A healthy approach to the new year – AdVantageNEWS.com

Posted: January 5, 2020 at 4:25 am

The confetti is cleaned up and the New Year is underway. Millions of people are working on their resolutions, with some of the most popular goals centering on starting or improving healthy habits.

Some of the most popular resolutions focus on healthy eating, losing weight and quitting smoking or alcohol use. While all of these are important goals that reduce cancer risks, many forget to add preventative exams and screenings to their resolution roll calls.

Dr. Omar Khokhar is a gastroenterologist at OSF HealthCare St. Joseph Medical Center in Bloomington. He says simple screenings can save lives, especially when it comes to colon cancer. He suggests a simple conversation with your primary care provider to get the ball rolling.

Everything we know about medicine now is being proactive, Khokhar said. The days of getting sick and then going to the doctor are behind us now. Its about being proactive, looking ahead and doing things today that are going to ward off illness and sickness down the road. The best way to do that is getting screened. And in this particular case with colon cancer, its a completely preventable cancer, so why not get screened?

Colon and rectal cancers are on the rise in America, and at an alarming rate for younger adults. According to the American Cancer Society, since 1994, colon and rectal cancers have increased 51 percent among adults under the age of 50. These concerning numbers have prompted a shift in screening recommendations.

If you are 50 years old today and you havent been screened, you should be screened. And now the new guidelines from the American Cancer Society actually say age 45, Khokhar said. Thats a discussion you should have with your family doctor about whether you want to get screened earlier. But I think that we really need to focus on those two numbers: if you are 50 and you havent been screened, youre overdue. And if youre 45, its at least worth a conversation.

These screenings dont have to be intimidating. The gold standard in colorectal cancer screening is a colonoscopy. However, patients can also choose one of several other non-invasive tests, including home stool tests available by prescription.

Khokhar says to talk to your doctor about your options. However, dont limit your questions to your physician. When it comes to cancer screening recommendations, knowing your family history is important to help with early detection.

To learn more about OSF Medical Group's gastroenterology team and available screenings, click here.

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A healthy approach to the new year - AdVantageNEWS.com

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