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Genetic Modification in Medicine |

Posted: October 14, 2017 at 1:57 am

Posted by Ardent Editor on July 23rd, 2007

One of the most promising uses for genetic modification being eyed in the future is on the field of medicine. There are a number of advances already being done in the field of genetic modification that may be able to allow researchers to someday be able to develop a wide range of medicines that will be able to treat a variety of diseases that current medicines may not be able to.

There are many ways that genetic modification can be used in the development of new medicines in the future. One of them is in the production of some human therapeutic proteins which is used to treat a variety of diseases.

Current methods of producing these valuable human proteins are through human cell cultures but that can be very costly. Human proteins can also be purified from the blood, but the process always has the risk of contamination with diseases such as Hepatitis C and the dreaded AIDS. With genetic modification, these human proteins can be produced in the milk of transgenic animals such as sheep, cattle and goats. This way, human proteins can be produced in higher volumes at less cost.

Genetic modification can also be used in producing so-called nutriceuticals. Through this genetic modification can be used in producing milk from genetically modified animals in order to improve its nutritional qualities that may be needed by some special consumers such as those people who have an immune response to ordinary milk or are lactose intolerant. That is just one of the many uses that genetic modification may be able to help the field of medicine in trying to improve the quality of life.

Other ways of using genetic modification in the field of medicine concern organ transplants. In is a known fact to day that organ transplants are not that readily available since supply for healthy organs such as kidneys and hearts are so very scarce considering the demand for it. With the help of genetic modification, the demand for additional organs for possible transplants may be answered.

Genetic modification may be able to fill up the shortfall of human organs for transplants by using transgenic pigs in order to provide the supply of vital organs ideal for human transplants. The pigs can be genetically modified by adding a specific human protein that will be able to coat pig tissues and prevent the immediate rejection of the transplanted organs into humans.

Although genetic modification may have a bright future ahead, concerns still may overshadow its continuous development. There may still be ethical questions that may be brought up in the future concerning the practice of genetic modification. And such questions already have been brought up in genetically modified foods.

And such questions may still require answers that may help assure the public that the use of genetic modification in uplifting the human quality of life is sound as well as safe enough. Public acceptance will readily follow once such questions have been satisfactorily answered.

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Genetic Modification in Medicine |

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Diabetes Symptoms –

Posted: October 14, 2017 at 1:52 am

How can you tell if you have diabetes? Most early symptoms are from higher-than-normal levels of glucose, a kind of sugar, in your blood.

The warning signs can be so mild that you don't notice them. That's especially true of type 2 diabetes. Some people don't find out they have it until they get problems from long-term damage caused by the disease.

With type 1 diabetes, the symptoms usually happen quickly, in a matter of days or a few weeks. They're much more severe, too.

Both types of diabetes have some of the same telltale warning signs.

Hunger and fatigue. Your body converts the food you eat into glucose that your cells use for energy. But your cells need insulin to bring the glucose in.

If your body doesn't make enough or any insulin, or if your cells resist the insulin your body makes, the glucose can't get into them and you have no energy. This can make you more hungry and tired than usual.

Peeing more often and being thirstier. The average person usually has to pee between four and seven times in 24 hours, but people with diabetes may go a lot more.

Why? Normally your body reabsorbs glucose as it passes through your kidneys. But when diabetes pushes yourblood sugarup, your kidneys may not be able to bring it all back in. This causes the body to make more urine, and that takes fluids.

You'll have to go more often. You might pee out more, too. Because you're peeing so much, you can get very thirsty. When you drink more, you'll also pee more.

Dry mouth and itchy skin. Because your body is using fluids to make pee, there's less moisture for other things. You could get dehydrated, and your mouth may feel dry. Dry skin can make you itchy.

Blurred vision. Changing fluid levels in your body could make the lenses in your eyes swell up. They change shape and lose their ability to focus.

These tend to show up after your glucose has been high for a long time.

Yeast infections. Both men and women with diabetes can get these. Yeast feeds on glucose, so having plenty around makes it thrive. Infections can grow in any warm, moist fold of skin, including:

Slow-healing sores or cuts. Over time, high blood sugar can affect your blood flow and cause nerve damage that makes it hard for your body to heal wounds.

Pain or numbness in your feet or legs. This is another result of nerve damage.

Unplanned weight loss. If your body can't get energy from your food, it will start burning muscle and fat for energy instead. You may lose weight even though you haven't changed how you eat.

Nausea and vomiting. When your body resorts to burning fat, it makes ketones. These can build up in your blood to dangerous levels, a possibly life-threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. Ketones can make you feel sick to your stomach.

If you're older than 45 or have other risks for diabetes, it's important to get tested. When you spot the condition early, you can avoid nerve damage, heart trouble, and other complications.

As a general rule, call your doctor if you:


Cleveland Clinic: "Diabetes: Frequently Asked Questions" and "What Is Diabetes?"

University of Michigan Health System: "Type 1 Diabetes."

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse: "Am I at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower Your Risk of Getting Diabetes."

Baylor Scott & White Healthcare: "Urinary Frequency" and "Diabetes and Diabetic Neuropathy Hard-to-Heal Wounds."

Sutter Health: "Question & Answer: Is Sudden Weight Loss a Sign of Diabetes? If So, Why?"

Neithercott, T. Diabetes Forecast, August 2013.

University of Rochester Medical Center: "Diabetic Skin Troubles."

Joslin Diabetes Center: "Diseases of the Eye" and "Diabetic Neuropathy: What You Need to Know."

The Nemours Foundation: "When Blood Sugar Is Too High."

Virginia Mason Medical Center: "Complications."

Carolinas Health System: "Diabetes: Yeast Infections and Diabetes: What You Should Know."

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Diabetes Symptoms -

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Transplantation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into the …

Posted: October 14, 2017 at 1:50 am

Animal and surgical procedures

Mongolian gerbils of both genders aged 36months with healthy external ears were used for this study. The animals were born and raised in low-noise environment [median sound level was 40dB sound pressure level (SPL)] at the Animal Research Facility of the Medical University of South Carolina. All aspects of the animal research were conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the local Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

Animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (50mg/kg) and given atropine (0.2mg/kg) to reduce respiratory secretions. Body temperature was maintained between 37C and 38C using a heating pad. Sterile procedures were used to open the bulla and place about 2040l of a 1mM ouabain (Sigma, O-3125) solution in normal saline in the RW niche. After 30min, the ouabain solution was removed by wicking with a small piece of filter paper. The surface of the bulla was fully closed with dental cement, and the incisions were closed with sutures. Postsurgical discomfort was treated with buprenorphine if necessary. The animals allowed to recover for 13days after ouabain exposure before transplantation were designated as the early post-injury (EPI) transplant group, whereas animals allowed to recover for 7days or longer were designated as the late post-injury (LPI) transplant group.

Approaches used for ESC transplantation and the state of differentiation of ESCs after RA neural induction. A Surgical approach to expose the round window (RW) niche of the gerbil cochlea for ESC transplantation. The basilar membrane comprises the translucent zone and is visible through the RW membrane. The bony osseous spiral lamina, the wall of Rosenthals canal (RC), and the central modiolus are located in the opaque zone. Scale bar=500m. B Schematic diagram illustrating three delivery routes of ESCs into: (1) Rosenthals canal, (2) perilymph of scala tympani (ST), (3) and endolymph of scala media (SM). The photograph was modified from a radial paraffin section of the basal turn from a normal young gerbil. Sa stapedial arteria, Sp.L spiral ligament, SV scala vestibuli. Scale bar=100m. C The majority of the cultured ESCs stained for nestin (green). Nuclei were countstained with bis-benzimide (blue). Scale bar=20m.

Surviving ESCs 34weeks after transplant

To suppress rejection of mouse ESCs, gerbils were given daily injection of cyclosporine A (15mg kg1 day1 s.c., Sandoz Pharmaceutical Corp., NJ) starting 1day before surgery and terminating the day before sacrifice. The same dose was given to all animals in this study.

Mouse ESCs were prepared for transplantation from (1) wild-type D3 cells, (2) D3 cells engineered to express enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), or (3) D3 cells modified to over-express bcl2 (D.I. Gottlieb, Washington University, St. Louis, MO). The D3 cell line was isolated from day4 129/Sv blastocysts (Doetschman et al. 1985). The details for EGFP expression and bcl2 gene modification have been described previously (Adams et al. 2003; Wei et al. 2005). The ESC lines were maintained at low passage (<20) with normal karyotype. Cells were passaged, and neural differentiation was induced using the 4/4+ RA induction protocol (Bain et al. 1995; Bain and Gottlieb 1998). Briefly, undifferentiated cells were maintained in T25 flasks in ES cell growth media (ESGM) consisting of Dulbeccos modified Eagle media (with l-glutamine, without pyruvate, Gibco 11965-043) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 10% new born calf serum, 8.5g/ml guanosine, 8g/ml adenosine, 7.3g/ml cytidine, 7.3g/ml uridine, 2.4g/ml thymidine, 1,000U/ml of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF, Gibco 13275-011), and 104M -mercaptoethanol.

