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Hunters, Hearing Loss, and New Tech to Fix it – MeatEater

Posted: June 13, 2022 at 2:29 am

If ever there was an epidemic in the hunting community, itd be hearing loss. When target practice is a way of life, its easy to become blas about earmuffs. When that buck is about to get over the ridge, jamming in ear plugs is the last of our worries. For those reasons, most of us will go through the rest of our lives unable to hear pheasants cackle and elk bugle as well as we should.

It doesnt have to be that way. You can take steps now to stem the loss of auditory ability with simple, cheap solutions or technologically advanced ones.

Dr. Grace Sturdivant is an evangelist for saving hunters eardrums. Starting her career as a Vanderbilt-trained Doctor of Audiology, she spent years researching, diagnosing, and treating hearing loss. Eventually, however, she decided to take a more proactive approach.

I've shifted from the traditional academic medical setting practice, Sturdivant told MeatEater. I want to prevent and delay the problems that I spent so many years treating in people who were debilitated by this problem that was largely preventable. And they acquired this problem by doing these worthwhile things that they love.

Raised in a Mississippian hunting family, she wasnt about to tell shooters to stop shooting: I want you to continue doing what you're doing. I just want to give you some tools to do it safer.

That desire led to the founding of her company, OtoPro Technologies. Through this business, Sturdivant advocates for ear protection while serving as a consultant for shooters, musicians, pilots, builders, machine operators, and others who deal in loud noises for work or pleasure.

I love music. I don't want tell people Don't go stand front and center at your favorite show. Go do it. But let me give you some really cool specially filtered, small, tiny earplugs so you can take the edge off and your ears won't be ringing all night, she said. That's the whole mission. Even if it comes down to me just educating you on how to wear the foam ear plugs correctly, thats cool.

How Do Guns Affect Hearing?

Sturdivant cites a University of Wisconsin study that found men aged 48 to 92 who hunted regularly were more likely to experience high-frequency hearing loss, a risk that increased 7% for every five years a man had been hunting. Of the participants surveyed, 38% of recreational shooters and 95% said they never wore hearing protection while shooting in the last year.

Another more recent study found that the usage of hearing protection while shooting has increased in recent years, but auditory loss is still a big problem. Still, there are plenty of factors to consider in order to mitigate.

High-intensity impulse sounds will permanently damage delicate cochlear structures, and thus individuals who shoot firearms are at a higher risk of bilateral, high-frequency, noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) than peer groups who do not shoot, the studys authors wrote. In this article, we describe several factors that influence the risk of NIHL, including the use of a muzzle brake, the number of shots fired, the distance between shooters, the shooting environment, the choice of ammunition, the use of a suppressor, and hearing protection fit and use.

But whats really happening when we pull the trigger that makes our ears hurt and function poorly as a result?

When you think about decibels, think about them in terms of sound pressure level, which is exactly what a decibel is, Sturdivant said. And with a gunshot you're typically at around 150 decibels sound pressure level. And when that amount of sound pressure hits your hearing nerve, it's hitting those hair fibers that are just these tiny, delicate hair fibers that send the sound to the brain. It's hitting them really hard and really fast, like an impulse impact. And so the amount that those hair cells are able to withstand instantly from a 150 decibel sound pressure level is not very much. So, oftentimes, you'll see instant damage or at least instant weakening at that level.

In contrast, she said, you could withstand a lower decibel level for much longer. But even an 80-decibel noise for a long duration will weaken those microscopic hair fibers in your ears. Those organs can recover and regenerate, but you need to allow them time to do so after exposure to loud noises. If you let the problem go on long enough, however, you may be faced with even worse issues.

Of course, not only the communication difficulties and just the frustration of not being able to hear; there's really more to it than that, Sturdivant said. And a large reason why I started this business was because of all the connections that we see in the area of cognitive decline and dementia with hearing loss. Because we actually hear with our brains and when those hair cells are able to send the signal in a healthy way to the brain to be processed, it's stimulating some very specific areas of the brain. And when those areas are not stimulated, we see an earlier onset and a faster rate of cognitive decline with various forms of dementia.

Sturdivant said that most people wait seven to 10 years to do anything about their hearing loss. That can allow cognitive decline to take hold sooner than it would otherwise. Like with most medicine, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

How to Protect Your Ears While Shooting

Hearing protection technology has advanced rapidly in recent years, especially from military contractors and European firms. While there are many great offerings in the consumer hunting market already, theres a lot more ultra-modern tech you probably havent even heard about yet. Sturdivant stays highly up to date on all the bleeding-edge ear care gadgets available worldwide.

One of the biggest developments recently becoming widely available to consumers is simple and affordable custom fittings.

Custom is very important because we want a tight air seal of your ear, she said. If there's any air leakage, sound waves are passing through.

Its also a major boon if, say, you got punched in the head in high school or otherwise damaged your ear canals in sports or accidentsplacing you among the minority in regard to one-size-fits-most ear plugs.

Some new offerings also allow air passage to help defeat that pressurized-airplane-cabin, stuffed-up feeling you get from air-tight ear plugs.

There's lots of passive filters for hunting and shooting. This is awesome because it allows the most in and it allows some air exchange. When you first wear it, you wonder like, is this really fitting my ear? Because I can feel air, which is strange. But that's the whole point, Sturdivant said. Theres a sound pressure membrane that vibrates to let the sound pass through and then it stiffens up at 95-decibel sound pressure level. So, it's an all-or-nothing filter.

