Integrative Oncology Services Abramson Cancer Center

Posted: February 15, 2019 at 11:44 pm

At Penn Medicines Abramson Cancer Center, we are proud to offer integrative oncology services to supplement traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. The Abramson Cancer Centers wide range of integrative oncology options are designed to help you minimize or reduce side effects of cancer and cancer treatment, and promote your healing and recovery, and improve your overall sense of well-being.

For more information, read the Integrative Oncology frequently asked questions.

Services include:

Penns Integrative Oncology patient navigator connects patients and families to integrative services at Penn and in the community. She can help schedule an appointment or provide insight into the different therapies offered.

Laura Galindez, MSW, LSWIntegrative Oncology Patient Navigator215-360-0580 or

Research being conducted at Penn Medicine tests the effects and mechanisms of promising health behaviors and integrative therapeutic approaches for symptom management and wellness promotion in cancer. Researchers at Penn are exploring ways to best incorporate integrative therapies safely and effectively into the conventional medical therapies to create patient-centered care for optimal health and healing.

See more here:
Integrative Oncology Services Abramson Cancer Center

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