For neural lineage induction, cells were harvested from the growth flasks by trypsinization with 0.25% trypsin and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in Hankss salt solution (Gibco, 15050) for 10min. One quarter of the cells from a T25 flask were seeded into a standard 100-mm bacterial Petri dish in ESC induction medium (ESIM). The ESIM is similar to ESGM, but without LIF and -mercaptoethanol. After 2days, the cell aggregates and the media were removed from the dish, and cells were allowed to settle for 10min in a 15-ml centrifuge tube. The medium was then aspirated and replaced with fresh ESIM. Cells were then returned to the culture dish for an additional 2days. The culture medium was replaced with ESIM containing 5107M RA (all-trans RA, Sigma R-2625), and cells were cultured for an additional 4days before harvesting for transplant. The state of ESC differentiation after RA 4/4+ neural induction was in agreement with the results of previous studies (Meyer et al. 2005; Wei et al. 2005). Although there was heterogeneity among the cell types generated by this protocol, a great majority (76.23.5%) of the cultured ESCs were positive for neuronal precursor and/or immature neuron markers such as nestin (Fig.1C).

The methods for recording the compound action potential (CAP) response, distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), and endocochlear potential (EP) were similar to those previously described (Lang et al. 2005, 2006). Physiological data were obtained from ESC-implanted ears and a group of untreated ears. The animals were anesthetized as described above and fitted to a head holder in a sound- and vibration-isolated booth. The pinna and surrounding tissue were removed and bulla opened widely. The CAP electrode was placed on the bony rim of the RW niche and an acoustic assembly, including a probe-tube microphone (B&K 4134, Bruel and Kjaer, Norcross, GA) and driver (Beyer DT-48, Beyerdynamic, Farmingdale, NY), was sealed to the bony ear canal with closed-cell foam. Tone pips were calculated in the frequency domain using Tucker Davis Technologies (Alachua, FL) equipment and software. CAP thresholds were obtained visually with an oscilloscope online at half-octave frequencies from 0.5 to 20kHz with tone pips of 1.8-ms total duration with cos2 rise/fall times of 0.55ms. DPOAEs were measured with an Ariel board (Ariel, Canbury, NJ) and CUBeDISP software (Etymotic Research, ELK grove Village, IL). DPOAEs were obtained with an opened bulla after removing the pinna and underlying tissue. The intensity levels of both primaries were fixed at 50dB SPL. Primary tones were swept from f2=4 to 20kHz with f1/f2 ratio of 1.2 and a resolution of 10 points per octave.

EPs were measured with a micropipette filled with 0.2M KCl yielding an impedance of approximately 2030M. The output of the micropipette was tied to an electrometer (World Precision Instruments FD 223) for direct recording of the potential. EP was defined as the voltage difference between scala media and a pool of isotonic saline on the neck muscles. The micropipette was introduced into the scala media via 30- to 50-m holes drilled through the otic capsule of the three cochlear turns. We first measured the EP in the apical turn (T3), followed by the middle turn (T2) and basal turn (T1). This procedure minimizes the trauma of inserting the micropipette into one turn and causing a reduction of the EP in other turns (Schmiedt et al. 2002; Lang et al. 2002).

The inner ears were fixed for 68h with 4% paraformaldehyde and then decalcified with EDTA. Tissues were embedded in PARAPLAST@ for paraffin sectioning. Deparaffinized and rehydrated sections were immersed in blocking solution for 20min and then incubated overnight at 4C with a primary antibody diluted in phosphate-buffered saline (pH7.4). The primary antibodies used in this study were rabbit anti-GFP (1:200, A11122) or mouse anti-GFP (1:100, A11120) (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR), rat monoclonal antibody to mouse-specific brain membrane (1:50, M2, Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, Iowa City, IA), rabbit anti-bcl2 (1:200, sc492) (Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA), anti-mouse CD45R (1:200, sc19597; Santa Cruz), mouse anti-neurofilament 200 (1:200, Clone N52, N0142; Sigma, Atlanta, GA) and mouse anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; 1:200, MAB360; Chemicon, Temecula, CA). An antigen retrieval treatment was used for immunostaining with mouse brain membrane-specific antibody M2.

The antibodies employed in this study have been widely used and are well characterized. The rabbit anti-GFP polyclonal antiserum was raised against GFP isolated directly from the jellyfish, Aequorea victoria, and has been used for detection of native GFP, GFP variants, and most GFP fusion proteins (Chalfie et al. 1994; Senut et al. 2004). No staining was seen when rabbit anti-GFP antibody was applied to tissues from ears injected with wild-type D3 ESCs. The rat monoclonal antibody M2 was raised against a mouse-specific glial and neuronal cell membrane glycoprotein (Lagenaur and Schachner 1981). The M2 antibody recognizes a 45-kDa band in Western blots and has been used widely as a marker to identify mouse neural cells in host tissues after xenogeneic transplantation (Eriksson et al. 2003; Gates et al. 1998). Anti-bcl2 reacts with bcl2 of mouse, rat, and human origin by Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, and immunohistochemistry and does not cross-react with other apoptosis-associated proteins (Thomas-Mudge et al. 2004; Weisleder et al. 2004). This antibody recognizes a single band around 29kDa in Western blots (manufacturers technical information from Santa Cruz). CD45R (RA3-6B2) is a rat monoclonal IgG2a antibody raised against an extracelluar domain of the transmembrane glycoprotein CD45 and is expressed broadly among hematopoietic cells including macrophages and microglia (Bhave et al. 1998). Monoclonal anti-neurofilament 200 reacts with a single 200-kDa band in both alkaline phosphatase dephosphorylated and untreated preparations of rat spinal cord (manufacturers technical information from Sigma) and specifically stains nerve fibers in the inner ear (Lang et al. 2006; Wise et al. 2005). The GFAP monoclonal antibody recognizes a 50-kDa band by immunoblotting (manufacturers technical information from Chemicon) and has been used extensively to label astrocytes and neoplastic cells of glial lineage in the central nervous system (McLendon and Bigner 1994; Kasischke et al. 2006; Ward et al. 2004). Control staining for all primary antibodies included omission or substitution with similar dilutions of non-immune serum of the appropriate species. No specific staining was detected in any of the control experiments.

Secondary antibodies were biotinylated, and binding was detected with fluorescent (FITC)-conjugated avidin D (1:100; Vector, Burlingame, CA). The procedure for detection of a second antigen with double labeling was the same as for the first antigen but substituting Texas red conjugated avidin D (1:100; Vector) for visualization. Nuclei were counterstained with propidium iodide or bis-benzimide.

The sections were examined with either a Zeiss LSM5 Pascal confocal microscope (Carl Zeiss Inc., Jena, Germany) or a Zeiss Axioplan microscope equipped with a 100-W mercury light source. The captured images were processed using Image Pro Plus software (Media Cybernetics, MD), Zeiss LSM Image Browser Version 3,2,0,70 (Carl Zeiss Inc.) and Adobe Photoshop CS.

Five to six sections approximately 50m apart from each other from the mid-modiolar region were used for cell counts. The observed sections included all three cochlear turns and five vestibular organs. The surviving ESCs were identified by direct fluorescent microscopy for GFP or labeling with M2 antibody in combination with the nuclear marker bis-benzimide. All data are reported as meanSEM. Statistical comparisons of the number of surviving ESCs in EPI model compared to in the LPI model as well as the percentage of GFAP-positive ESCs in RC versus the perilymphatic space were obtained using the Students t test (SPSS, Chicago, IL). A value of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

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Future Fertility Fix? Egg-Producing Stem Cells Found in …

Posted: October 14, 2017 at 1:47 am

Feb. 26, 2012 -- Scientists say they have found a way to use ovarian stem cells to perhaps one day help infertile women get pregnant -- or add years to a womans reproductive cycle.

In a study published in Nature Medicine, researchers report finding egg-producing stem cells in human ovaries. They also report being able to make some of those ovarian stem cells grow into immature eggs that may someday be useful for reproduction.

At this point, such seed eggs cant be fertilized by sperm. But if scientists are able to entice them to mature and can prove they can be fertilized and grow into embryos -- a feat that has been reported in mice -- it would overturn a long-held scientific belief that women cant make new eggs as they get older.

What it does is really open a door into human reproduction that 10 years ago didnt even exist, says researcher Jonathan L. Tilly, PhD, director of the Vincent Center for Reproductive Biology at Massachusetts General Hospital, in Boston.

Outside experts agree. They say the findings could have profound importance for reproductive medicine and aging, allowing doctors not only to restore a womans fertility but also to potentially delay menopause.

I think the significance of this work is like reporting that we found microorganisms on Mars, says Kutluk Oktay, MD, who directs the Division of Reproductive Medicine and the Institute for Fertility Preservation at New York Medical College in Valhalla, N.Y.

Its a proof of principle that they could do it, says David F. Albertini, PhD, director of the Center for Reproductive Sciences at the University of Kansas Medical Center in Kansas City, Kan.

The world wants to know today if were ready to restore fertility in women, whether theyve aged or been treated for cancer or whatever, Albertini says, adding that he doesnt think thats on the horizon. This is an extremely rare event, at best.

The egg-generating stem cells the researchers were able to extract from ovaries were very rare. The researchers only came across one for every 10,000 or so ovarian cells that they counted.

But when they took those cells and implanted them back into human ovarian tissue, they divided and essentially made young eggs.

Tilly says his team stopped short of trying to make one of the eggs functional because for a lot of reasons, as it should be, it is illegal in the U.S. to experimentally fertilize human eggs.

We think the evidence provided clearly indicates that this very unique, newly discovered pool of cells does exist in women, he says.

Its a really exciting result, says Evelyn Telfer, PhD, a cell biology expert at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.

