Male Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) | Laser Center …

Posted: March 27, 2019 at 10:44 pm

Feel Better with TRT and Get Back in the Game!

We hear a lot about the changes caused by menopause in women, but much less about andropause (so called manopause) or low testosterone in men. Young men in their late teens and twenties seem to have boundless energy driven by high testosterone levels, but that doesnt last. Testosterone levels drop about one percent a year after age 30 and many men experience an even steeper decline. This steady drop in testosterone can lead to a need for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

Physical signs of declining testosterone (low T) include decreased muscle strength and size, increased fat- especially belly fat, loss of body hair, dry eyes, elevated blood pressure, thinning dry skin, enlarging fatty breasts (gynecomastia), and lack of body odor.

The Adam Questionaire is a sensitive tool for screening for low T. A decrease in sex drive or erectile dysfunction suggest low T. Other symptoms include decreased energy or strength, decreased enjoyment of life, sadness or grumpiness, falling asleep after dinner, or a recent deterioration in work performance.

Fortunately, most men can be restored to hormonal health with proper medical care. The benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) include increased energy and strength, increased muscle mass, decreased osteoporosis, improved cholesterol profile, lowered blood sugars, improved sexual function, and increased longevity.

Men experiencing the symptoms of low T need a focused medical history, physical exam, and laboratory testing by a physician with specialized training in TRT. Although testosterone may be replaced by transdermal gels or implanted pellets, most patients are best managed by self administered injections of bioidentical testosterone and HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Some men may also need estrogen blocking pills.

The good news is that many of these negative symptoms are not really from aging at all, but rather from low testosterone. You can improve your health and recapture the joy and vigor of life.

TRT is safe if appropriately prescribed and monitored. There is no evidence that testosterone causes cancer, however preexisting prostate cancer may grow faster with TRT. It is very important to have a prostate exam and a serum PSA (prostatic specific antigen) level prior to beginning therapy, and to monitor the PSA level regularly.

You may very well start feeling better within days. However, body composition changes will transform over several months as your testosterone (T) level is optimally tuned. Several patients have already reported weight loss and lean muscle gain within the first month. They have have also reported increased erection strength, better sex drive, and an overall uptick in energy.

Male breast enlargement (gynecomastia) is a sign of testosterone/estrogen imbalance. Patients with this problem may need an estrogen blocker in addition to TRT. Therapy does not reverse the enlargement, but often Laser Assisted Liposuction can correct it very nicely.

The Laser Center of Maryland proudly provides Baltimore, Annapolis, Columbia, Severna Park, Glen Burnie and Pasadena, Maryland with comprehensive and advanced laser surgery and cosmetic surgery.

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