For hunters who may have already beat the hell out of their eardrums, a favorite feature is ambient microphones built into the earplugs that amplify the surrounding noise, making you still able (or even more able) to hear a buck snort or goose wings whoosh. At the gun range, that means you dont need to take off your headphones and yank out your ear plugs between each target session in order to register what your friends are hollering at you. Ambient noise will sound practically normal, but the plugs immediately block out the concussion of a gun blast.

Some of the higher-end models offer Bluetooth streaming capability, so you can play your favorite podcast while plinking at targets or running the circular saw. Some of these also offer wind noise reduction features, or the ability to adjust the volume level for both ears individually. There are solutions for every situation and budget, from OtoPros new proprietary, universal passive filter ear plugs to $300 custom rigs.

Or course, none of this is meant to say that you cant protect your ears well with items you likely already own (or could acquire painlessly). Sturdivant says that the cheap foam ear plugs still make a big difference, so long as theyre inserted correctly. Pinch and roll the tip up tightly then push it in far enough that none of the material is extending outside your ears, creating an air-tight seal against sound. Pair that with an affordable pair of Caldwell earmuffs and youre a long ways toward saving your ears for later in life.

Sturdivant said that she is seeing a tide change in the way hunters view protecting themselves and others. Folks over 60 tend to think the damage is done, she said, but younger generationsthose that grew up with mandatory seatbelt laws, for exampleare beginning to be more proactive and invest in preventative measures. That may be the most true for parents introducing their kids to hunting and shooting. If you start young enough with good ear protection, theres no reason why a person should ever lose their auditory abilities. Sturdivant hopes to keep that trend growing and encourages every hunter and shooter to share the same message with their family and friends.

My job is to motivate you, to protect your hearing. Your job is to become damned and determined to be like, I'm going to get over this hump and this is going to become my new normal. And then it becomes second nature, she concluded. Hearing protection just needs to be another piece of essential hunter safety gear.

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Hunters, Hearing Loss, and New Tech to Fix it - MeatEater

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Cryopreservation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells

Posted: January 20, 2022 at 1:53 am

Am J Hematol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2007 Nov 12.

Published in final edited form as:

PMCID: PMC2075525


Roger Williams Medical Center, Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, East Wing, Providence, Rhode Island

Stem cell transplantation represents a critical approach for the treatment of many malignant and non-malignant diseases. The foundation for these approaches is the ability to cryopreserve marrow cells for future use. This technique is routinely employed in all autologous settings and is critical for cord blood transplantation. A variety of cryopreservatives have been used with multiple freezing and thawing techniques as outlined in the later chapters. Freezing efficiency has been proven repeatedly and the ability of long-term stored marrow to repopulate has been established. Standard approaches outlined here are used in many labs as the field continues to evolve.

Keywords: stem cell, marrow, cryopreservative, freezing methods

The role of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the treatment of hematologic and nonhematologic malignancies is rapidly expanding. In certain situations fresh stem cells can be employed in the setting of allogeneic transplantation. If the transfer from donor to recipient can be established within 72 hr, protocols for preliminary storage at suprafreezing temperatures are in place. However, the current therapeutic strategies demand that the progenitor cells are cryopreserved for virtually all autologous and many allogeneic transplants. This strategy has been proven to be safe and not associated with significant adverse outcomes regarding failure to engraft, graft versus host disease (GVHD), or engraftment failure [1].

The cryopreservation process is of importance for all types of stem cell collection, but is perhaps particularly critical for umbilical cord blood (UCB). The actual transplant is here harvested at the time of birth and used at a later point in time for a yet, at the time point of the harvest, often indeterminate recipient. The UCB is usually stored by either public or private cord blood banks. Public cord blood banks are usually nonprofit organizations, which offer the donor unit to matching recipients via national or international registries to potential recipients in need [2]. Cord blood banks store a donor specimen for the donor or in the case of public banks for an unknown recipient for an indeterminate time span. There are now about 170,000 frozen units in 37 cord-blood registries in 21 countries. Two thousand nine hundred units have been transplanted to date, with adults having received about one third of those units [3].

The cryopreservation process entails the following general components:

Harvesting of the donor cells, which entails the actual collection of the specimen and the reduction of bulk.

Addition of cryopreservatives

The actual freezing procedure

Assessment of the viability of the frozen unit after about 72 hr

The thawing procedure

The washing and conditioning of the donor unit prior to transplant

No single cryopreservation method has been universally used. Variations in technique occur between different transplant centers. Our review revealed that slight changes have been observed over the last 15 years [4]. At our institution we use a standardized NIH protocol for the preservation of allogeneic and autologous peripheral hematopoietic stem cell and bone marrow transplant specimens.

We collect Hematopoietic Progenitor Stem Cells in a minimally manipulated fashion as defined by the Foundation for the Accreditation of Hematopoietic Cell Therapy (FAHCT) with a minimal cell dose of at least 2.5 1065.0 106 CD34(+) cells/kg body weight, as currently considered standard [5]. The specimen is then centrifuged to develop the cell rich pellet. In autologous transplants donor plasma is used. The supernatant out of this cryoprecipitation process is used for the reliquidification of the pellet cells, after the addition of a solution of heparinized Plasmalyte solution and 10% DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide). This usually eventuates into a cellular concentration of 500 106 cells in the cryopreservate. We store the bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cell product at initially 4C [6]. Then the sample is frozen down to the target temperature of 156C (when stored in the vapor phase) to 196C (when stored in the liquid phase), depending on where in the container the specimen is stored. To guarantee the integrity of the donor unit prior to myeloablative therapy, a viability reassessment of the unit is performed using a Trypan Blue assay, and if this is equivocal a propidium iodide assay. Prior to the actual stem cell infusion the sample is rapidly thawed in a 37C water bath.

