used provide high-quality pellets, with ingredients that are tested. This testing process gives pharmacists, doctors and patients confidence that only the best pellets are being administered to our patients.

Testosterone pellets are intended to treat a wide range of reproductive, emotional and nonreproductive conditions. Some of these include low energy, chronic exhaustion, sexual dysfunction, mood swings, irritability and many others. How can I get started with testosterone pellet therapy? Do you suffer from any of the conditions listed above? Get started with testosterone pellet therapy by finding your local BioTE Medical provider on our Find a Provider page.

BioTE Medical only offers bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in the form of subcutaneous pellets and with over million insertions performed in the companys history, we have seen many lives changed with optimized hormones. If any of the hormone imbalance symptoms mentioned above ring a bell for you, or remind you of someone you love, BioTE Medical encourages you to use our Find a Provider tool or to nominate your provider to begin your journey to wellness today.

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A new look at testosterone therapy – Harvard Health

Posted: April 21, 2019 at 9:47 pm

Declining testosterone is a normal part of aging, but is replacement therapy right for you? Here is what you need to know.

Published: May, 2016

Image: aquarius83men/Thinkstock

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has surged in popularity over the past decade. Millions of older men have turned to TRT to restore hormone levels in hopes of refueling energy and reigniting their sex drive.

Yet TRT remains controversial because of its uncertain benefits and potential health risks. Safety concerns were raised years ago when studies showed a possible association between TRT and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Frances Hayes, a reproductive endocrinologist with Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, points out that some of these studies had limitations.

"For instance, in one study, TRT doses were much higher than what would usually be prescribed, and the subjects tended to be more frail, with other health problems," she says. "Other studies showed no evidence of increased risk."

Recent research has supported this position. A study reported at the 2015 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions involved 1,472 men ages 52 to 63 with low testosterone levels and no history of heart disease. Researchers found that healthy men who received TRT did not have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, or death.

Furthermore, a study in the August 2015 Mayo Clinic Proceedings showed no link between TRT and blood clots in veins among 30,000 men. "Right now, the jury is still out about TRT's influence on cardiovascular disease," says Dr. Hayes.

TRT's relationship with other health issues is also mixed. For instance, TRT has previously been tied to a higher incidence of prostate cancer, but a study published in the December 2015 Journal of Urology found that exposure to TRT over a five-year period was not linked to a greater risk of aggressive prostate cancer.

The bottom line is that the long-term risks of TRT are still unknown, as many of these studies have limited follow-ups. That does not mean you should avoid TRT. For a selected subgroup of men, the therapy can be a viable option.

You need to have both low levels of testosteroneless than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL)and several symptoms (see page 7) to get a prescription for TRT. "It is possible to have low levels and not experience symptoms," says Dr. Hayes. "But if you do not have any of the key symptoms, especially fatigue and sexual dysfunction, which are the most common, it is not recommended you go on TRT given the current uncertainty with regard to long-term safety."

A simple blood test measures testosterone levels. Several tests are required, as levels can fluctuate daily and be influenced by medication and diet. "In 30% of cases where the first testosterone test is low, levels are normal when the test is repeated," says Dr. Hayes.

Even if your levels are low and you have several symptoms, TRT is not always the first course of action. "If you can identify the source for declining levels, often you can address that problem and increase low levels naturally," says Dr. Hayes.

For instance, the No. 1 contributor to falling levels is weight gain. "Weight has a bigger impact on testosterone levels than aging. As weight goes up, testosterone levels go down," she says. A five-point increase on the body mass index scalefor instance, going from 30 to 35is equivalent to adding 10 years to your age in terms of testosterone levels.

"Your doctor should also review any other factors that might influence levels, like medication or medical conditions," says Dr. Hayes. In these instances, your doctor may treat the underlying condition or change your medication or dosage to one that would not affect testosterone levels.

Men also need to understand the limits of TRT, as many envision it as a type of fountain of youth. "Its impact is less than what many men would expect," says Dr. Hayes.