What weve previously believed is that you dont get new eggs formed during your adult life. This discovery shows that theres the potential for them to be formed, no question about that, Telfer says, but it doesnt actually show that theyre being formed under normal conditions.

Indeed, she notes, experience would suggest otherwise. Women, after all, do lose their fertility as they age.

There are cells there that under certain conditions have the potential to form [eggs]. Thats the really exciting part of this work. And of course they can be used. Theres a practical application, she says.

Telfer has pioneered a technique that allows her to take immature human eggs and turn them into mature, fertilizable eggs outside the body. She has already partnered with Tilly to try to take his seed eggs to the next stage of development. With special government permission, she says, they may even be able to try to experimentally fertilize the eggs.

Its actually opening up a whole new field of research, to define these cells, to characterize these cells, and to use them in a practical way, she says.

Tilly says that by using egg-generating stem cells to make large numbers of viable eggs, doctors might one day be able to cut the expense of in vitro fertilization (IVF), since women would no longer have to go through multiple cycles of treatment to harvest enough eggs to generate a pregnancy.

If Dr. Tilly can reverse the biologic clock or halt it, and start making eggs from stem cells, its fantastic, says Avner Hershlag, MD, chief of the Center for Human Reproduction at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.Y.

This is the true reproductive emancipation of women, he tells WebMD. You will be free to a) not compromise on who you share your life and share your kids with, and b) like any man, you will have the freedom to develop a full professional life and not have to stop everything because you are having children.

But Hershlag notes that such an advance might still be years away.

For women who are worried theyll run out of time to have children, Hershlag says there is technology available that helps women buy more time to have a baby. Her best bet is actually, right now, to freeze her eggs if she wants to delay reproduction.


White, Y. Nature Medicine, Feb. 26, 2012.

News release, Massachusetts General Hospital.

Jonathan L. Tilly, PhD, director of the Vincent Center for Reproductive Biology at Massachusetts General Hospital;professor, department of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston.

Kutluk Oktay, MD, director, Division of Reproductive Medicine and the Institute for Fertility Preservation, New York Medical College, Valhalla, N.Y.

David F. Albertini, PhD, director, Center for Reproductive Sciences, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, Kan.

Evelyn Telfer, PhD, reader in cell biology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Avner Hershlag, MD, chief, the Center For Human Reproduction, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, N.Y.

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FDA Response – U.S. Stem Cell Clinic

Posted: October 14, 2017 at 1:46 am

RE: Warning letter received August 24th, 2017

Dear Mr. Randall Morris,

Please accept this letter as response to the warning letter received August 24th, 2017. In sum, as was previously demonstrated, the US Stem Cell Clinic (USCC) is not utilizing a biological drug product and therefore the regulations of part 210 and 211 (current good manufacturing practices) do not apply. The comments in the provided warning letter are specific to products that are produced in cGMP manufacturing facilities and classified as drugs according to the FDA. This is not something that a medical clinic would be required to follow. USCC is not manufacturing a drug. That being said, in an abundance of caution, US Stem Cell Clinic will immediately switch to 510(k) approved systems to process tissue in clinic such as bone marrow systems and/or fat systems.

Our facility has demonstrated sterile surgical techniques as required by the medical boards. It is inappropriate and harmful to state that our clinic is not sterile as we are completely compliant with the regulations for surgical procedures including using individually wrapped disposable sterile supplies, sterile field prep, and more. The strict regulations mentioned in the warning letter required to manufacture drugs are not applied to clinics or hospitals. As a clinic performing a medical procedure, we have strict and appropriate protocols in place to prevent contamination and breach of sterility. We are following the exact protocols that are utilized at surgical centers and hospitals. As you know, these protocols are very different than what is required for GMP manufacturing facilities. We have never had an incidence of contamination and the statements that were made in your warning letter and press release are misleading and causing irreparable harm.

We have previously described in detail why the FDA has wrongly defined these in clinic procedures as a drug and provided evidence. The evidence and summary is provided below. I would like to specifically call your attention to the fact that according to your current code of federal regulations, same surgical procedure is not subject to the rules for tissue banks which include minimal manipulation and homologous use. We strongly believe that it is a violation of the rights of American citizens to prevent them from seeking alternative care for their conditions as long as it does not violate regulations or the law. Our clinic is not violating the law as it is currently written. There is huge support from government officials and American citizens for stem cell treatmentsagain, while all laws are adhered to as we do. Please refer to just one petition out of many regarding stem cell treatments in clinic with almost 70,000 signatures:

We would also like to address the comment in your warning letter regarding our firm impairing the ability to conduct the inspection. This statement is blatantly false and should be removed from the record. We provided access to every room in the facility and allowed pictures on multiple occasions. We also provided copies of all requested documents including confidential patient information. We are an extremely small firm with only a handful of employees most of which are part time or 1099 contract. As a small firm with limited resources, it is necessary to schedule the access that was required by the investigators in order to prevent permanent damage to our business. We provided abundant time and availability to the inspectors and on several occasions, the inspectors canceled last minute and did not come. At one point, the inspectors came to the office when the office was closed. During this last inspection, we worked with the inspectors for over a month providing hundreds of copies and burned CDs. On several occasions, I requested paper, printer ink and office supplies but did not receive what was requested. This inspection caused undue financial harm to our small firmyet we made our staff and resources available to the investigators at all times. Stating that we prevented or limited access to our company is an apparent attempt to disparage our company and we deem it both unprofessional and an unfair statement.

Given that we are a medical clinic that does not manufacture drugs, the guidance document that you referenced does not apply to our facility. Instead, USCC is performing a medical procedure wherein tissue is removed from a patient and re-implanted during the same surgical procedure. 21 C.F.R. 1271(b) titled Human Cells, Tissues and Cellular Tissue-Based Products, expressly states, you are not required to comply with the requirements of this part if you are an establishment that removes HCT/Ps from an individual and implants such HCT/Ps into the same individual during the same surgical procedure.

The procedure performed at USSC is simply the practice of medicine. Medical practitioners have been performing similar type procedures in clinic for decades including fat, skin, tendon/ligament, vascular, hair and bone grafts, bone marrow transplantation, and blood/plasma transplantation. Please keep in mind that many of these medical procedures may involve non-homologous use of tissue (CABG with vein graft or ileum to replace bladder) or more than minimal manipulation (skin grafts, hair transplants, or bone grafts). But because these are completed by medical practitioners during the same surgical procedure, the practitioners per the exception clause are not required to comply with the requirements of this part (1271) which includes details on products under section 351 vs. 361 PHS Act.

Therefore, the regulatory sections of Part 1271 regarding homologous use or more than minimal manipulation are not applicable to the procedures performed by USSC. To be clear, the purpose of stem cells inside our bodies is to maintain and repair damaged tissue, therefore any application of stem cells to patients would in fact be defined as homologous.

Even if USSC were somehow subject to the regulatory sections of Part 1271, the protocols utilized by USSC would be exempt from the regulations because the procedures practiced at USSC do not involve more than minimal manipulation. Part 1271 Regulations create a regulatory exemption from the manufacturing and labeling requirements that normally apply to drugs and biological products for any HCT/P that is no more than minimally manipulated. See 21C.F.R. 1271.10(a). Minimal manipulation of cells means processing that does not alter the-relevant biologicalcharacteristics. Id. 1271.3(f)(2).

In the procedures performed at USCC, the actual stem cells are not modified or changed in any way but instead separated via centrifugation. Even the collagenase digestion only changes the integrity of the extracellular matrix and does not change the characteristics of the cells themselves. These scientific facts were confirmed by several leading stem cell scientists at the September 2016 FDA hearing.

Medical procedures are already scrutinized and regulated by the state medical boards, legislatures, and agencies. In addition, the doctor patient relationship is protected and physicians take a vow to protect the safety, health and welfare of patients. They are dedicated to serving the interest of the patient and market forces, societal pressures, and administrative demands must not compromise this promise. The FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of drugs. The FDA does not regulate the practice of medicine or the bodies/tissues of individuals.

This same procedure is currently performed at thousands of clinics throughout the US. Notably, throughout the stem cell field, these clinics and practitioners also maintain that the procedures performed are medical procedures, and that the regulations of part 210 and 211 (current good manufacturing practices) do not apply.

We are aware that many clinics have been visited by the FDA without any actions or warnings letters. At USCC, we are following standard clinical procedures for medical facilities to ensure safety of the patients. This is considered a medical procedure because the tissue is removed from the patient and re-implanted during the same surgical procedure to the same patient (autologous use). The protocols used at our clinic have been well established in publications as both efficacious and safe. Over ten thousand patients have been treated using similar protocols with a strong safety record. Specifically, over 7000 patients have been treated using the exact same laboratory kit that we utilize at USCC.

Bone marrow and blood products are currently being utilized in the clinic in a similar fashion. The only reason bone marrow products are being regulated differently is because they predate the 1976 medical device amendments allowing for a 510k process instead of IND/IDE. There is no scientific or medical reason that fat tissue removed from a patient would be regulated differently than bone marrow or blood, when they are being used for the same purpose. According to recent publications, cells from fat tissue are demonstrating superior clinical results than bone marrow cells. This is most likely due to the fact that the bone marrow contains very high amounts of white blood cells (WBCs) which can cause unnecessary inflammation whereas fat has low amounts of WBCs. Fat tissue, however, may contain up to 500 times more stem cells. The rate of complications from taking a bone marrow aspirate is significantly higher than taking an adipose sample. The cells that are obtained from an adipose sample are separated from the adipocytes and have not been manipulated or changed in any way prior to reintroducing into a patient. According to reports, these therapies do not have the same negative side effects as many of the available drugs on the market.