Several elements of the cryopreservative procedure are still matter of debate. Algorithms differing in freezing temperature, freezing rate, cryopreservatives, durability, thawing temperature, and thawing rate have been published. This article will review the status of the literature regarding some of those elements [4,7,8].

The temperatures used for the cryopresevation of hemopoeitic stem cells over the past fifteen years has been 196, 156, or 80C, reflecting the storage temperatures in liquid and vapor phase nitrogen and in cryopreservation mechanical freezers, respectively. The development of the use of cryopreservative temperatures was from lower temperatures of around 196C in the 1980s to around 80C in the 1990s [2,916]. For umbilical cord isolated stem cells similar trends are observed. The standard temperatures currently in use are 196 to 80C [1719]. Secondary to the recent reports about the spread of infectious agents (i.e., aspergillus as well as viral spread), through the liquid phase of the nitrogen tanks, the currently recommended optimal storage conditions are in the vapor nitrogen phase, at 156C. Mechanical freezers might represent a viable alternative.

Also, several studies examined the possibility to store HSCs at suprafreezing temperature, at 4C. A preclinical study that examined PBSCs mobilized in autologous plasma with post-storage clonogenic and viability assays suggested that a storage up to five days is safe [20]. A small case series by Ruiz-Arguelles et al. successfully used PBPCs after 96 hr storage at 4C for rescue after high dose chemotherapy [21].

The rate of freezing was widely debated in the literature. The controlled rate freezing technique is still considered standard, mainly due to the fact that the heat liberation at the transition or eutactic point (about 4C) is deemed detrimental to the stem cell population. At this point the water molecules within the frozen unit are in a precise molecular order, what eventuates in the thermodynamic liberation of fusion heat.

In controlled rate freezing, the concentrated stem cells are frozen down at a rate of 12C/min up to a temperature point of about 40C. Then, the freezing process down to a target of 120C is performed at a faster pace, about 35C/min. For umbilical cord stem cells, bone marrow, and PBSCs the controlled rate freezing process is considered standard [2224], and was in different reports found to be superior to uncontrolled freezing approaches. This procedure is time consuming and requires staff with a specific expertise. Hence, the use of uncontrolled rate freezing in which the specimen is first cooled down to 4C and then directly deposited into a freezer at 80C or put into liquid phase nitrogen has been evaluated. Several reports [9,12,13] established that the uncontrolled method is safe and reveals comparable results to the controlled rate process for BM and PBSCs. A controlled study performed by Perez-Oteyza et al. [14] showed that the controlled and uncontrolled rate freezing approach are comparable in terms of viability testing and that only a statistically significant decrease in the CFU-GM clonality assay could be detected in the uncontrolled freezing situation. Recent studies suggested that uncontrolled freezing is also a viable approach for UCB stem cells [25,26]. No consensus exists about the relevance of the compensation for fusion heat during the freezing procedure [6]. However, a study of Balint et al. outlined the importance of this intervention, comparing five different freezing protocols [6]. The protocols using a five step controlled freezing approach compensating for the fusion heat achieved better post thawing viability.

The actual durability, defined as the time that stem cells can be preserved, is still unclear. The viability of the stem cells in cryopreservation has been questioned in different studies after a time course of cryopreservation of 6 months [10]. Further studies have demonstrated a prolonged freezing time with complete preservation of stem cell function.

Several substitute assays are used to estimate the functional hematopoietic reconstitutive capacity of the first frozen and then thawed specimens. While BFU-E and CFU-GM appear to be compromised earlier in the course of cryopreservation, the recovery of nucleated cells (NC) and CD34+ cells and the actual engraftment in NOD/SCID mice seems to be preserved for a longer period of time [2,9,12,14 15,27,28]. Those observations have been initially made in bone marrow and PBSC, and similar observations have been made with UBC stem cells [18,2933]. The NOD/SCID mouse assay is currently considered the most valuable assay to assess the functionality for hematologic recovery of HSC preparations [3437], but is not routinely practical. After Kobylka et al. [38] and Mugishima et al. [39] proved the durability after 12 and 15 years with flow cytometric and clonogenic assays, respectively, and Broxmeyer et al. [30] performed a reassessment of his long-term preserved CB units, a durability of up to 15 years was established by using hematopoietic reconstitution in NOD/SCID mice. Clinical validity of preclinical studies was documented in anecdotal reports when successful trilineage engraftment was achieved with BM, stored for 7 years [26]. A systematic review evaluating the combined experience of the Brigham and Womens Hospital and the EBMT Group [11] noticed that HSC can be effectively cryopreserved for up to 11 years. A retrospective study from Seattle revealed full trilineage recovery in patients receiving HSC, stored for up to 7.8 years without consistent detrimental effects [27].