For example, two often-touted benefits of TRT are sexual health and vitality. A double-blind study in the Feb. 18, 2016 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine reviewed the effects of TRT on 790 men ages 65 and older. Those who received TRT for one year, versus those on placebo, saw improvements in sexual function, including activity, desire, and erectile function. However, the group experienced only a slight improvement in mood and saw no changes in walking speed, which was used to measure TRT's effect on vitality.

TRT is often given by either gel application or injection. With a gel, you spread the daily doseoften the size of a ketchup packageover both upper arms, shoulders, or thighs. Injections are typically given into the buttocks once every two weeks.

Each method has its advantages. With gels, there is less variability in levels of testosterone. "However, you have to be careful to avoid close skin contact for a few hours, especially with women, as the testosterone could cause acne or hair growth," says Dr. Hayes.

With injections, testosterone levels can rise to high levels for a few days after the injection and then slowly come down. This can cause a roller-coaster effect, where mood and energy levels spike before trailing off.

Most men feel improvement in symptoms within four to six weeks, although changes like increases in muscle mass may take from three to six months.

TRT may not always need to be taken for life. "If the issue that caused your testosterone levels to drop in the first place resolves, you should have a trial off treatment and be re-evaluated by your doctor," says Dr. Hayes

Testosterone is the hormone that gives men their manliness. Produced by the testicles, it is responsible for male characteristics like a deep voice, muscular build, and facial hair. Testosterone also fosters the production of red blood cells, and increases bone density. Levels peak by early adulthood and drop as you ageup to 2% per year beginning around age 40. Normal levels are between 300 and 1,000 ng/dL. Low testosterone produces several symptoms, such as:

Disclaimer:As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last review on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.

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A new look at testosterone therapy - Harvard Health

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What Happens After 6 Months of TRT – TOT Revolution

Posted: April 21, 2019 at 9:47 pm

In my article on the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy, I talked about my decision to go on TRT at the age of 29.

In the prime of my life, I discovered I hadthe testosterone levels of a geriatric (old man).

How and when symptoms of low testosterone manifest, depends on the individual. Some men dont suffer until they get into the 300 levels, other suffer horrendously at levels of 500.Personally, it wasnt until my testosterone hit 400, that things took a turn for the worse.

Myperformance in the gym plummeted, my relationships began to suffer and I felt like a shadow of my former self.

I was completely lostin a fog of anxiety and depression. I had hit rock bottom.

No amount of mindfulness prepares you for the way you feelwhen your hormones falloff acliff. I honestly didnt knowif I cared whether I lived or not.

But there was still a part of me that refused to accept defeat. I thought if Im going to live, then I want to live a life of quality and I innately knew it meant going on TRT.

I see literally countless guys withsymptoms of low T, yet almost all of them refuse to acknowledgethe condition.

If you want a mediocre life then thats your choice.It was never an option for me.

The Next Step

After some sleepless nights,I decided to seek treatment for my condition. There were some mental blocks.

I have mentioned this elsewhere but I feel its important to stress. I spent hours readingJay Campbells book,The Definitive TRT MANual.

Over and over again, I poured thru it. Highlighting passage after passageuntil the scientific terms began to sink in. I supplementedJays bookbyvoraciously consumingthe content from theExcel Male Forum.

Manyyoung men undergoinghormone replacement therapy are encouraged to start onClomid in order to maintain their fertility. After research and discussionswith men who were treated with Clomid, I decided I wasnt comfortable with it as a treatment option.

Fortunately, my doctor listened to my concerns and allowed me to choose my treatment protocol. Iopted to go on TRT.(It must be stated it is rare to have a Physician offer a man of child bearing age TRT without first using a less disruptive HPTA medication like Clomid or beta hCG.) Due to my awareness and knowledge of others my age using Clomid, I didnt want to start down that pathway and adequately proved my case to my Doctor.

I began my therapy by working with mydoctor while closely analyzingmy blood work. I took tests every 3-4weeks to see the effects it had on my body. Due to the depth of my knowledge from reading Jays book and my online research,I didnt leave everything up to my doctor.

