HIMSSCast: Taking the CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Program digital – Mobihealth News

Posted: October 16, 2021 at 2:28 am

The CDC's Diabetes Prevention Program is one of the first lifestyle- and behavior-based interventions to be proven, in a large clinical study, to be more effective than a comparable drug (in this case metformin). Digital implementations can make the DPP more accessible and more scalable, and a number of digital health companies have been tackling this for the last few years.

Fruit Street Health is one of those companies, and its CEO, Laurence Girard, joins host Jonah Comstock on today's HIMSSCast to discuss the challenges, opportunitiesand successes his company has had in this space.

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Talking points:

More about this episode:

Fruit Street to deliver CDC's National Diabetes Prevention Program through live video classes

Fruit Street Health raises $3 million in doctors-only round

UK passes on Apple, Google's Bluetooth contact tracing tool, Fruit Street Health launches COVID-19 telemedicine platform and more digital health news briefs

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Here is the original post:
HIMSSCast: Taking the CDC's Diabetes Prevention Program digital - Mobihealth News

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