Reinfusion of cryopreserved cells has been associated with varying toxicities, which were partially attributed to the total volume and the cryopreservatives in the solution [7,8,40]. Concern was raised in the past that a high cell concentration in the cryopreservate can eventuate in toxicity to the cells. Hence, the initially proposed concentration of cryopreserved cells was suggested to be not over 2 107/ml NC [11,41]. This would eventuate in a cryopreservation volume of about 7 l [10] per patient. The storage space needed and the labor to wash the graft prior to reinfusion would be immense [4].

After initial murine models were found safe, Rowley et al. established that high cell concentrations (up to 5.6 108 cells/ml) in the cryopreservate are well tolerated, not associated with significant adverse effect to the cells, and resulted in good clinical outcomes [4]. Similar conclusions were drawn from subsequent studies by Kawano et al. [42] and Cabezudo et al. [43]. For practical purposes a cell concentration of 200 106/ml appears achievable [4,44,45].

Cryopreservatives are necessary additives to stem cell concentrates, since they inhibit the formation of intra and extracellular crystals and hence cell death. The standard cryoprotectant is DMSO, which prevents freezing damage to living cells [46]. It was initially introduced into medical use as an anti-inflammatory reagent and is still occasionally used in auto-immune disorders [47,48]. Usually it is used at concentrations of 10% combined with normal saline and serum albumin [2,9,13,49]. This was established to be a safe and non-stem cell toxic agent [49]. However, DMSO is associated with a clinically significant side effect profile. Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps occur in about half of all the cases [50]. Other side effects encompass cardiovascular [7], respiratory [51,52], CNS [8,5355], renal, hemolytic [56], and hepatotoxic presentations. Case fatalities attributed to DMSO toxicities have been reported [57].

A recent multinational questionnaire based survey, including data from 97 EBMT transplant centers, revealed that DMSO related toxicities other than nausea and vomiting are observed in about one out of 50 transplants with a mean incidence of 2.2% of all administered units. Cardiovascular side effects were the most frequently observed group of adverse events witnessed in 27% of the participating centers. Respiratory events were observed in 17%, CNS toxicities, including seizures, in 5%, and renal adverse effects in 5% [58].

Based on these toxicity considerations, newer approaches have been tried. Lower dosages of DMSO, varying from 2.2 to 6% [9,10,12,59,60] have been established to be efficacious in bone marrow and PBSCs as well as for UCB. On the contrary, a Yugoslavian study compared the 10% DMSO concentration to lower concentrations with different freezing rates. The 10% DMSO cryopreservation proved to be superior to lower concentrations in this in vitro study [6]. To enhance the effect of the cryopreservative, the combination of DMSO and the extracellular cryoprotectant hydroxyethyl starch (HES) has been used with success in PBSCs and bone marrow grafts [12,13] and UCB cells.

Alternative preservation methods for cryopreservation are propylene glycol, a combination of alpha tocopherol, catalase, and ascorbic acid and the glucose dimer trehalose as intra and extracellular cryoprotectant [28,32,61].

Interesting preclinical data from Germany suggests that activation of caspases, particularly during the thawing process, can induce apoptosis and hence contribute to the cryoinjury to transplant grafts. Addition of the caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk as cryopreservative presents an intriguing future perspective [62].

Several techniques for the thawing procedure have been proposed. The standard method is warming in a water bath at 37C until all ice crystals disappear [13]. A German study compared the thawing of cryopreserved units in a warm water bath with dry heat applied by gel pads at 37C. The viability and clonogenic potential were comparable, with a trend towards less infectious contamination in the dry method [63]. Different studies examined the preservation of function when thawed units were incubated at 037C [13,31]. No significant differences were detected in a study by Yang et al. who compared an incubation of the thawed unit at 0, 20, and 37C for 20 min [31]. The used cryopreservative proved to be nontoxic to the stem cells during the cryopreservation process, as already established by previous studies [4,49]. Reducing the DMSO content at thawing temperature is an intriguing concept, because of the clinical toxicity profile of this cryopreservative. Hence, the effect of reducing the DMSO content in the thawing solution by virtue of washing or dilution has been explored [59,64]. Minor or no effect on the stem cell viability has been observed. An automated method to wash out the cryopreservative has proven feasible in pre-clinical models [65].

For stem cells of cord, peripheral blood, and bone marrow origin, the process of washing out the cryopreservative after the thawing can still be considered standard [19,32], since the DMSO is assumed to have toxic effect on the stem cells. This has been questioned by several more recent reports, which suggested stem cell resistance against DMSO exposure [13,49]. The wash out of the most popular cryopreservative has conceivable benefits for the recipient, i.e. reduction of toxicity, since the degree of DMSO toxicity is proportional to the amount of DMSO contained in the infused stem cell solution [66]. It was also suggested that wash out of DMSO can enhance engraftment [67]. This has been disputed [68].

The current standard washing protocol follows the New York Blood Center protocol [19], in which the two step dilution of the thawed stem cell unit with 2.5% human serum albumin and 5% dextran 40 is followed by centrifugation at 10C for 10 min. The supernatant is then removed and HSA and dextran solution is again added twice to a final DMSO concentration of less then 1.7%. The washed solution is infused as soon as possible. Although this procedure has been established to be safe and associated with a reasonable recovery of NC and progenitor assays [69], it is also very labor intensive and not free of cell loss [70,71]. Recently new automated cell washing devices have been introduced with promising results [50,65,72,73].

The International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) described on its supplier information website for cryocontainers nine different cryostorage container products. Six of them are Ethinyl Vinyl Acetate (EVA) based, usually gamma irradiated.