I lived life bymy motto:my health, my responsibility.

At first, reading lab results made my head spin. It was brutal trying to make sense of thedifferent lab tests and reference ranges. Eventually the test readouts began to make more sense.I read books on lab tests and googled every term I didnt understand. Im now at the point where I can comfortably read blood work.

I have to admit there were times I was impatient and wondered whether the treatment wouldever work. It took a couple of months before I started to notice the effects of TRT. The so called life changing feelings I had heard and read so much about.

The enhanced focus anddrive from TRT allowed me tochannelmy energy more efficiently in the gym.Ive never been in such good physical condition,and Im confident (due to my neurological efficiency improving as I age), things will only improve from here.

Before TRT, and due to my lack of balance between testosterone and estrogen, I lost my temper a lot more. Now I feel there is a calm undercurrent in every aspect ofmy life.

I still experienceemotional ups and downs, but overall I feel more grounded.Im bolder and want to take more risks. In fact, a few months ago I left my home in the UK to moveto another country.

Im 100% convinced optimizing my hormonal health with Testosterone had something to do with it.

APicture Says A ThousandWords

Take a look at the two pictures of me.

The first picture is the day I started TRT back in January. I look worried and unconfident.

In fact I remember that day vividly; I had filled my testosterone prescription but had been putting offinjecting for weeks. I was on the verge of a changing my life, but I was paralyzed with fear.

It took me a while to finally find the courageto act.

Fast forward 6 months later, in the second photoI look and appear more confident. My physique reflects the way I feel inside. I am proud of myself and who I have become.

I can honestly say, testosterone has given me back the energyIhad lost. It has also made me a Man with an unrelenting passion and drive to achieve more.

How You Can Take Control of Your Life

I cannot emphasize this enough. It is CRUCIAL youfind a doctor who trulyunderstands hormone replacement therapy.

Just because they have a title in front of their name doesnt meanshit.

Trust me on this.

If you have to pay more or travel further to get the right doctor then its worth it.

Working with a doctor inexperienced at managing male endocrine systems will leave you worse off than before you started.

Here are the behaviors of a Doctor who doesnt know how to improve male hormonal health:

Do your research and know the risks and side effects.

Even if my I had lost some hair and had to deal with an increase inacne (as a minor side effect of TRT), I can assure you, I wouldnt have cared!

If youve ever suffered from the symptoms of Low Testosterone, you would know its not a life worth living.

Most of the storiesyouve been fed about the dangers oftestosterone are totalbullshit.

If you want toknow the truth about TRT,READ JAYS BOOK!

Real Knowledge is POWER!

Create theRight Environment

Just like a plantneeds water and sunlight to thrive, TRT needs the right environment in order to flourish.

How do you create it? The answer is by leading a TRT-friendly lifestyle.

A TRT-friendly lifestyle means minimizingif not eliminatingalcohol consumption altogether. Thats right. I said it. GET RID OF ALCOHOL.

To all the drunks reading this, Im talking to you. You want a better body, mind and life? Ditch the spirits.Alcohol promotes estrogen conversion (beer belly anyone?).

You should also lift weights several times a week for lean muscle gainand do steady-state cardio forheart health. And you should regularly sleep between 5-7 hours a night and follow asolid nutrition plan that works for you.

Does this sound like a lot of work? If it does, then maybe you should reconsider your thoughts about using TRT.

If you want exceptional results on TRT, you need be prepared tolive an exceptional life! Alife filled with choices that requireeffort and diligence.

Lazy, unmotivated, unwilling togrindMen should stop reading now. If that is you, go ahead and close out this window.

In the year prior to TRT,I had given up alcoholand somewhatdialed in my nutrition. I understood how to trainto get the typeof physique I wanted, but I didnt have the results to show for it.