We are aware that the FDA received comments on the published draft guidelines regarding adipose tissue procedures in clinic. We are also aware that the FDA held a public hearing regarding these topics in September 2016 in which many scientists, physicians and patients expressed support for these therapies. We are able to provide the FDA with any necessary information to demonstrate that this is a medical procedure that is safely done on an outpatient basis. Published results of outcomes to date have been overwhelmingly positive.

If the federal government were to interfere with a persons ability to obtain and utilize their own cells in their body to heal themselves, this could be a gross violation of the constitution. According to the constitution, Americans have a fundamental right to privacy as well as protection from undue government intrusion. Specifically, in the case of Griswold v. Connecticut 381 U.S. 479, 484-486 (1965), the Supreme Court recognized that specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights create zones of privacy to protect certain intimate activities from means which sweep unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade the area of protected freedoms. Regarding bodily integrity, the court ruled that no right is held more sacred, or is more carefully guardedthan the right of every individual to the possession and control of his own person, free from all restraint or interference from others Both Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey 506 U.S. 833 (1992), protected rights to privacy, autonomy, and personal choice. See also A.L.A. v. West Valley City, 26 F.3d 989, 990 (10th Cir.1994) (There is no dispute that confidential medical information is entitled to constitutional privacy protection.); According to A. Rahman Ford, JD, PhD, Undue infringement by the federal government upon so sacrosanct a right as the bodily integrity of private persons must be viewed as paternalistic, Victorian and an affront to the freedoms inherent in the Constitution itself.

Notwithstanding the aboveand again, in an abundance of cautionit is our sincerest interest to adhere to the FDAs interpretation of the laws and have several specific questions that we would like the FDA to kindly provide answers to:

Our clinic is simply providing medical treatments to consenting patients using cells from their own body during a medical procedure which does not invoke oversight by the federal government. We would like to specifically request a meeting with the FDA commissioner to better explain the procedures that have successfully helped thousands of people.

We look forward to your responses to our questions above. Feel free to contact me if additional information is required.

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FDA Response - U.S. Stem Cell Clinic

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Posted: October 12, 2017 at 6:59 pm

