PRP & Stem Cell Treatment in Richmond VA – Dr. Bill Nordt …

Posted: July 11, 2018 at 1:42 am

If youve been told that surgery was the only option to relieve your joint pain, you may considerStem Cell Therapy or Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection Therapyoffered by Dr. Nordt in Richmond, Virginia.

It is said that every pain has a story.Your situation and your pain are unique. Accordingly, you should expect treatment that is tailored specifically for you. Although Stem Cell and PRP Injection Therapy isnt for everyone, if youre suffering from acute or chronic pain in your knees, shoulders or hips, you may want to investigate these new fields of regenerative therapy.

These treatments use your bodys own repair mechanism and growth factors to promote healing.Stem cell therapy can be used to address various knee conditions.Many research laboratories are applying stem cell therapy to painful joint conditions.In theory, these cells can replicate, regenerate and restore healthy cellular tissue in areas of delayed or failed healing.

Stem Cell Therapy is a cutting-edge treatment that can be used to treat the pain and symptoms associated with a damaged joint. Pain from joint injury and deterioration is the result of multiple factors, including tissue damage, edema, and inflammation. Whenever possible, efforts to promote natural healing should be utilized. In those instances that ones own healing mechanism is inadequate, measures to jump-start the process may be indicated.

Stem cells are precursor cells and possess the capacity to transform into multiple tissue types. Stem cells are thought to have the potential to stimulate new growth and repair connective tissue. These cells enhance the bodys natural ability to heal itself, either through cell-to-cell mediation or genetic upregulation and matrix production.

Stem cells are either syringe- injected or surgically implanted into a joint to promote healing of the damaged ligaments, tendons and cartilage.

It should be noted that stem cells are still considered experimental in many orthopedic applications. Small or lesser degrees of tissue damage is more likely to benefit from any biological intervention. Stem cells may impart a mechanism to control inflammation, and in that event, can be helpful in any joint condition in which inflammation is a factor.

We are still in the process of understating just which conditions are most amenable to stem cell treatment. It is expected that over time, the indications and processes of stem cell injections will broaden.

Stem cells can be harvested from ones own bone marrow with a needle, known as a bone marrow aspiration or BMA. This can be performed under local or general anesthesia or with sedation. The bone marrow aspiration may be part of a larger surgery or a stand-alone procedure.

Stem cells can also be sourced from laboratories which are commercially prepared. Many commercial preparations are from the amniotic fluid of healthy newborns. They are delivered frozen and injected with a syringe.

Dr. Nordt is considered to be one of Richmonds leading providers of Stem Cell Therapy to be used in the treatment of degenerative various knee and shoulder disorders. To learn more about Stem Cell Therapy, contact Dr. Nordt s staff for more information.

Platelets are small discs that are derived from the fragmentation of precursor megakaryocytes. They play an important role in hemostasis and are a natural source of growth factors. Platelets are one of the key factors in forming blood clots and helping wounds heal.

Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, is blood plasma with concentrated amounts of platelets and other growth factors. The high levels of platelets found in PRP contain huge reservoirs of bioactive proteins, including growth factors and signaling proteins that are vital to initiate and accelerate tissue repair and regeneration.

To create Platelet Rich Plasma, a small amount of blood is taken from the patients arm. This blood is then placed in a centrifuge, where it is spun and the platelets are separated from the rest of the blood components. This takes less than 15 minutes and increases the concentration of platelets and growth factors up to 500%.

The specially prepared platelets are taken and reinjected into and around the point of injury. At this point in the process, the platelets release special growth factors that lead to tissue healing. By injecting injured areas with concentrated platelets, we can increase the growth factors up to five times which promotes temporary relief, is thought to promote overall healing, and stop any inflammation at the site of the injury.

PRP injection is a treatment option for various orthopedic injuries and conditions, which have traditionally required surgery or other extensive treatments. PRP injections are being utilized with increasing frequency and effectiveness in the field of orthopedic medicine.

Some common injuries that are treated with PRP injections include:

PRP injections are a fairly quick procedure that consists of drawing the blood to create Platelet Rich Plasma, preparing the PRP in the centrifuge, and then injecting the PRP into the affected area. The whole process is fairly quick and doesnt require anesthesia. This is a highly effective treatment that can be used to avoid intrusive joint surgery that would require a much longer period of rehabilitation.

Dr. Nordt is one or Richmonds leading providers of PRP Injection Therapy for the use of alleviating muscle and joint pain related to various orthopedic injuries and conditions. To learn more about PRP Injection Therapy, contact Dr. Nordts staff for more information.

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PRP & Stem Cell Treatment in Richmond VA - Dr. Bill Nordt ...

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