Because I had thefoundation in place, (special thanks to Jim Brown and Jay Campbell for their tutelage) once I started TRT, itwas like one of thestreet race scenes fromthe Fast and the Furious wherethey press the NOS button


Remember the old adage, If you build it, itwill come?

I can honestly say when utilizing the services of a progressive TRT physician, combined withcreating an optimal personalized health care environment,your therapy willflourish.

Final Thoughts

You must understand Testosterone Replacement Therapy is still on the bleeding edge.

Mostdoctors without an accepted standard of patient care model to rely on, simply have no clue. But that doesnt mean there are not excellent progressive physicians available to you. Do your homework.

Thehuman endocrine system is too finelybalanced to allow an incompetent doctor to come in and mess it up. Ensure you find an experienced progressive doctor who knows thebusiness of male hormonal health.

If you dont know how to train or what to eat-do yourself a favor and learn from those who do. Consult with Jay Campbell and Jim Brown.

Read books and expand your mind. Learn to think for yourself.

Take control of your own health. Dont leave it in the hands of an outdated and imploding medical system designed on treating sick people.

Nothing is ever given to you in this world, you have to go out there and take it.

Im not here to lie to you. TRTis a big decision and a lifelong commitment. Yes-a lifelong commitment.

You need to ask yourself ifyoure prepared to do what it takes to make TRT work for you. If you are expecting things to change overnight, this will simply not happen.

I still have a long road ahead to possessthe kind of physiqueand mindset I desire.

Massive success requires massive effort.


Something rarely discussed when it comes to TRT: energy alignment.

When your hormones are optimized and your body is structurally whole,your energy is aligned.

This positions youto make massive inroads towards elevating your consciousness/chi/spirituality.

Being in a state of energy alignment gives you the ability toappreciate life for the wondrous enjoyment it provides.

It allows you to live a life filled with gratitude.

Based on what youve just read, why not choose a hormonally optimized life?

I know I have and life has never been better. Onward and upward.

UPDATE: Find out What Happens After 1 Year of TRT.

Daniel Kelly is a passionate 30 year old hormonally optimized Millennial. His mission is to motivate the unmotivated thru his blogging on training, consciousness and energy management.

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The Side Effects of Too Much Testosterone – Mantality Health

Posted: April 21, 2019 at 9:47 pm

The Side Effects of Too Much TestosteroneLevel hormones lead to a healthy lifestyle. So of course too much testosterone can have implications on your health. Find out what side effects to look for.Keyword(s): Too Much Testosterone

Increasing testosterone levels can have beneficial effects ona mans health. But did you know that too much testosterone can have serious implications on ones health, as well?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy aims to improve a manscognition, libido, and physical physique. Yet, someone receiving Testosterone Replacement Therapy is at risk of other side effects.

Were going to explain what happens when the body produces too much testosterone. Before beginning Testosterone Replacement Therapy, its important to know the possible side effects!

If you plan to start Testosterone Replacement Therapy, this article is for you!

Testosterone is a steroid hormone. While it is present in women, its the male sex hormone that characterizes men.

When boys go through puberty, the testosterone in their bodies increase. During puberty, testosterone growth will cause a boys voice to deepen. It also causes facial and pubic hair to develop.

The levels of testosterone in a males body fluctuates throughout their lives. Testosterone levels climax while a man is in his 20s. As he ages, the amount of testosterone his body produces starts to fall.

Men whose bodies arent producing enough testosteronedont feel energized. They struggle to get through their daily lives. Men with low levels of testosterone will also experience lower sex drive.

Testosterone makes up the male sex drive. So, lower levels of testosterone would lead to decreased libido. Men experiencing low levels of testosterone may have difficulty maintaining erections.

Men with low levels of testosterone can also develop depression and mood fluctuations. They may have more difficulty in concentrating, as well.

There are several forms of Testosterone Replacement Therapy. They all consist of using testosterone supplements under the supervision of a doctor.

Testosterone therapy often gets a bad rep. In the past, people have abused it. In the past, people have injected steroids without their doctors discretion.