Title Length Color Rating The Importance of Stem Cell Research - Stem cell research is a topic almost everybody in the world has a viewpoint on. Many view the issue of stem cell research and stem cell therapy as morally wrong and a crime against humanity, others view the study of stem cells as the next step in modern science. What are stem cells. Stem cells are non-specialized cells that have the capability to mature into more specified cells to help with certain functions or diseases. Cells are the basic building blocks of the human body and these tiny structures compose the skin, muscles, bones, and all of our internal organs.... [tags: stem cell]:: 2 Works Cited 1217 words(3.5 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes - Diabetes, or fully named Diabetes Mellitus is when a person has high blood sugar and that is cause by the lack of insulin produced by the pancreas or it is when the cells do not respond to the insulin produced, it is also according to the type of diabetes that the cause may be different from others. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and 2. Type 2 diabetes is mostly common found in adults, to reduce the glucose level, the subject can change diet or have a lot of exercise or if that doesnt work they will usually take a liquid medicine or pill that helps.Type 1 diabetes is mostly found in children and is mostly rare, and diet alone cannot fix this so sometimes the subject has to take dos... [tags: Stem Cell Essays]:: 5 Works Cited 1148 words(3.3 pages)Better Essays[preview] Legalize Stem Cell Research - Imagine waking up from a tragic accident that left you paralyzed from the neck down, would you have hope that you could ever recover. What if there was research that the use of stem cells could lead to potential treatments and cures. According to the National Institute of Health, stem cells in certain organs, have the ability to divide into other cells that are used to repair and replace worn out or damaged tissues (NIH). Although stem cell research raises ethical concerns, it should be legalized due to the possibility of medical advancements and cures of numerous diseases.... 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As new medical discoveries increase through generations, humans become healthier, therefore, their life expectancy rises. Stem cell research, a relatively new field, investigates to improve and lengthen human life. The possibility of stem cells to develop prospering health makes them beneficial to the human race. Why do stem cell debates create such a large uproar. Stem cells posses the potential to arise into hundreds of different cells in the body- for this reason stem cells are also referred to as undifferentiated cells.... [tags: Biology, Stem Cell Debates]744 words(2.1 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research Needs to Be Funded - A mother has developed Alzheimers, preventing her from having a normal relationship with her family. A newly born baby girl has a spinal cord issue, making for many years of rehabilitation ahead her. A diabetic wife struggles to take care of her household duties because of constantly having to monitor her blood sugar and deal with insulin shots. With the development of stem cell research, and the more controversial embryonic stem cell research, every one of these instances could not only be cured, but prevented, within the next half century.... [tags: Stem Cell Research, medical,]1546 words(4.4 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Support of Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Embryonic stem cell is one of the most controversial, widely discussed medical issues in the United States today. The medical use of stem cell raises difficult moral and political questions. To understand about embryonic stem cell. I thought we should discuss what embryonic stem cells are. According to Scientific American; June 2004, embryonic stem are derived from the portion of a very early stage embryo that would eventually give rise to an entire body. Because embryonic stem cells originate in this primordial stage, or having existed from the beginning.... 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Its because President Obama recently revoked the ban on stem cell research, as he believes it holds the potential to revolutionize the medical industry in the years to come. As USA Today quoted him saying in March, after he stopped restricting federal funding for stem cell research, "At this moment, the full promise of stem cell research remains unknown and should not be overstated.... [tags: Medical Field, Stem Cell Research]:: 4 Works Cited 693 words(2 pages)Better Essays[preview] Understanding Stem Cell Research - Stem Cell Research Stem cell research is a new, inventive technology that will be and currently is saving lives. Stem cells have the ability to increase understanding of how diseases occur, generate healthy cells to replace diseased cells, and test new drugs for safety and effectiveness. (Mayo Clinic Staff). These special cells have become a new and better way of treating diseases such as; heart disease and diabetes. Scientists have discovered that if these cells are under the right conditions, the stem cells will divide.... [tags: bone marrow, perinatal stem cell]1162 words(3.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] State-Funded Stem Cell Research - Scientists are attempting to expand on stem cell research, while aspiring towards new medical advancements, but Maryland is questioning State-funded research (Department of Legislative Services, Office of Information Systems [DLSOIS], 2011). Stem cells have the ability to regenerate themselves and produce specialized cell types (Academy of Sciences, 2009). After a stem cell divides, the stem cell can continue to exist as a stem cell, or turn into a unique cell, like a red blood cell (Institutes of Health, U.S.... 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There are 6 major concerns raised in the review, such as: Tumor Formation, Contaminating Animal Products, Genetic Compatibility, Funding Issues, Selecting and generating the Right cell type from transplantation and new approaches to generating embryonic stem cells (ES). In the use of stem cells, there is room for error, especially in transplanting cells to renew or help cells.... [tags: transplanting, research, disease, stem cell]920 words(2.6 pages)Better Essays[preview] Problems with Embryonic Stem-Cell Research - Recently in the scientific world, the field of embryonic stem cell research has become a popular topic and has been the subject for many heated debates. Experts in the field of stem cell research promise that this will be the future of medicine; that stem cells will be the cure to all the debilitating diseases and afflictions of today, such as Alzheimers disease, heart disease, cancer and nerve damage. The truth about embryonic stem cell research is that it is not as hopeful and as revolutionary as it seems.... [tags: Science / Stem-Cell Research / Ethics]:: 7 Works Cited 1427 words(4.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] The Legal History and Ethics of Stem Cell Research - An interesting aspect of stem cell research is how politically charged it was from its very beginning. Originally born into a conservative playing field, the bounds on stem cell research were never as open as they are now, having been suppressed by political opinion for several decades. Numerous accounts of voting to support stem cell research were blocked by individual opinions of people with the influence to do so. Today, stem cell research is more open and accepted, due to technological advancements, but I think more importantly, a changing political mood.... 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Many scientists are constantly trying to push the boundaries of science to find new things. This is especially true in the medical partition of experimental science. There are a great deal of scientists working everyday to find cures to todays diseases and illnesses such as Aids, cancer, Parkinsons, and Alzheimers disease. People live with these illnesses everyday of their lives, and the number of people with diseases rises day after day.... [tags: Stem Cell Research]1711 words(4.9 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Different Sides of Embryonic Stem Cell Research - The field of stem cell research remains highly controversial because of its ethical and moral values. Despite the news in 2006 that researchers had found a way to harvest human embryonic stem cells without having to destroy embryos, controversy still surrounds potentially life-saving stem cell research. (Gruen, 2007). Due to the strong emotional responses to some of the subject matter by the pro-lifers and certain religions and politics in general, I will attempt to explain different sides of embryonic stem cell research (ESC).... [tags: Stem Cell Biology]1641 words(4.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research - Inside an embryo there are dozens of stem cells. They are basically empty shells, but the special thing about them is that they are pluripotent, meaning that they can develop in to any cell or organ in human body. That makes stem cell research a gigantic part of todays medical research. With enough research, stem cells can be a big help to the human kind. Their extraordinary abilities could help scientists return memory to Alzheimers patients, or grow a mans limb that had to be amputated due to some tragedy.... 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It allows for the possible treatment of conditions that were previously thought to be untreatable. Imagine being one of the many individuals debilitated by injury or disease who have resigned themselves to the fact that it is a permanent affliction. Now, imagine being given hope that the condition could be cured, or at least, greatly improved. It has been suggested that stem cell therapy is the answer to treating many patients greatly improving their quality of life.... [tags: Multicellular Organisms, Stem Cell Therapy]1867 words(5.3 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cell Therapy - In order to discover the ways for the remedy of diseases, studies in therapeutic approaches have been doing widely and kept increasing at accelerated pace. A lot of research areas had emerged for that purpose including one of the most fascinating and highly active areas at present, stem cells therapies. Due to self-renewal property and differentiation capability of stem cell, it becomes a new hope in modern treatment. The first successful case of stem cell therapy in human was reported in 1959. Bone marrow restorations were observed in leukemia patients who received total body irradiation subsequent by intravenous injection of their twins bone marrow (Thomas et al, 1957).... [tags: Stem Cell Research, Argumentative, Scientific]1020 words(2.9 pages)Good Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research - As the research teams of the EuroStemCell project teach in their educational short film A Stem Cell Story, there are certain stages of development while in the uterus where most of our cells stop dividing and stabilize into a specific kind of cell. They do not mutate throughout our life. These cells are referred to as specialized cells. Once they are damaged or die they cannot regenerate themselves. There is one kind of cell that never specializes during development. They are called stem cells and they are the only known cells that can renew themselves.... [tags: embryo, embryonic stem cell, ethics]:: 13 Works Cited 1691 words(4.8 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] A Scientific Explanation of Stem Cells and Stem Cell Research - In general, a cell can be defined as a stem cell if two basic criteria are met. First, stem cell is capable of self renewal for indefinite period throughout life while maintaining undifferentiated state, i.e., the cell can divide and produce two identical daughter cells and thereby maintains the stem cell pool. Second, stem cell possesses capacity for differentiate into specialised and functional progeny under the right conditions, or given the right signals. It may divide asymmetrically to yield an identical cell and a daughter cell that acquires a particular cell types properties, such as morphology, phenotype and functional physiology that classified it belongs to a particular tissue (Bu... 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The fact that the cells may come from embryos is not an objection, because the embryos are going to die anyway." -- Stephen Hawking The phrase stem cell calls to mind images of controversy: Pro-life picketers outside abortion and in-vitro fertilization clinics, patients with chronic disabilities waiting on a cure, scientists in a lab experimenting with a petri dish.... [tags: Embryonic Stem Cell Research Papers]3830 words(10.9 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Stem Cell Technology: Hypoxia and Its Contributions to Regenerative Medicine - Introduction Stem cell technology is developing rapidly to bring tissue and organ regeneration from the foreground of current research to the hands of physicians for therapeutic interventions of injuries. Though this field is rapidly progressing, several limiting factors have reduced the efficacy and survival of many transplanted cells. To understand the limitations, a deeper understanding of the chemomechanical environment of an injury is needed. Tissue and organ development from specific progenitor cells is tightly controlled by the surrounding biochemical environment.... [tags: science, medicine, stem cell research]:: 1 Works Cited 2526 words(7.2 pages)Research Papers[preview] Stem Cell Research - Stem cell research. Simple words that to some mean a lot more than a new potential scientific field. It is simply the creation or repair of another life form from an earlier form. Stem cells have the chance to change all that we know in the medical field as well as the potential to heal old wounds and heal damaged organs. This point causes much debate and anger of those opposed to stem cell research but they ultimately look at the process and not the form or result of it. Stem cell research has incredible potential.... 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However, there are others that feel that stem cell research could change many lives. Those who feel it could change many lives are right in many peoples eyes. With the advancement of stem cell research, we would be able to help many people with such diseases as heart disease and Alzheimers. Stem cells could also help others with dibilating diseases and those who have suffered some very unfortunate accident.... [tags: Stem Cell Research]1012 words(2.9 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Stem Cell Debate is Not About Medical Benefits - In the final analysis, the debate about embryonic stem cell research is not primarily about medical benefits. In his great novel The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky raised the question whether it would be right to build a world without human suffering if "it was essential and inevitable to torture to death one tiny creature" such as an innocent child to achieve that end. Each of us must answer that ultimate question in the depths of his or her own conscience. The claim that destructive embryo research will achieve such a utopian end is, we believe, a hollow promise.... [tags: Stem Cell Research]:: 18 Works Cited 2601 words(7.4 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Supporting Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Supporting Embryonic Stem Cell Research Scientific research has the ability to help the terminally ill and disabled. Some people find this research is morally wrong. If this research helps people with disease and disability would you condone it. Today in The United States there is controversy facing embryonic stem cell research.People are dying because of the legal and moral obstacles involved in embryonic stem cell research. American citizens with illnesses and disease could be treated if this research was to continue at a much faster pace.... 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Stem cell research offers the hope of transplants being done without the sacrifice of another person losing an organ. There are many different pros and cons when it comes to discussing the use of stem cells. In order to develop an opinion of whether or not stem cells should be used, one must first understand what they are and how they are used. ?Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cells types in the body.... [tags: Stem Cell Research Biomedical Science Essays]:: 5 Works Cited 974 words(2.8 pages)Strong Essays[preview] The Importance of Stem Cell Research - Over the last decade the use of stem cells has been a controversial and heated topic. Debates have exploded over every aspect of stem cell research. It has been speculated by scientists that stem cell research may have the potential to cure harmful diseases or even regrow organs. However some find that the health issues seen in earlier attempts to use stem cell transplants and ethical controversies involved with extracting stem cells, make it very dangerous to further investigate. In actuality the fact remains that the potential cures that may come from stem cell research could prove to be some of the most significant advances in modern medicine to this day.... [tags: Why Stem Cells Are Important]:: 10 Works Cited 1670 words(4.8 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Advancements in medical technology has allowed for a new understanding of stem cells and further developments in research. The use of stem cells in regenerative medicine may hold significant benefits for those suffering from degenerative diseases. To avail such advancements in stem cell research could see the alleviation or complete cure of afflictions that take the lives of millions worldwide each year. (McLaren, 2001) A stem cell 1 is able differentiate into any somatic cell found in the human body, including those identical to itself.... [tags: use of stem cells in regenerative medicine]:: 13 Works Cited 1467 words(4.2 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Stem Cell Media Cultures - All cell culture procedures were performed under sterile conditions in laminar class II biohazard safety cabinet (ESCO). The cell cultures were incubated at 37oC in 5% CO2 humidified incubators (RSBiotech). MSC were cultured in MSC complete medium made up of Dulbeccos Modified Eagles medium with nutrient mixture F-12 (HAM)[1:1] (DMEM/F12) with GLUTAMAX -I (Gibco, Invitrogen, USA), supplemented with 10% pre-selected foetal bovine serum (Stem Cell Technology Inc.), 1% of Penicillin /Streptomycin (Gibco, Invitrogen), 0.5% Fungizone (Gibco, Invitrogen), 0.1% Gentamicin (Gibco, Invitrogen), with or without 40ng/ml basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) (Peprotech, USA) .... [tags: Stem Cells Media, science, cultures,]886 words(2.5 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research - Cells are the basic function of life. Cells are the fundamental unit of all living things, this include animals. Cell is the smallest structure in the human body and has all the properties of being alive. Cells can vary in different shape and sizes. The shape or the size cells are related directly to the function of the cells. (Fremgen & Frucht, 2009, p. 22) The human body has several different types of cells like cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus. Each cell has their job to do in the human body.... [tags: Stem Cells]:: 5 Works Cited 656 words(1.9 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research: The Endless Debate - The topic of stem cell research has long been debated over, and yet no consensus has been reached, since different views, and mixed feelings persist in the minds of people. Personally, I stand by the people who are in favor for the research. I believe that, stem cell research has many more pros than cons. There is tremendous potential in this research in finding treatments for diseases that are currently thought to be incurable. Therefore, the research should continue to be funded for, and should be encouraged further.... [tags: disease, treatment, embryo, stem cells]:: 7 Works Cited 1588 words(4.5 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Glycation and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Function - New cells are often produced in the body during growth and development. In addition, new cells also develop as the body repairs and remodels its tissues after an injury. These new cells come from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which are considered as multipotent cells. MSCs are found in various parts of the body during growth and development, but in adults, they are present in the bone marrow, where they later differentiate, mature and migrate to become more specialized cells with unique functions.... [tags: msc, stem cells, advanced glycation]:: 4 Works Cited 920 words(2.6 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Research - Stem cells have a history that is very short unlike other medical discoveries. According to history, stem cells were first used in 1950s, where a progressive advancement on its use has been carried out by physicians and clinicians. Research has been focused on finding stem cells in tissues of the body, where harvesting has been concentrated on all body tissue. It has been agreed that the process of harvesting or collecting stem cells depends on the source of the cell. This paper will consider the processes of harvesting stem cells and their methods.... [tags: Medical Discoveries, Stem Cells, Techniques]:: 5 Works Cited 916 words(2.6 pages)Better Essays[preview] Stem Cell Success or Moral Dilemma - ... Stem cells are being further researched for virology today and can commonly be found in the Influenza immunizations (Stem). In 1960, scientist made another amazing medical milestone was reached by transplanting cells into patients suffering from DiGeorge syndrome and was accepted as an effective form of therapy (Stem). Come 1968, Scientist made a breakthrough when the world's first bone marrow transplant was completed successfully. This experiment treated two siblings suffering from immunodeficiency, a destruction of the immune response system.... [tags: cell types, scientists, ethics]:: 9 Works Cited 1584 words(4.5 pages)Term Papers[preview] Stem Cell Debate - Embryonic stem cell research is a sensitive and highly debated topic. There are many advantages from researching this technology since it will beneficial to many people. In this essay, I will explain embryonic stem cells concept, and importance of utilizing it in medical development. Moreover, I will show the flaws in the arguments of those opposing use of stem cell. The county will fall behind that are utilizing this development if there is no logical conclusion to this important issue. The human body has more than 200 different types of cells.... [tags: embryonic cell, medical research]:: 1 Works Cited 1794 words(5.1 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Shoulc Stem Cell Research Be Cut? - Stem Cells are very unique types of cells that have an incredible potential to develop and transform into different types of cells in the body, not only producing brain cells, but containing the ability to produce more stem cells, known as a process called self renewal. So is it possible that stem cells can cure diseases and redevelop organs that are lost for some. There are multiple types of stem cells, such as embryonic stem cells (ES), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS), and adult or somatic stem cells.... [tags: cell types, self-renewal, brain cells]1453 words(4.2 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cells are the Future of Healthcare - A mother cannot remember her childrens names anymore because of Alzheimers diseases. A daughter will never be able to walk again because of a car accident that has made her paralyzed from the waist down. A husband will never be able to see his wife again because he has become blind. But maybe these people will be able to remember, walk or see again. Someday all of the diseases in the world may be curable through stem cell research. Stem cells are very unique because they have the ability to morph into any of the over 200 cells that make up the human body.... [tags: Stem Cell Research ]:: 4 Works Cited 1311 words(3.7 pages)Strong Essays[preview] Stem Cells are the Future - The article Stem Cell Research, elaborates on the medical benefits that come from stem cell research. It defines exactly what stem cells are and how their abilities can be harnessed and applied to treat chronic human ailments and degenerative diseases. It goes on to present supporting and opposing views that challenge its progress and reviews the role the government is taking in the issue (Stem Cell Research). There is significant scientific information that supports the potential for stem cells to treat or possibly cure various diseases that afflict humanity.... [tags: Pro Stem Cell Research]:: 10 Works Cited 1625 words(4.6 pages)Powerful Essays[preview] Embryonic Stem Cell Research: To Be or Not To Be? - When a patient is faced with a terminal illness or is told that they will never walk again, it may be difficult to find hope of any kind. Stem Cells provide a faint glimmer of hope, with all the amazing things they, in theory, are able to do and cure. What kind of stem cells are we talking about though. Embryonic, Adult, or Cord Blood. All these possess the ability to replicate themselves as well as become any type of cell (Harvard Gazette). As with any incredible feat there is more often than not a catch. Many questions arise when we think about the sacrifices, risks and benefits.... [tags: Medical Ethics ]:: 6 Works Cited 1864 words(5.3 pages)Term Papers[preview] Stem Cells and Parkinson's Disease - The goal of this paper is to compare the utility of adult, embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to treat Parkinsons disease. As such several things will be assessed, dosage of stemcells, improvement in motor function, in combination with the presence of -synuclein proteins and cell survival. To give a short overview of the steps that will be taken to complete the study. Obtaining stem cells, whether adult, embryonic or induced, shall be done using healthy mouse models and after ethical approval has been gained.... 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How Stem Cell Therapy Can Help Repair and Regenerate Your Body

