Stem Cell Therapy for Joint Pain and Soft Tissue, Colorado

Posted: April 12, 2019 at 11:50 pm

We use adipose-derived stem cells, which are harvested from the patients abdominal fat reserves our bodys richest source of mesenchymal adult stem cells. We also harvest stem cells from bone marrow to provide an additional cornucopia of regenerative cells. Although bone marrow has up to 1,000 times fewer stem cells per volume than fat, its unique growth factors and significant hematopoietic cells additional help to drive tissue regeneration.

By utilizing the combination of these biologic solutions, we maximize the healing potential from an autologous stem cell procedure.Once we have isolated the specific stem cells, they are then injected into the specific area of damage using real-time x-ray (fluoroscopic)or ultrasound guidance.

At this time, we also introduce a PRP injection (platelet-rich plasma) to further the growth and differentiation of these cells. Once there, these regenerative cells have the potential to dramatically reduce inflammation, encourage new vascularity and stimulate the body to repair and replace tissue that has deterioratedover time or been traumatized from injury or overuse.

Four weeks after the initial stem cell injection, a second injection of platelet rich plasma (PRP)or bone marrow concentrate is performed to enhance the regenerative process.For more details, please visit our page dedicated to thestem cell therapy procedure.

Whether the damagedarea is the result of a traumatic sports injury or the product of daily wear and tear (osteoarthritis), stem cell therapy for joints and soft tissue may offer a powerful solution to resolving the ongoing discomfort. Both long standing and more newly acquired injuries have the potential to benefit from this state-of-the-art treatment.

ThriveMDs newest biologic treatment, Alpha 2 macroglobulin (A2M), is proving to be an excellent complimentary treatment to our regenerative stem cell procedures. Scientific evidence points to A2M being the key to stopping arthritis at the molecular level. A2M is a Broad Spectrum Multi-Purpose Protease Inhibitor that captures and inactivates the three major chemicals that lead to joint breakdown and cartilage damage.

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Stem Cell Therapy for Joint Pain and Soft Tissue, Colorado

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