Its possible for people to have naturally high levels of testosterone. When someone receives an influx of testosterone, they can experience intense side effects.

People who take testosterone are likely to see improvements in their depression. Theyll feel more energized, confident, and motivated.

Muscle development depends on something known as protein synthesis. While weightlifting, the cells in our bodies break down. Thats why its important to consume protein before and after a workout.

The cells in our bodies go through a cycle of death and regeneration. Protein helps our cells regenerate and carry out their functions.Protein synthesis is the process of cell regeneration, and testosterone enhances this process.

Testosterone supports protein synthesis. In supporting protein synthesis, it improves muscle mass and basal metabolic rate. Men who take testosterone are likely to see better results from working out!

Testosterone Replacement Therapy has many benefits. Yet, there are also adverse side effects that you and your doctors should look out for.

Increased levels of testosteronecan lead to reduced cognition. Men who take too much testosterone are likely to have poorer judgment. They may make rash decisions before thinking their decisions through.

They can also respond to situations more in more aggressive manners. Too much testosterone can lead to aggression and risky behavior. Mood swings are typical when there is too much testosterone in the body.

Mood swings related to high testosterone can range from euphoria to depressive lows. People with high testosterone are more irritable and impatient.

Theyre also more likely to snap at others.This is especially the case in people who abuse steroids.

Its also possible for people receiving testosterone therapy to gain weight. Sometimes this happens because the body will convert extra testosterone into estrogen.

Men with higher levels of testosterone are more prone to develop acne, oily skin, and balding. High testosterone levels correlate with high DHT levels.

DHT is another sex hormone thats responsible for male characteristics. These characteristics include facial hair and a deep voice. When there is too much DHT in the body, acne can develop and a man can lose his hair.

The brain will signal for the body to stop producing testosterone when it senses too much of it. When this happens, the testicles shrink in size because it stops producing testosterone. This can also lead to low sperm count.

Tell your doctor right away if you notice a shrinkage in the size of your testicles. This may be a sign that your testosterone levels are too high.

High blood cell count is one of the biggest things to look out for during testosterone therapy. Increases in red blood cell count can cause blood clotting. Blood clotting can lead to strokes or heart attacks.

Red blood cell and hemoglobin levels can increase with testosterone therapy. Your doctor should conduct routine blood exams to watch your red blood cell levels.

Increased levels of testosterone can lead to increased levels of estrogen.

Testosterone naturally converts into estrogen through a process known as aromatization. When there is an influx of testosterone in the body, more will convert into estrogen.

Men can experience mood swings and breast sensitivity as a result. Their blood pressure can also increase. Thats why its important to watch someones estrogen levels during testosterone therapy.

Doctors can help ensure that youre not receiving too much testosterone during therapy. They can keep your testosterone, estrogen, and DHT levels balanced.

Your doctor or testosterone replacement therapist should check your blood levels. In doing so, you can decrease the risks of blood clots, heart attack, stroke, mood swings, and acne.

TestosteroneReplacement Therapy can improve energy levels, libido, and the effects of aging.

It is, however, possible to receive too much testosterone. When there is too much testosterone in the body, you can experience adverse side effects.

Its necessary to undergo Testosterone Replacement Therapy under the supervision of a doctor. Contact Mantality to learn more about managing the side effects of high testosterone!

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Male Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) | Laser Center …

Posted: March 27, 2019 at 10:44 pm

Feel Better with TRT and Get Back in the Game!

We hear a lot about the changes caused by menopause in women, but much less about andropause (so called manopause) or low testosterone in men. Young men in their late teens and twenties seem to have boundless energy driven by high testosterone levels, but that doesnt last. Testosterone levels drop about one percent a year after age 30 and many men experience an even steeper decline. This steady drop in testosterone can lead to a need for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

Physical signs of declining testosterone (low T) include decreased muscle strength and size, increased fat- especially belly fat, loss of body hair, dry eyes, elevated blood pressure, thinning dry skin, enlarging fatty breasts (gynecomastia), and lack of body odor.

