Neuralstem, Inc. (CUR) Just Recorded A Sigfniciant Increase – Weekly Register

Posted: July 9, 2017 at 3:45 pm

July 6, 2017 - By Vivian Park

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.3 in Q4 2016. Its down 0.37, from 0.67 in 2016Q3. It worsened, as 16 investors sold Neuralstem, Inc. shares while 11 reduced holdings. 2 funds opened positions while 6 raised stakes. 6.88 million shares or 44.05% less from 12.30 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Guggenheim Cap Limited Liability has 51,217 shares. Vanguard Gp has 0% invested in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) for 3.09 million shares. 120,000 are owned by Fifth Third Retail Bank. Moreover, Pnc Svcs Gp Inc has 0% invested in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Geode Cap Mgmt Limited Liability owns 1.03M shares for 0% of their portfolio. Natl Asset Management Inc has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Blackrock Institutional Trust Na invested 0% of its portfolio in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Goldman Sachs Gru Incorporated accumulated 10,440 shares or 0% of the stock. Blair William & Com Il has 0% invested in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) for 418,942 shares. Commonwealth Equity Service reported 0% in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). Gp One Trading Limited Partnership reported 0% in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR). First Heartland Consultants, a Missouri-based fund reported 10,000 shares. Bancorp Of Mellon holds 0% or 91,969 shares in its portfolio. Moreover, Kcg has 0% invested in Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) for 106,830 shares. 73,775 are held by Wells Fargo Mn.

Since January 25, 2017, it had 4 buys, and 0 insider sales for $80,004 activity. Daly Richard J had bought 2,841 shares worth $10,000. $30,003 worth of Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) was bought by LLOYD JONES JONATHAN BRIAN on Friday, March 24.

The stock of Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) is a huge mover today! About 67,496 shares traded. Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) has risen 3.35% since July 6, 2016 and is uptrending. It has underperformed by 13.35% the S&P500. The move comes after 5 months positive chart setup for the $63.76 million company. It was reported on Jul, 6 by We have $6.08 PT which if reached, will make NASDAQ:CUR worth $5.74M more.

More notable recent Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) news were published by: which released: Neuralstem raises $20 million in funding from China-based pharmaceutical company on December 13, 2016, also with their article: Neuralstem Appoints Richard Daly as President and Chief Executive Officer published on February 16, 2016, published: Neuralstem Announces Publication of NSI-566 Data in a Rodent Model of on March 09, 2017. More interesting news about Neuralstem, Inc. (NASDAQ:CUR) were released by: and their article: Neuralstem to Present at BIO CEO & Investor Conference published on February 13, 2017 as well as Globenewswire.coms news article titled: Neuralstem Announces a 1-for-13 Reverse Stock Split with publication date: January 06, 2017.

Neuralstem, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company. The company has market cap of $63.76 million. The Firm is engaged in research, development and commercialization of central nervous system therapies based on its human neuronal stem cells and its stem-cell derived small molecule compounds. It currently has negative earnings. The Firm has approximately three assets: its NSI-189 small molecule program, its NSI-566 stem cell therapy program and its chemical entity screening platform.

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Neuralstem, Inc. (CUR) Just Recorded A Sigfniciant Increase - Weekly Register

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