Trademarks are


CellFlex/Maco Pharma

Cell Freeze Charter Medical

Pall Medical Freezing Bag 791-05

Cryostore EVA/Origen Biomedical Inc.

Thermogenesis Corp./Freezing bag 80346-0

Other, not EVA based products are

American Fluoroseal/FEP(Teflon)

Fresenius Hemocare/Hemofreeze(Teflon,Kaplon)

Origen Biomedical Inc./Permalife Bag, FEP/Polyimide

Other approaches have been undertaken. A Czech group published their successful experience with a stainless steel cryopreservation container specifically designed for PBSC [74]. In the US, the most commonly used cryocontainer is an EVA freezing bag (Yang, 2005 [75]), [76].

The use of specific containers, PVC and polyolefin plastic bags and polyethelene cryostorage vials, achieved different results regarding the viability of the stored specimen. PVC and polyolefin bags achieved satisfactory results, while polyethelene cryostorage vials did not in one study [2]. A group from Boston suggested that polyolefin cryobags achieve a longer functional duration than PVC bags.

Microbial contamination of transplants represents a significant hazard to the severely immunosuppressed recipient. The FDA estimates that seven transplant related deaths per year could be avoided by elimination of infection related to donor cell infusions [77]. The overall demonstrated microbiological contamination rates are 04.5% [27,7883].

The major parts of the cultured bacteria are skin flora and commensal bacteria. The remainder is mainly made up out of enteric bacteria. Of note is that bone marrow derived stem cell cryounits are much more likely to be contaminated by pathogens, which is explained by the harvesting process. The rates of contamination between PBSC and bone marrow differ significantly by up to a factor of sixteen (0.23% for PBSC and 3.8% for BM) [84].

displays the incidence with which different pathogens were cultured from donor units in four different studies addressing the bacterial contamination of stem cell products [78,8284]:

Organisms Cultured/Overall Incidence of Positive Cultures

The cryopreservation process was associated with reduction of detectable microorganisms. In one German study the detection of Staphylococcus epidermidis was reduced by an average of 9.3% and Escherichia coli by 18.1% [85]. Also, several studies reported the occurrence of positive cultures post thawing [27,83,86]. This suggests the risk of contamination of the culture bottles (i.e., not induced by the donor graft).

The incidence of severe sepsis upon infusion of stem cells, which cultured positive for commensals and skin flora bacteria, is low and most of the febrile episodes developing after their infusion are treatable with antibiotics [83].

The stability of viruses in liquid nitrogen has been documented [87]. An English source published an epidemic outbreak of hepatitis B in autologous bone marrow recipients [88], which was subsequently linked by nucleotide sequence analysis to another cryopreservative stored in the same container [89]. Subsequent analysis of debris in the liquid nitrogen phase of the same container demonstrated spread of the pathogen via the liquid phase. Similar outbreaks have been reported [90]. To prevent such incidences we store infectious conserves separately and provide protective sleeves around the cryopreservative bags, as reported to be efficacious previously [91].

To prevent infectious complications by the infusion of donor stem cells the following measures should be employed:

Processing in clean areas and scrupulous microbiologic monitoring of all stages of the stem cell preservation procedure according to current standards [92,93].

Detection of microbiologic contamination prior to infusion. This has been successfully done in an automated manner for other blood products [86].

Screening of donors, even in the autologous setting as circulated in regular guidelines [92]. Upon detection of an infectious graft there should be separate or protected storage [91].

Embryonic stem cells portray a different biologic behavior under cryopreservation. Because of the enormous potential of Embryonic Stem (ES) cells for transplantation therapy, recent studies have evaluated the manner in which these fragile cells are stored. One difficulty with the cryopreservation of these cells is their extreme fragility resulting in poor survival of the cells under standard freezing procedures, usually in the range of 1% [93]. Not only do the cells have a poor yield with the standard freezing protocols, the cells are also induced into differentiation. Ware et al. investigated a method using a very slow controlled rate freezing procedure and 10% DMSO. Along with the very slow freezing rate, a rapid thaw was found to be critical for a successful storage [93]. A study from Wisconsin identified HES (hydroxy ethyl starch) as a valuable cryoadditive during slow rate freezing and vitrification procedures [94]. Some methods have been derived in which the ES cells are frozen in 24-well plates with minimal media and 10% DMSO at 80C. The importance of rapid thawing by adding minimal media at body temperature was emphasized. In a study by Ure et al., all 227 clones tested grew successfully, although molecular and phenotypic studies were not done in this instance to prove the cell lineage [95]. Adams et al. successfully cryopreserved primary hepatocytes in a University of Wisconsin solution containing FBS and DMSO for 8 months with the preservation of viability and key phenotypic properties [96]. A recent preclinical study by Milosevic et al. highlighted the role for caspase inhibitors as additives to cryopreservative in embryonic murine neural precursors, an approach that was previously undertaken in hematopoietic precursors [62]. A 6070% viability was achieved by adding the caspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk to different cryopreservatives after five days [99].

One theory as to the cause of cell death is ice crystal formation in the cytoplasm during freezing [98]. The process of vitrification makes attempts of freezing the ES cells while avoiding the ice formation. Reubinoff was the first to implement this method using an open pulled straw vitrification method, which had previously been successful in the cryopreservation of embryos. This procedure, which evaluated the more fragile human ES cells, proved a 100% viability of the ES cell clumps that all generated colonies compared to a 70% recovery post thaw and 16% differentiation using standard methods [99]. The test cells also had normal karyotypes, OCT-4 expression, and developed teratomas in xenografts of SCID mice [100]. Since this experiment, others have looked at closed seal straw vitrification or alternative freezing media and a simplified vitrification method [100,101] that showed similar results.