The Adam Questionaire is a sensitive tool for screening for low T. A decrease in sex drive or erectile dysfunction suggest low T. Other symptoms include decreased energy or strength, decreased enjoyment of life, sadness or grumpiness, falling asleep after dinner, or a recent deterioration in work performance.

Fortunately, most men can be restored to hormonal health with proper medical care. The benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) include increased energy and strength, increased muscle mass, decreased osteoporosis, improved cholesterol profile, lowered blood sugars, improved sexual function, and increased longevity.

Men experiencing the symptoms of low T need a focused medical history, physical exam, and laboratory testing by a physician with specialized training in TRT. Although testosterone may be replaced by transdermal gels or implanted pellets, most patients are best managed by self administered injections of bioidentical testosterone and HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Some men may also need estrogen blocking pills.

The good news is that many of these negative symptoms are not really from aging at all, but rather from low testosterone. You can improve your health and recapture the joy and vigor of life.

TRT is safe if appropriately prescribed and monitored. There is no evidence that testosterone causes cancer, however preexisting prostate cancer may grow faster with TRT. It is very important to have a prostate exam and a serum PSA (prostatic specific antigen) level prior to beginning therapy, and to monitor the PSA level regularly.

You may very well start feeling better within days. However, body composition changes will transform over several months as your testosterone (T) level is optimally tuned. Several patients have already reported weight loss and lean muscle gain within the first month. They have have also reported increased erection strength, better sex drive, and an overall uptick in energy.

Male breast enlargement (gynecomastia) is a sign of testosterone/estrogen imbalance. Patients with this problem may need an estrogen blocker in addition to TRT. Therapy does not reverse the enlargement, but often Laser Assisted Liposuction can correct it very nicely.

The Laser Center of Maryland proudly provides Baltimore, Annapolis, Columbia, Severna Park, Glen Burnie and Pasadena, Maryland with comprehensive and advanced laser surgery and cosmetic surgery.

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Health and Longevity

Posted: February 15, 2019 at 11:42 pm

A reader writes in regarding initiating TRT therapy.

From: Frank

Subject: Spoke with a TRT doctor

Date: Aug22, 2015 at 10:39:25 PM PDT

To: Jay Campbell

Jay thank you for your help with this, this is a BIG decision to do TRT for me. I need to do something.

Theres a TRT doctor (M.D.) at my gym and I shared my blood work with him today, here are his recommendations to make certain I can still have kids a safe script he says. He says I desperately need T.

1. Mixed Androgen / T Injection Weekly Test Cypionate 150mg, Nandrolone Decanoate 50mg, Winstrol 20mg, Deca 1.2mg

(you talk about T Cypionate in the book, but not about mixed injections)

2. Clomid 50mg before before bed

3. Anastrozole 1 cap every other morning

4. Propecia every morning.

5. HCG/Hydroxycobalamin 10 units (625mcg) injected nightly

6. Sermorelin GHRP 15 units combined with the HCG injection nightly.

This guy is an M.D. of internal medicine

Im still going to meet with the guys in Florida next week over Skype.

Am I on the right track?


Its unfortunate that these type of emails are not uncommon.

The answer to his question is:


What legitimate physician in their right mind would attempt to prescribe you medications (ie anabolic steroids) that are only allowed for wasting conditions? (and even then not usually justified)

There are none.

Gentleman, if your doctor or any doctor for that matter is recommending the usage of synthetics (and you do not have a clinical diagnosis which legally allows you to use these medications), RUN AWAY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.

These type of rogue physicians are only going to get into serious trouble with the DEA/FDA and youre going to have to find another doctor.

There is only one way to prescribeTestosterone Replacement Therapy (for men who truly have Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome) and that is within the context of HEALTH and LONGEVITY.

End of story and case closed.

If you are struggling to find a competent doctor, familiarize yourself with our TRT resources page.

Listen to our Hangoutsand watch our videos. Check out my good friend Nelson Vergels Excel Male!