Posted: October 12, 2017 at 6:58 pm

By Dr. Mercola

Kristin Comella,1 named No. 1 on the Academy of Regenerative Practices list of Top 10 stem cell innovators, has been a stem cell researcher for nearly two decades. In this interview, she discusses the enormous regenerative potential of stem cell therapy.

Comella, who holds degrees in chemical and biomedical engineering, began working with stem cells in graduate school, using a technique called magnetic cell sorting, which involves tagging nanoparticle magnets onto cells and then separating the cells based on the proteins they express.

"What we've learned over the years is that stem cells express different proteins than other kinds of cells in your body," she explains. "That began my career in the field of stem cells."

Over the years, she's worked for several different companies. At a start-up in Maryland, she used stem cells from bone marrow (culture-expanded mesenchymal stem cells) for meniscus regeneration. By placing these cells directly into the knee joint, you can repair or even grow back a damaged meniscus.

For a time, she also headed up the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility at Tulane University, which is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) facility located at the Tulane Center for Gene Therapy. There, her work revolved around using bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells for spinal cord regeneration.

For the past 13 years, she's worked for U.S. Stem Cell, a company founded in 1999. The company began bringing stem cells for cardiac care to the public. Muscle-derived stem cells can be used to repair heart damage associated with heart attacks. "Our company treated our first patient in 2001. Since that time, we've treated over 7,000 patients. We began looking at other indications about a decade ago. We also began looking at stem cells from a variety of different sources," she says.

The primary purpose of stem cells is to maintain, heal and regenerate tissues wherever they reside in your body. This is a continuous process that occurs inside your body throughout your life. If you didn't have stem cells, your lifespan would be about an hour, because there would be nothing to replace exhausted cells or damaged tissue. In addition, any time your body is exposed to any sort of toxin, the inflammatory process causes stem cells to swarm the area to repair the damage.

"As an example, you might have gone to the gym this morning [and] done some squats. As a result of that, you would get tiny tears inside the muscle. The stem cells that reside beneath the muscle would come out and repair all those tears.

The reason that, if you continuously go to the gym, you would start to build new muscle, is because those stem cells, hard at work underneath your muscle, are helping to repair and build that new muscle. This would apply to all of the tissues inside your body," Comella explains.

While it's easy to think of stem cell therapy as a magic bullet, it would be wise to implement strategies that nourish and thereby help optimize the stem cells you already have in your body. As noted by Comella:

"You have to create an appropriate environment for these cells to function in. If you are putting garbage into your body and you're constantly burdening your body with toxins, your stem cells are getting too distracted trying to fight off those toxins. By creating an appropriate environment, optimizing your diet and reducing exposure to toxins, that will allow the stem cells that we're putting in to really home in and focus on the true issue that we're trying to treat.

The other thing we've discovered over the years is that [stem cell therapy] is not the type of thing where you take one dose and you're cured forever. Your tissues are constantly getting damaged You're going to have to repeat-dose and use those stem cells to your advantage.

When you think about a lizard that loses its tail, it takes two years to grow back the tail. Why would we put unrealistic expectations on the stem cells that we're trying to apply to repair or replace damaged tissue? This is a very slow process. This is something that will occur over months and may require repeat dosing."

Historically, stem cells were isolated from bone marrow, and have been used for bone marrow transplants for cancer patients since the 1930s. However, you can get stem cells from just about any tissue in your body, as every tissue contains stem cells.

Your bone marrow actually has very low amounts of mesenchymal stem cells, which are now believed to be the most important, from a therapeutic perspective. Mesenchymal stem cells help trigger an immunomodulatory response or a paracrine effect, which means they send signals out to the rest of your body, calling cells to the area to help promote healing.

"What we've discovered in more recent years is that a more plentiful source of stem cells is actually your fat tissue. [Body] fat can contain up to 500 times more cells than your bone marrow, as far as these mesenchymal type stem cells go.

One thing that's also critically important when you're talking about isolating the cells is the number of other cells that are going to be part of that population. When you're isolating a bone marrow sample, this actually is very high in white blood cells, which are pro-inflammatory."

White blood cells are part of your immune response. When an injury occurs, or a foreign body enters your system, white blood cells will attack. Unfortunately, white blood cells do not discriminate, and can create quite a bit of damage as they clean the area out.

Stem cells, in particular your mesenchymal cells, quiet down the white blood cells and then start the regeneration phase, which leads to new tissue. Bone marrow tends to be very high in white blood cells and low in the mesenchymal cells. Isolating stem cells from fat tissue is preferred not only because it's easier on the patient, but fat also contains a higher population of mesenchymal cells and fewer white blood cells.

"The benefit also of isolating [stem cells from] fat is that it's a relatively simple procedure. There's typically no shortage of fat tissue, especially in Americans," Comella says. "[Also], as you age, your bone marrow declines with regards to the number of cells in it, whereas the fat tissue maintains a pretty high number of stem cells, even in older individuals.

We can successfully harvest fat off of just about anyone, regardless of their age or how thin they are. The procedure is done under local [anesthesia], meaning that the patient stays awake. They don't have to go under general anesthesia. We can harvest as few as 15 cubic centimeters of fat, which is a very small amount of fat, and still get a very high number of stem cells."

A stem cell procedure can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on what you're having done, and rarely if ever will insurance cover it. Still, when you compare it to the cost of long-term medications or the out-of-pocket cost of getting a knee replacement, stem cell therapy may still be a less expensive alternative. Also, a single extraction will typically yield enough stem cells for 20 to 25 future treatments, should you decide to store your stem cells for future need.

"I think it's accessible for patients," Comella says. "It's an out-patient procedure. You plan to be in clinic for about two hours; no real limitations afterwards, just no submerging in water, no alcohol, no smoking for a week. But other than that, patients can resume their normal activities and go about their regular daily lives."