The most commonly used clonogenic assays are CFU-Sd12 [6], a murine assay, MRA (CFU-GM) [6,27,32,38,66,102], CFU-GEMM [6,103], BFU-E [27,38,66,103], and the long term culture initiating cell [104] (LTC-IC) assay (). Still, in spite of the availability of these assays to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the clonogenic potential of the hemopoietic cell in suspension, the eventual evaluation of the engraftment potential relies on the evidence of hematopoietic reconstitution in myeloablated mammals.

Clonogenic assays. Cells are plated in soft agar and incubated. At set time periods, the cell colonies are counted; this provides an in vitro surrogate of hematopoietic reconstitution potential. (A) CFU/GM (B) CFU/GEMMA.

Different techniques that have been used for human cells are cell counting for NC [32,66,105] and CD34+ cells [61,105], tryptan blue exclusion for viability [94,103], 7-Aminoactinomycin [29,31], engraftment in NOD/SCID mice, and clonogenic assays [27].

Though no absolute consensus is reached as to the optimal method to assess the functionality of a donor graft, several substitute assays have been used to estimate the functional hematopoietic reconstitutive capacity of the first frozen and then thawed specimen. The broad categories of assays used for this purpose are cell counting assays, viability assays, clonogenic experiments, and the engraftment of donor cells in NOD/SCID mice.

While the BFU-E and CFU-GM appear to be compromised earlier in the course of cryopreservation, the recovery of NC and CD 34+ cells and the actual engraftment in NOD/SCID mice seems to be preserved for a longer period of time [2,9,12,14,15,27,28]. These observations have been made in bone marrow and PBSC, and for UBC the same observations were made [18,2933].

Yang et al. evaluated two different functional assays, the CD 34 count and the CFU-GM, by correlating the pre and post thawing assay outcome with engraftment in 52 patients. The pre and post thawing assay correlated well with each other and with the actual clinical engraftment (Yang et al., 2005, [24]). A general summary of a standard cryopreservation technique is presented in .

The cryopreservation process for bone marrow, peripheral blood stem cells, and UCB.

Grant sponsor: NIH; Contract grant numbers: 1P20RR018757, 5R01, DK61858, 5KO DK064980.

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Cryopreservation of Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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Post from Community: STEM Forward to honor STEM outreach and engineering excellence at the 69th annual celebration of STEM virtual event – Milwaukee…

Posted: January 20, 2022 at 1:53 am

Editors note: Posts from the Community is the place for community announcements and event postings. If you have a community-oriented event you feel our readers would be interested in, please submit here.

This years keynote speaker is Dr. Vicki J. Martin, President of Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC). Dr. Martin has launched the MATC Promise for high school graduates, and in 2018, she announced the MATC Promise for Adults, one of the nations first Promise programs for adult learners. Dr. Martin serves on the steering committee of the Higher Education Regional Alliance and is a founding leader of the M3 initiative, which brings together MATC, Milwaukee Public Schools, and the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee to transform Milwaukee through education. Join us to hear Dr. Martins perspectives on MATC and Wisconsins Technical Colleges: Building the States Diverse STEM Talent Pipeline.

Milwaukee Area Technical College and all 16 technical colleges around Wisconsin are uniquely positioned to meet STEM workforce needs by offering career-ready programs with a faster time to degree and the opportunity to use those credentials as a building block for a bachelors degree and beyond, MATC President Dr. Vicki J. Martin said. Employers are seeking diverse talent, and at MATC, 55% of our students are students of color. We are proud to be the regions partner in lifting up diverse individuals, building the diversetalent pipeline, and strengthening our community.

Dr. Ayman EL-Refaie is a professor of Electrical Engineering and Thomas and Suzanne M.Werner Endowed Chair in Secure/Sustainable Energy at Marquette University. He is known as a lead educator and researcher in the Opus College of Engineering. Over the course of 21 years of research, Dr. EL-Refaie has conducted ground-breaking research in advanced traction motors, traction motors that reduce or eliminate rare-earth materials, fault-tolerant electrical machines for safety-critical applications, and high specific-power electrical machines, among others.

His outstanding research in electric vehicles stands to influence the future of engineering innovation at Marquette and in Wisconsin and create immense economic and environmental value globally.

Dr. Wujie Zhang is an associate professor of Biomolecular Engineering at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE). Dr. Zhangs scholarly work and research span biomaterials, tissue engineering, drug delivery, and cancer treatment. Dr. Zhang has published more than 35 peer-reviewed journal articles (15 undergraduate students as first/co-authors), authored the book Nanotechnology for Bioengineers, and holds multiple patents. With numerous external and internal funding sources, he is actively engaged in research involving undergraduate students in various areas, including engineered red blood cells for oxygen therapeutics development.

Dr. EL-Refaie and Dr.Wujie Zhang were selected from a pool of highly qualified nominees committed to advancing the engineering profession and inspiring others in southeastern Wisconsin. An independent judging panel completed the evaluation and selection of the nominees.