The answers to all of your questions are waiting for you to find them.


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The Lowdown on Testosterone Replacement Therapy | Berkeley …

Posted: January 23, 2019 at 3:43 am

Promoters of prescription testosterone products promise that the hormone is nothing less than a fountain of youth for men of a certain age. And sales of these testosterone pills, gels, and patches have soared, nearly quadrupling in the United States between 2000 and 2011.

Many claims from drug companies and anti-aging clinics are directed at men who hope to regain their youthful vigor and improve their strength, sexual prowess, athletic performance, and appearance. Natural levels of the sex hormone normally decline with age. As they ebb, sex drive often slips into low gear, youthful energy fades, bones get thin and brittle, and physical ability sags, among other changes.

Some doctors began to surmise that testosterone replacement therapy could reverse certain age-related changes men experience, or at least hold them off for a while. But many men prescribed testosterone replacement therapy dont have an abnormally low blood level of testosteroneor havent even had the hormone measured.

Until recently, there has been little scientific evidence to support testosterone replacement, except for men whose bodies dont produce enough of the hormone, a medical condition called hypogonadism, or androgen deficiency. It differs from the natural process of decreasing testosterone that comes with normal aging, sometimes referred to as late-onset hypogonadism.

To test whether testosterone replacement offered older men any benefits, the National Institutes of Health sponsored a series of seven rigorously controlled, randomized trials, known as the Testosterone Trials, or TTrials, the largest of their kind.

Findings from four clinical trials were published in February 2017 by JAMA and JAMA Internal Medicine. Findings from the first three trials appeared in February 2016 in The New England Journal of Medicine.

The TTrials recruited 790 men ages 65 and older who had low testosterone levels and exhibited symptoms that could be related to low testosterone. Blood testosterone levels of 275 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter) or below were considered low. Their low levels were attributed to aging and not to another recognized cause, such as hypogonadism.

Some men were randomly assigned to receive hormone replacement in the form of a 1 percent prescription gel applied to the skin daily. Others received a placebo, or inactive gel. Scientists tested whether testosterone replacement therapy offered any benefit over the course of one year. Heres what they found:

Sexual function. Testosterone replacement therapy modestly boosted sex drive and improved erections in men with low testosterone enrolled in the sexual function arm of the TTrials.

But improvements tended to decline over a year, leading experts to suggest that testosterone replacement therapy isnt as effective as drugs such as tadalafil (Cialis) and sildenafil (Viagra) for treating erectile dysfunctionalthough they wont help sex drive.

Physical function. Researchers studied whether testosterone replacement therapy improved mens walking speed over six minutes. Disappointingly, there was no difference between the testosterone group and the placebo group on either measure.

Vitality. In the trial that gauged how men rated their energy and vitality, testosterone replacement therapy fell flat. Scores for both the testosterone and placebo groups remained the same.

Bone density. Among the more encouraging findings is evidence that testosterone replacement therapy can help protect against bone loss. After a year on testosterone, volunteers who had normal bone density (none had osteoporosis) had a significant increase in bone mineral density and bone strength compared with men on a placebo.

Because the trial lasted only one year, researchers cant say with certainty that the increased bone density will ultimately lower fracture risk or if the same effect would be seen in men with osteoporosis. For now, men with low bone density and at high risk of fracture should look to proven osteoporosis medication, which has been studied for long-term use and is known to help prevent fractures.

Anemia. For years, doctors have been puzzled by a form of anemia (an abnormally low number of red blood cells) that appears in some men as they age. To test whether low testosterone levels might be the culprit, researchers studied the effect of testosterone replacement therapy on a group of 126 men with known and unknown causes of anemia.

After 12 months, testosterone treatment significantly increased their hemoglobin levels by stimulating the production of red blood cells: 58 percent of the men with unexplained anemia were no longer anemic, compared with only 22 percent of the men in the placebo group. Testosterone replacement therapy also helped men who had anemia from known causes, such as iron deficiency.