Interestingly, Comella notes that patients who eat a very healthy diet, focusing on organic and grass fed foods, have body fat that is very hearty and almost sticky, yielding high amounts of very healthy stem cells.

"We can grow much better and faster stem cells from that fat than [the fat from] somebody who eats a grain-based diet or is exposed to a lot of toxins in their diet," she says. "Their fat tends to be very fluffy, buttery yellow. The cells that come out of that are not necessarily as good a quality. It's just been very interesting. And of note, patients that are cigarette smokers, their fat is actually gray-tinged in color. The stem cells do not grow well at all."

What's been described above is what's called an autologous donation, meaning you're getting the stem cells from yourself. A number of companies provide non-autologous donations using cells harvested from other people, typically women, like amniotic or embryonic mesenchymal cells. This is an important distinction.

"There are now just a couple of studies that have been published comparing an autologous source, meaning cells from you own body, to an allogeneic source, meaning cells from someone else.

So far, what has been discovered is that the autologous cells, meaning your own cells, will outperform somebody else's cells inside your body. Now, this is not fully understood at this point. It may be that the environment that your cells function in, they're used to that environment. They recognize it. It's the same DNA and they can function well.

However, once you culture expand and get a pure population of these mesenchymal cells not necessarily the sample that's coming right off of the liposuction, but a sample that has been taken to the lab and grown those cells will not elicit an immune response if you use them in someone else. You could scientifically and medically use those in an unmatched person. However, there are some regulatory aspects of that with regards to the FDA."

In the U.S., there are a variety of new stem cell products available, referred to as amniotic, cord blood products or placenta products, which are prepared at a tissue bank. Such facilities must be registered with the FDA, and the products must undergo additional processing.

For example, they must be morselized, or snap frozen or blended in some way. Such processing typically breaks the membrane, releasing growth factors, and the resulting products are called acellular, meaning there are no living cells remaining in the sample.

The amniotic products available in the U.S. are not so much stem cell products as they are growth factor products. According to Comella, they can be useful in creating an immunomodulatory response, which can help to promote healing, but that still differs from the living stem cell procedures that can be done by either isolating cells from your fat or bone marrow. As a general rule, you don't achieve the clinical benefits when using an amniotic product, primarily because they don't contain living stem cells.

"I want to contrast that to what are called embryonic stem cells," Comella adds. "The products obtained from cord blood, from women who are having babies, are not embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are when you are first bringing the egg and sperm together. Three days after that, you can isolate what is called an inner cell mass. This inner cell mass can be used to then grow cells in culture, or that inner cell mass could eventually lead to the formation of a baby.

Those are embryonic stem cells, and those are pluripotential, meaning that they have the ability to form an entire being, versus adult stem cells or stem cells that are present in amniotic tissue, [which] are multipotential, which only have the ability to form subsets of tissue.

When you're dealing with different diseases or damaged tissue or inflammation, mostly you want to repair tissue. If somebody has damage in their knee, they don't necessarily need embryonic cells because they don't need a baby in their knee. They need new cartilage in their knee."

A common question is whether stem cells can cause overgrowth, leading to cancer or tumor formation. As noted by Comella, this is a problem associated with embryonic stem cells, which tend to grow very rapidly and can form a teratoma because of the rapid cell growth. Adult stem cells the cells obtained from your own body have growth inhibitions and will not form teratomas.

"The theoretical concern that has been addressed in animal models or in petri dishes is that if you take cancer cells that are growing in a dish and apply stem cells, it may make those cancer cells grow more rapidly. But this does not translate in-vivo to humans.

If there was truly an issue with applying stem cells to a patient who has cancer, we would know about it by now, because we've been dosing cancer patients with stem cells since the '30s. The safety profile is strong and there are tens of thousands of patients documented with these treatments," Comella says.

Another useful therapy is platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Your peripheral blood contains platelets, which act as first responders when there's an injury. They come in and start the clotting mechanism, thereby preventing you from bleeding to death. They also give marching orders to other cells. For example, platelets can command stem cells to multiply and grow, or to differentiate and form new tissue.

These platelets also have many different growth factors associated with them, which can help to promote healing and stop inflammation. PRP involves taking a blood sample and then spinning the blood in a centrifuge to isolate the platelets. The platelet-rich plasma is then injected back into the area that is inflamed.

"One of the most common uses of platelet-rich plasma or PRP is in a joint. Now, platelets are going to be most successful in something that is rich in stem cells [such as] an acute or a very recent injury.

If you just hurt your knee, the first thing you should do is get PRP, because it's going to help promote healing, and those platelets will attach to the surface receptors of the stem cells that are already going to the area to promote healing. It would be like putting fertilizer on your seed, which are the stem cells.

If you have something more chronic, this tends to be a stem cell-poor environment. In other words, you have osteoarthritis or you've got knee pain that's 5 years old and it's been there for a long time; just putting PRP in it would be like putting fertilizer on dirt without planting a seed first."

The beauty of stem cell therapy is that it mimics a process that is ongoing in your body all the time. Your stem cells are continuously promoting healing, and they do not have to be manipulated in any way. The stem cells naturally know how to home in on areas of inflammation and how to repair damaged tissue.

"All we're doing is harnessing the cells from one location where they're sitting dormant and relocating them to exactly where we want them and we need them to work," Comella says. "Basically, anything inside your body that is inflamed, that is damaged in some way, that is lacking blood supply, the [stem] cells can successfully treat.

That means orthopedics, knee injections, shoulder injections, osteoarthritis, acute injuries, anterior cruciate ligament tears in your back back pain associated with degenerative disc disease or damaged tendons or ligaments, herniated and bulging discs. You can also use it in systemic issues, everything from diabetes, to cardiac, to lungs any tissue organ inside your body that's been damaged.

Autoimmune diseases [can also be treated]. The stem cells are naturally immunosuppressant, meaning they can help quiet down an over reactive immune system and help the immune system function in a more normal way. Neurological diseases, traumatic brain injury, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's. All of these have to do with tissue that's not functioning properly. The cells can be used to address that."

It's quite impressive, the list of different diseases that could benefit from this intervention. That said, I want to reemphasize that this is not a magic bullet. However, you can dramatically improve the benefits of this intervention by combining it with other healthy lifestyle factors that optimize mitochondrial function, such as eating a healthy whole food diet, exercising, sleeping well, avoiding toxins and detoxifying from toxic influences.

Stem cells can also be used as part of an antiaging program. Comella has used stem cells on herself for several years, and report feeling better now than she did a decade ago.

"The ability to reduce inflammation inside your body is basically making yourself live longer. Inflammation is what kills us all. It's what makes our telomeres shrink. It's what causes us pain and discomfort. It's what makes the tissues start to die. The ability to dose yourself with stem cells and bring down your inflammation, which is most likely caused by any sort of toxin that you've been exposed to breathing air is exposure to toxins this is going to lengthen your lifespan.

I typically will do a dose every six to 12 months, regardless of what's going on. If I have anything that's bothering me, if I tweak my knee at the gym, then I absolutely will come in and do an injection in my knee. I want to keep my tissue healthy for as long as possible.

I want to stay strong. I don't want to wait until something is wrong with me. I think that this is the future of medicine. This is what we're going to start to see. People will begin to get their regular doses of [their own] stem cells and it'll just be common practice."

Keep in mind there's a gradual and progressive decline in the quality and the number of stem cells as you age, so if you're considering this approach, it would be to your advantage to extract and bank your stem cells as early on as possible. U.S. Stem Cell provides a stem cell bank service, so you can store them until a later date when you might need them.

"Your stem cells are never as young as they are right now. Every minute that you live, your telomeres are shrinking. The ability to lock in the youth of your cells today can be very beneficial for you going forward, and for your health going forward. God forbid something happens. What if you have a heart attack? You're not going to get clearance to get a mini-lipo aspirate procedure.

If you have your cells waiting in the bank, ready for you, it becomes very easy to pull a dose and do an IV delivery of cells. It's almost criminal that we're not doing this for every single one of our cardiac patients. This should be standard practice. We should be having every single patient bank their stem cells at a young age and have them waiting, ready and available. The technology is there. We have it. I'm not sure why this technology is not being made available to everyone," she says.

"I think stem cell therapy is very different than traditional medicine. Stem cell therapy may actually make it so that you don't have to be dependent on pharmaceutical medications. You can actually repair the tissue and that's it. This is a very different way of viewing medicine."

If you're interested in having this procedure done, contact the U.S. Stem Cell Clinic on You could either have the procedure done at their facility, or if there's a physician in your area providing the service, you can go there. U.S. Stem Cell can help you locate a qualified doctor.

Oftentimes, practitioners will specialize in specific procedures, such as spinal procedures, or knee procedures. There's also a veterinary division, called Vet Biologics, which offers treatment to small pets like cats and dogs, as well as horses.

"One of the things that we've been treating recently is traumatic brain injuries," Comella says. "We had a woman who fell two stories and hit her head. She spent months in a coma and was not able to talk or walk or do any activities. By the time she came to us, it was two years after her injury. The best hospitals in the world told her this was her life 'You're never going to be able to talk or walk or take care of your young children again.' That was just not good enough.

She came to us and we began applying stem cells in a way to allow the cells to cross the blood-brain barrier and to get to her brain. After her first treatment, when she walked into the clinic on her own and began telling me, in full sentences, about the day she had the head injury, tears came down my face. This is the kind of thing that traditional medicine would say is impossible.