American Family is receiving the 2022 Spirit of STEM award for its outstanding commitment to STEM outreach and improving the STEM competency of K-12 students.Since 2012 the Spirit of STEM Award has recognized organizations making a significant impact in advancing STEM education and talent development. Recipients indeed are Best in Class in helping bring along the next generation and giving back in a very STEM way. Over the last three years, American Family Insurance has emerged as a leader in STEM education and outreach in greater Milwaukee through their support of many programs and organizations, including STEAM & Dream, MSOE STEM Center, Urban Future Centers Milky Way Tech Hub, the sySTEMnow Conference, and others.

The Spirit of STEM Award was established in 2013 to honor organizations that significantly impact STEM education and talent.Past recipients include ATC, Direct Supply, GE Healthcare, Komatsu, Northwestern Mutual, Rockwell Automation, and We Energies.

STEM Forwards Engineer of the Year has been a tradition since 1953. The award is given to a remarkable person in the Milwaukee 7 County Community who has made an extraordinary contribution to the engineering profession. The Young Engineer of the Year recognizes an exemplary engineer under 40. The Spirit of STEMaward honors businesses committed to advancing STEM education and building talent in southeastern Wisconsin.

Individual tickets and group sponsorships are now available to this premier virtual event celebrating National Engineers Week. To learn more, visit Eventbrite or our Website.

About STEM Forward

STEM Forward is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and metro Milwaukees leading STEM education and outreach provider. STEM Forwards programs, events, and activities inspire local youth to pursue STEM careers and provide a talent pipeline to businesses in southeastern Wisconsin.

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Post from Community: STEM Forward to honor STEM outreach and engineering excellence at the 69th annual celebration of STEM virtual event - Milwaukee...

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Bring in the bulldozers: Cynatas CEO on how heavyweight FujiFilm will turbocharge its … – Stockhead

Posted: January 5, 2022 at 1:55 am

Stem cell therapy, sometimes called regenerative medicine, is one of the most exciting areas of the life sciences sector right now.

It has emerged as a promising alternative approach in many medicine specialties, with some even saying that its the medical innovation of the century.

In clinical studies, stem therapy has been shown to be effective against multiple diseases like diabetes, osteoathritis, and graft-versus-host disease (GvHD).

But despite the enormous amount of research being undertaken,the biggest problem still remains:how to produce these cell therapy products economically at a commercial scale.

ASX-listed Cynata Therapeutics (ASX:CYP) is one company thats well ahead on sorting the problem out.

Cynatas proprietary platform Cymerus uses a unique method that could produce the stem cells at scale, without having to use multiple donors and ensuring no loss of potency.

The company has just partnered with Japan-based, stem cell manufacturing heavyweight Fujifilm Cellular Dynamics to produce Cynatas Cymerus therapeutic stem cell products.

Partnering with FujiFilm is like migrating from picks and shovels to having big bulldozers and front-end loaders, Cynata CEO, Dr Ross McDonald, told Stockhead today.

And if you stay with the mining analogy, itd be like discovering an iron ore reserve in Central Australia. But if you cant get it out of the ground, there wont be a lot of interest and use, he continued.

Dr McDonald explained there are two approaches to using cell therapy, the autologous and the allogeneic approach.

The autologous approach is where the patient themselves serves as their own donor.

This is obviously bespoke and inefficient, because the drug can only be manufactured for that one patient, and is obviously not an industrialised process, he said.

But by taking an allogeneic approach, Cynata has the ability to start with a one time donation of cells from one single donor.

Well never have to go back to that human donor ever again, so our process of producing cells has become a very much more typical industrialised process.

Cynata was formed in October 2011 by two of the inventors of the Cymerus technology, in collaboration with famed Australian technology entrepreneur, Dr Ian Dixon.

Core patents underpinning Cynatas Cymerus technology are owned by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), with Cynata being granted an exclusive worldwide licence to the relevant patents.

In 2013, Cynata was acquired by ASX-listed company called EcoQuest, subsequently changing its name to Cynata Therapeutics.

Since then, the company has progressed the use of the groundbreaking patent in multiple diseases and clinical trials.

Dr McDonald says that so far, Cynata has been able to make all the products its needed to carry out these trials, but hes anticipated that at some point, the scale of manufacturing is going to have to be increased as it moves towards commercialisation.

The companys pipeline for 2022 is quite stacked, with four concurrent clinical trials underway: osteoarthritis, respiratory diseases including COVID-19, diabetic foot ulcers, and graft-versus-host disease (GvHD).

Dr McDonald says the GvHD trial in particular marks a major shift, as it will take place in the US.

The GvHD trial is a big deal for us in uplifting our product portfolio, and the maturation of that, he said.

Any company who moves forward in the US is usually a big de-risking event. And we see that as being a major value driver for Cynata.

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Bring in the bulldozers: Cynatas CEO on how heavyweight FujiFilm will turbocharge its ... - Stockhead

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Polymyositis Pipeline to Progress with New and Emerging Drugs for Treatment, Analyzes DelveInsight – GlobeNewswire

Posted: December 10, 2021 at 1:55 am

Las Vegas, USAPolymyositis Pipeline to Progress with New and Emerging Drugs for Treatment, Analyzes , Dec. 08, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DelveInsights Polymyositis Pipeline Insight 2021 report offers exhaustive global coverage of available, marketed, and pipeline therapies in different phases of clinical development, major pharmaceutical companies working to advance the pipeline space, and future growth potential of the Polymyositis pipeline domain.

