Yoga is now being absorbed into integrative medicine rather than just as an exercise: Karan Talreja – ETHealthWorld

Posted: June 22, 2022 at 2:15 am

Shahid Akhter, editor, ETHealthworld, spoke to Karan Talreja, Founder and Managing Director of Reset Tech, to find out about yoga's global prominence and how it is becoming part of health care protocol by way of integrative medicine.

Post Pandemic: Ayurveda & Yoga The antiquity of Ayurveda and Yoga has been known for the longest time. However, come Covid, there has been a sudden understanding of the requirement for strong immunity, and Yoga and Ayurveda have taken a major dominance in this field. People understand that by following Yoga practices regularly and eating the right kind of food, their immunity can be maintained to a very high level. And, that has really helped them have milder symptoms during Covid as compared to people who didnt follow a healthy lifestyle.

Also, talking about the treatment of Covid, many Covid centers provided Yoga, breathing and Pranayamas to patients, and that really helped them heal much better and faster. During Covid, several states adopted Yoga as a treatment method for patients infected with the virus. In fact, the state of Karnataka included Yoga as a part of the integrative treatment process; and it was made compulsory at most Covid centers for patients to include Yoga and Pranayama on a regular basis.

The Ayush ministry has tried its best to make Yoga available to every citizen within the country. The government is also launching a wonderful initiative which is the Ayush visa. For the very first time, people will be able to come into the country to obtain traditional forms of treatment through the Ayush visa. Also, through the ICCR, the government is sending teachers of Indian culture across the globe. This is very good because what has been observed is that Yoga has become very famous across the world; but at the same time, its true essence has been diluted.

Currently through (TIC)Teachers of Indian culture, the true essence of Yoga will be transported globally and these teachers would be responsible for teaching Yoga and hosting several Yoga-based events across the world, explaining how Yoga truly works. Another good thing that has happened in the last 7 years after Yoga has become popular globally is that a lot of research is now being done on the benefits of Yoga as a form of healing. In fact, the WHO has taken Yoga very seriously and is accepting it as a form of healing. The very first center of traditional treatment was launched in Jamnagar and the WHO chief was there for the same.

Yoga: Global Trends Yoga is becoming more and more popular in the Western world, more than it is in India. On a recent visit to New York, I was really surprised to see that one of the leading fitness centers there runs 7 classes of Yoga a day, and each one of them is fully packed.

I havent seen that kind of excitement in Yoga centers in India. To add to this, the medical research institutes and facilities in America are taking a deep dive into the benefits of Yoga for healing.

Anderson Cancer Center, which is the number one cancer hospital in the world has started offering Yoga as a part of the integrated treatment for cancer patients. And, once they move into remission it becomes a major form of healing for them. Besides this, a lot of universities in the US are doing research on Yoga in collaboration with Indian universities. What is also very surprising to me is that the first Yoga app has come from the US and not from India.

Yoga Online: Advancements Yoga online is a wonderful concept because the problem we face is that we have few excellent teachers of Yoga, and a huge population that wants to benefit from it.

So, what do we do? We just go to the teacher next door, and try to start learning from them. What Yoga online is going to do is bring access to the best teachers to the world audience. So, wherever you are in the world, you will now have access to the best teachers who have been practicing Yoga in its purest form for several years.

There is of course a disadvantage. People generally have this question - How will my Yoga posture be correct if Im learning digitally - compared to a physical space where my teacher is looking at me and correcting my posture if Im wrong? We have a solution to that. Technology is a game changer. Our technology will also identify posture.

There will be several dimensions of the human body which will get captured by the phone camera. The postures will be taken into the system. And wherever people are going wrong, the posture will be corrected.

Going forward, it will make life very easy for people not to miss a class, because you can definitely have the class in your house. So, you dont have to worry about traffic, travel time, and all of that. Besides that, if you miss a class, you can always catch up on the pre-recorded sessions that we have; or just join the class whenever you want to. This can be very difficult and awkward in a physical setup. So, you will benefit much more with online Yoga than you have done otherwise.

Reset Tech: Vision and Growth In 2017 we started a center in Mumbai called Reset which helped people heal naturally with traditional forms of treatment. We did very, very well. In 2020 when the pandemic hit us, we realized that we faced challenges because of the lack of physical presence of members. We decided to now move digital and cater to the world audience with our offering.

We have been working on a completely digital platform called Aayu which will help take Ayurveda, Yoga, and other forms of traditional treatment to the world. We have been creating several programs to heal certain lifestyle diseases. So, what will also benefit is it will not just be a mere experience it will be a lifestyle; because you can do your practices within your house.

Whether there is a lockdown, no lockdown, whether you have time to visit a center or not; everything can be done in your house, at one place. So that is what we have been doing at Reset Tech, and we look forward to healing the world, or at least offering the ability to heal at your doorstep.

Reset Tech: Digital Expansion At Aayu we want to completely change the way people look at digital healing. We are focusing a lot on technology to make healing much more accessible to everybody in the world.

Also, assessments and progress reports that people look forward to will be generated because it's a completely digital program and you can assess yourself through technology. Our artificial intelligence will also offer you services that you need, not just what you want.

Very often, we're looking at healing in a particular disease but we realize that there is some meditation, some Pranayama, or maybe certain sleep stories which can help you heal better and faster. So, we're working at targeting the entire human body as one unit, and not just the problem that the person is facing. This is something that is easily possible through technology.

We are also working on a mood tracking system where just by capturing an image, you will understand what mood you are going through and our AI will provide you solutions to improve your mood. And besides this, we are also looking at having a global launch, where we will be available in multiple languages. Very often the best knowledge is available, but in limited languages. So, people who don't understand or cannot relate to that language are not able to take advantage of those practices.

To give an example, Yoga content is either in Hindi or in English globally, but we would like to go in regional languages in India, and also the most popular languages globally. So, these are some of the things that we're doing that would disrupt the way wellness has been offered to people, and this is possible through technology. And again, we look forward to healing the world through our App.

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Yoga is now being absorbed into integrative medicine rather than just as an exercise: Karan Talreja - ETHealthWorld

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