We've had patients who were wheelchair-bound, whether it's from multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's, up and out of their chair, literally jogging around cones. This is life-changing Patients who were told they weren't going to return to sports for years are back on the field and playing. There's just many ways that you can heal your tissue to change the course of an injury or a disease."

Continued here:
How Stem Cell Therapy Can Help Repair and Regenerate Your Body

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Biological Sciences – Biotechnology Bachelor of Science …

Posted: October 11, 2017 at 10:08 pm

Prepare for a cutting-edge career with a bachelor's degree in biological sciences from Miami Dade College. South Florida is home to two major life sciences research hubs and more than 1,300 companies that are creating the future right now and have a high demand for skilled workers. This program responds to the needs of our regions employers.

A capstone internship with a prospective employer or private/public partner moves beyond the classroom, allowing you to put your skills to the test in the real world.

The biotechnology concentration of this bachelors program helps you build the knowledge and skills youll need to succeed in the life sciences. As a biotechnology student, youll learn about:

Biological Sciences students can also choose to graduate with these additional concentrations:

Continued growth in the biotechnology and medical research fields is expected to continue to drive growth in the life sciences industry, especially in the South Florida region, which is rapidly evolving into a hot spot for life sciences research. An education in biotechnology opens doors to careers in a variety of workplaces, including:

These four-year programs combine extensive academic studies with the real-world experience students need to pursue a career in their selected field.

The rest is here:
Biological Sciences - Biotechnology Bachelor of Science ...

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Genetic Medicine – Part 4041

Posted: October 11, 2017 at 10:07 pm

A recent ChemJobber post notes that C&E News Editor-in-Chief Rudy Baums editorials sometimes have a tendency to approach the controversial and sometimes the purely political. I wanted to discuss this weeks editorial which threatens to call into question much of my online existence (sorry, Mitch. If Rudys right, I think youre about to spontaneously e-implode).

In this weeks editorial, The Limits of Web 2.0, Baum decries the clich information wants to be free for both its out-of-context usage (the full quote says information wants to be expensive because it is valuable and free because the cost of information dissemination is shrinking almost hourly thus a struggle) and for its lunacy (information cant wish for anything its inanimate). Rather, Baum says that its people who wish that information would be free. Id amend Baums correction slightly. People really want information to be free and readily accessible. Id argue public libraries have long made most information free, if you were willing to do the legwork to get it.

But the bulk of Baums editorial promotes Jaron Laniers book You are Not a Gadget: A Manefesto, and summarizes Laniers main points, namely that the wisdom of crowds can be dangerous and science should be loath to adopt web 2.0 ideals. Lanier points out that around the turn of century, a torrent (a word hijacked by the web 2.0 crowd -ed.) of petty designs sometimes called web 2.0 flooded the web. And through the use of web 2.0, we apparently are losing sight of the trees for the forest, er, the taggers for the cloud.

Baum writes in his editorial (cross-posted for free on the web 2.0 CENtral Science blog, natch), The essence of what Lanier is saying is that individuals are important and that were losing sight of that at our own peril in elevating the wisdom of the crowd to a higher plane than the creativity of a single person. That is, we are valuing the cloud more than the individuals, when the cloud cant exist and has no meaning without the existence of the individuals. Lanier notes that collective intelligence can be used well, but only when guided by individuals who can direct the course of the hive mind and help steer clear of common groupthink pitfalls.

But the most interesting quote comes near then end, when Baum quotes Lanier as saying that scientific communities achieve quality through a cooperative process that includes checks and balances, and ultimately rests on a foundation of goodwill and blind elitism. Im not really sure what that means

But to Laniers thesis that science ought to be wary of embracing web 2.0 and its ideals, I find it interesting that Baum writes his editorial at C&E News, the magazine of the ACS, whose flagship publication, the Journal of the American Chemical Society, has featured a JACS? page for some time now. The same C&E News whose blog has become so popular that it had to split off into several child blogs. Where each post for each ACS article has links to share the article on one of several social networking sites. Where scientists can now browse their favorite article on their iphones with ACSMobile. While perhaps late to the party in some areas, the American Chemical Society has certainly logged on to web 2.0 as a way to export content to the web-savvy scientist.

Plus, we have our own Mitch, a one man walking encapsulation of web 2.0. His most successful application is, in my opinion, the chemical forums, which typically sees between 8,000 and 11,000 visitors per day. This blog seems to be a big hit, and his ChemFeeds is a one-stop source for your aggregated list of your favorite journals graphical abstracts. All this innovation on Mitchs part earned him an interview with David Bradley (of ScienceBase) in his chemistry WebMagazine, Reactive Reports.

Theres also the Chemistry Reddit as another outlet of chemistry news and notes.

In the inaugural issue of Nature Chemistry, the Nature Publishing Group recounted how they have completely bought into web 2.0 as a means of science communication each issue of Nature Chemistry even features a roundup of their favorite posts from the chemical blogosphere (which reminds me, to the left, Mitch has also created an aggregated rss feed of several popular chemistry blogs).

And, of course, web 2.0 in the sciences has been discussed in the blogs several times over the years. We have over 3 pages of posts categorized Web 2.0, mostly Mitchs posts on new web 2.0 platforms hes developed. Jean-Claude Bradley writes about web 2.0 in response to a very interesting post at Nascent, a blog from the folks at Nature.

So, all of these prove that web 2.0 has been talked about many times in the context of science. Has it worked? With the exception of blogs, sadly Im inclined to say no. At least not yet. And even with blogs (with the possible exception of All Things Metathesis, and In the Pipeline, though Derek isnt allowed to talk about his work b/c of intellectual property issues), not a lot of academic or industry leaders are prone to blogging. Its not like were reading Phil Barans blog and getting inside his head on a daily basis.

Sure, there is a subculture of people who are active on the web 2.0 scene, but it surely hasnt taken off as a medium for all chemists to enjoy. It theoretically should. Chemists are always benefited from communal sharing of results and information. But there are still (and probably always will be) people who seem reluctant to join the new technological paradigm. I like the way Timo Hannay words it in his post on Nascent,

But its not up to the doubters to get it, it is up to those of us who support these developments to demonstrate their value. And if we cant then they dont deserve to be adopted and we dont deserve to be heard.

Especially if there are people at the position of Editor-in-Chief for arguably the top chemistry magazine denouncing the web 2.0 movement, clearly it has a ways to go before it will be appreciated by all to the point where web 2.0 is taken for granted, where we dont even realize what were doing when we post results and opinions via web 2.0 technologies.

Lets get moving!

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Genetic Medicine - Part 4041

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LaserLight Stem Cell Therapy | Laser Light Skin Clinic

Posted: October 11, 2017 at 10:05 pm

Joint Pain? Stem Cell Therapy Could Be The Answer!

Stem Cell Therapy is a procedure in which new cells are introduced directly into an injurious area or joint, promoting healing and growth. The multitude of administered cells allows the body to proceed with the healing process at an accelerated rate. This treatment has been recognized by the medical industry worldwide as the biggest medical breakthrough in natural healing. Athletes such as Kobe Bryant, Alex Rodriguez and Peyton Manning have traveled abroad for this unique treatment. And now, Laser Light brings this remarkable therapy to patients in Oklahoma!

What Is A Stem Cell?

Stem cells naturally occur in our bodies. Were born with an abundance of stem cells, but as we age the potency of our stem cells decrease and they no longer multiply as fast as they did when we were young. These are the same cells that help us heal from everyday injuries. The problem, of course, is that as we age, we just dont have as many stem cells available to help every injury, including major body stressors. Stem cells dont carry any DNA or HLA (tissue type) genetic coding so there is no need to worry about tissue matching or rejection. These are the same types of stem cells that have been used safely in bone marrow transplants for the last 20 years. Stem cell therapy is not for everyone so its important that you have a thorough consultation with Dr. Johnson.

How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work?

Stem Cell Therapy has been revolutionized by the availability of cord blood stem cells. After a baby is born, its mother has the option of donating the cord blood cells (multipotent cells), which are then processed at an FDA certified facility and made available to doctors for treatments. Donor stem cells give patients the opportunity to have new stem cells that are undifferentiated placed into the body at the injury site, giving the injury a renewed healing.

Treatment begins with the patient talking with Dr. Johnson and reviewing X-rays of the damaged areas. She can then set a treatment path that uses cord blood cells to treat the injured area. Once a treatment plan is in place, the patient will either need an IV Infusion or a direct injection into the damaged joint.

What Can Stem Cells Do?

Stem cells are used to treat a variety of health concerns. While there are more than 5700 trial studies going on around the country we only treat the conditions that are considered generally accepted by the medical community. Multipotent stem cells have the power to regenerate bone, cartilage, collagen, blood vessels, tendons and ligaments, and more while trying to repair the injury. The effects of the procedure can improve over several months as the new tissues regenerate. Our exclusive protocols use your own bodys growth and healing factors to accelerate the healing cascade within your body. Stem cells can treat:

Who Should Consider Laser Light Stem Cell Therapy? People who are postponing surgery, or are not candidates for a surgical procedure, or who are wanting to dramatically reduce the need for medications are generally candidates for stem cell therapy. Patients range in age from 21 to 90. Dr. Johnson can help you decide if you are a good candidate for therapy.

Its the next big thing, and its available at LaserLight! Want to know more? Call us for a FREE CONSULTATION. Call today at 841-0500!

See the original post here:
LaserLight Stem Cell Therapy | Laser Light Skin Clinic

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