Prevention is the best medicine | Caseys Corner – Oroville Mercury-Register

Posted: June 22, 2022 at 1:54 am

We all know that heart-sinking feeling when our dog gets ill or has a sudden emergency. But lets step backward in time before that illness or accident, and take a look at ways it might have been prevented.

Too many of us dont think a lot about preventive care; instead, we only take action when our dog is clearly sick, badly injured or due for a vaccination. Thats backward-looking care, when we should be looking forward.

One of the most important preventative steps is to take your dog for annual or semi-annual, if your pup is a senior veterinary checkups. These comprehensive exams can catch little problems before they become big ones. They also give you an opportunity to have a frank discussion with your vet about your dogs lifestyle, activity level, mental health, life stage and behavioral issues. Talk too about what vaccinations and preventative medications are essential for your specific area, and which ones you can skip. Your vet can also help you decide when to spay and neuter your dog and can do routine procedures like checking to make sure his microchip is scanning properly. (Your dog is microchipped, isnt he?)

Another prevention suggestion that you may not have thought about is keeping your dogs toenails trimmed. A too-long toenail can easily get snagged, resulting in a painful, torn nail.

In the car, always secure your dog with a harness and dog seatbelt, or in a crate or carrier thats strongly fastened in the car. Never let your dog be untethered or uncrated in the open bed of a pickup (In fact, its illegal in California to have an untethered dog in the back of a pickup).

Make sure your yard is secure: check your fencing regularly for things like holes, downed sections and areas where your dog could scoot underneath and get out. Make sure any gates cant be opened by a curious or rowdy dog. Reliable fencing also prevents other animals from getting in and initiating a fight, or in the case of wild animals, badly injuring your dog. And dont rely on so-called invisible or electronic fencing: While it may keep your dog contained (or it may not: many a dog has broken through the electronic barrier and either disappeared or been hit by a car), it wont keep other dogs or animals from coming into your yard and potentially attacking your dog.

Keep all medications out of reach of your dog. Even common over-the-counter meds like ibuprofen and naproxen can cause serious and even fatal effects if your pup ingests them. The same is true for dog treats, or any type of food that your dog might find tasty. Dont assume that your dog probably cant reach a counter or table or cant get into a bag of chocolate chips. Most of the time, gorging on a half-full bag of dog cookies will only result in a bout of vomiting or diarrhea, but theres a chance it could trigger a potentially deadly condition like pancreatitis or bloat.

Try to brush your dogs teeth. Dogs can suffer from dental problems just as humans can, and the problems it can cause arent restricted to only their teeth: the bacteria created by periodontal disease can enter the bloodstream and travel to areas like the heart, the liver and the kidneys. If your dog absolutely refuses to let you get anywhere near him with a toothbrush, try a dog chew specifically made to address plaque and tartar buildup. There are several on the market, but some are more effective than others, so talk with your veterinarian.

So remember: prevention really IS the best medicine!

Joan Merriam lives in Nevada County with her golden retriever Joey, her Maine coon cat Indy and the abiding spirit of her beloved golden retriever Casey in whose memory this column is named. You can reach Joan at And if youre looking for a golden, be sure to check out Homeward Bound Golden Retriever Rescue.

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Prevention is the best medicine | Caseys Corner - Oroville Mercury-Register

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