Brain health. Hopes ran high that testosterone replacement therapy might help counter some age-related changes affecting memory and cognition. No such luck. The Cognition Trial included 493 men with low testosterone and age-associated memory impairment. Testosterone replacement therapy offered no benefits for memory or other aspects of brain function.

Heart health. Some past studies have raised red flags that testosterone might increase the risk for heart attacks, strokes, and blood clots. The new findings add to those concerns.

Using scans to measure plaque in the arteries of 170 men with heart disease risk factors, researchers found that men on testosterone replacement therapy had more plaque buildup and greater narrowing of their arteries than men in the placebo group. The findings are worrisome because plaque buildup can raise the risk of a heart attack or a stroke.

'Low T': Fanning Fears and Making a Fortune

Is low-T making you feel like a shadow of your former self? Chances are youve seen that pitch, featured in slick TV or magazine ads that warn about the risks of low testosterone. Here's what you should know.

The TTrials have gone a long way in separating the hype from the real benefits testosterone replacement therapy may offer. But one important question remains unanswered: Is long-term testosterone replacement therapy use safe?

Because the TTrials were only one year long, they dont shed light much on the therapys risks. Some long-term studies have associated testosterone replacement therapy with prostate cancer, whereas others report no evidence that testosterone replacement therapy in men with low testosterone levels increases prostate cancer risk.

And concern remains about the effects of testosterone replacement therapy on cardiovascular health over time. In 2015, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration began requiring testosterone products to carry a warning about their associated risk for heart attack and stroke.

Other risks associated with testosterone replacement therapy include erythrocytosis (an abnormal increase of red blood cells) and benign prostatic hyperplasia (an enlarged prostate), or BPH.

Testosterone replacement therapy side effects include acne, breast enlargement, unwanted hair growth, and infertility. Men who have prostate or breast cancer, sleep apnea, BPH, or heart failure shouldnt use testosterone replacement therapy because it can worsen those conditions.

Most experts agree that doctors should consider testosterone replacement therapy only for men with proven low levels of testosterone who have symptoms that might improve with treatment, such as anemia, bone loss, or loss of sexual desire or function.

The only sure way to know whether your testosterone is low is to be diagnosed by a doctor, who will perform a physical exam, take your medical history, test your blood on at least two separate days, and rule out other conditions.

If youre considering testosterone replacement therapy, you might do well to start with a few healthy lifestyle changes that can offer even more benefits than hormone replacement.

Being overweight or obese is closely associated with low testosterone. Losing weight can raise hormone levels. Regular exerciseeven a brisk 30-minute walk a few times a weekcan improve vitality, strengthen muscles and bones, lower heart disease risk, and possibly even improve your sex life. Thats far more than testosterone replacement therapy can promise.

This article originally appeared in the July 2017 issue of Health After 50.

Also see Sex Boosters in a Bottle?

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Testosterone Replacement Therapy – Royal Medical Center

Posted: January 23, 2019 at 3:43 am

There are three main medications for testosterone treatment

Testosterone is used to increase and optimize hormone levels. The dosage varies and is determined by the prescribing physician. A patients medical history, lab results and physical are all factored in during diagnosis.HCG is used to prevent testicular shrinkage and maintain the natural production of the hormone in the testes.An Estrogen Blocker is used to control the levels of estrogen in mens bodies.

Our doctors have designed a safe and proven program for our patients to maximize life-changing benefits, including

Improved sexual performance

Improves skin tone and elasticity

increases energy and stamina

These benefits are seen when low hormone levels are treated in hypogonadal and andropausal men. Follow-up is the key to success for our patients and Royal Medical Center

90 days after beginning the powerful hormone replacement therapy program, the patient will be required to follow up with additional labs. This is to determine that the diagnosis and dosages are on target. If we are not pleased with your levels, the regimen will be altered to suit the best results for the patient.

Physicals will be conducted at least once a year or per request by the physician.

*Patients using testosterone supplements should seek medical attention immediately is symptoms of a heart attack or stroke are present, such as:

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