Some of the essential takeaways from thePolymyositis Pipelinereport:

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The Polymyositis pipeline report lays down detailed profiles of the pipeline assets, comparative analysis of clinical and non-clinical stage Polymyositis products, inactive and dormant assets, comprehensive assessment of driving and restraining factors, as well as the opportunities and risks in the Polymyositis pipeline landscape.

Polymyositis Overview

Polymyositis is a type of inflammatory myopathy, which refers to a group of muscle diseases characterized by chronic muscle inflammation and weakness. Polymyositis (PM), an autoimmune disorder, develops due to abnormal activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD8 cells) and macrophages against muscular antigens as well as the strong extrafusal muscular expression of major histocompatibility complex 1 causing damage to the endomysium of skeletal muscles. Polymyositis develops gradually over time, and it rarely affects persons younger than age 18.

Find out more about the disease and recent developments @Polymyositis Pipeline Assessment

Polymyositis Pipeline Drugs

Learn more about the novel and emerging Polymyositis pipeline therapies @ Polymyositis Pipeline Analysis

Polymyositis Therapeutics Assessment

ThePolymyositis Pipelinereport proffers an integral view of the Polymyositis emerging novel therapies segmented by Stage, Product Type, Molecule Type, Mechanism of Action and Route of Administration.

By Product Type

By Stage

By Route of Administration

By Molecule Type

By Mechanism of Action

Scope of the Polymyositis Pipeline Report

Dive deep into rich insights for emerging therapies and assessment, visit @ Polymyositis Emerging Therapies

Table of Contents

For further information on the Polymyositis current pipeline therapeutics, reach out @ Polymyositis Ongoing Clinical Trials

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Polymyositis Pipeline to Progress with New and Emerging Drugs for Treatment, Analyzes DelveInsight - GlobeNewswire

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FDA Approval of Jakafi for Chronic GVHD Provides Another Option, But ‘More Work Needs to Be Done’ –

Posted: October 5, 2021 at 7:45 pm

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Jakafi (ruxolitinib) for treatment of chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), providing another option to manage the condition, which is a common side effect in patients who have had an allogeneic transplant.

This drug has shown promising activity in chronic GVHD and we now have randomized data proving it. It is nice to have another tool available to manage these challenging cases, said Dr. Mehdi Hamadani during an interview with CURE. But in spite of this very important approval, we need to support ongoing clinical trials that are looking at other novel agents for chronic GVHD, and in fact several agents in development are looking very promising.

Hamadani, who is a professor of medicine at Medical College of Wisconsin and director of the Blood and Marrow Transplant program at Froedtert Hospital, explained that while Jakafi will not change the first-line management for patients, it provides another option for those with moderate to severe chronic GVHD who do not respond to corticosteroids.

Patients who develop chronic GVHD typically experience symptoms such as skin rash, yellow discoloration of the skin or eyes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or abdominal cramping. It occurs when donated blood marrow or blood stem cells from a transplant view the patients body as a foreign threat and begin to attack it.

Depending on the platform a given transplant center uses, approximately 50%-60% of patients develop chronic GVHD, Hamadani said. And arguably, I would say 30%-40% develop what we call the NIH moderate and severe chronic GVHD, that not only has impact on patients quality of life, but also is known to increase transplant-related mortality if the disease does not improve with corticosteroids, which have been the mainstay for chronic GVHD management. Historically we had limited options to manage these patients.

The data that informed Jakafis approval came from the phase 3 REACH3 trial. Researchers reported an overall response rate (ORR) or proportion of patients whose disease responded to therapy of 49.7% after 24 weeks with Jakafi compared with 25.6% with the best available therapy (BAT). On cycle seven, day one, the ORR was 70% with Jakafi and 57% with BAT.

Patients within the BAT group during the trial may have received one of at least 10 different agents, Hamadani explained.

So we are comparing an investigational agent with a variety of non-standard agents, which produces a degree of heterogeneity in the control arm. But with that limitation in mind, the observed responses in the experimental arm, that being Jakafi, at week 24 after starting treatment were twice as higher. Approximately 50% of the patients under the Jakafi arm responded compared to about a quarter of patients on the standard of care arm, so the response rates are impressive, and the durability of responses is also fairly good at six months.

Hamadani added that though they are uncommon, there are variations of GVHD that are exceedingly difficult to manage, such as when patients lungs are impacted, and they experience shortness of breath or become oxygen-dependent.

So if you look at the supplemental appendix of the publication, in lungs, there was no difference between Jakafi and best supportive care, at least in terms of response rates, and that's really a challenging form of GVHD. It's uncommon, but when it happens, it really impacts the quality of patient's life, he said.

In terms of side effects, patients receiving Jakafi most commonly experienced anemia, thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count), infections (pathogen not specified) and viral infection.

Jakafi has a very well-known profile of toxicity because this drug has been used in patients with myelofibrosis or polycythemia vera for a number of years now, Hamadani said. We have been using Jakafi for acute GVHD, by the way, for several years now.

He added that some of the patients in his clinic who received Jakafi through expanded access programs experienced fatigue that led to a dose reduction to address the quality-of-life concern. While its important for physicians to keep track of patients side effects, they are well-managed with appropriate supportive care, and most patients are able to stay on it.

Jakafi is a very useful tool, Hamadani said. And it's extremely pleasing to see an agent that (has) become FDA-approved as well. But I think more work needs to be done to develop more active agents to prevent GVHD to begin with, and once it develops in these concerning organs, to somehow reverse it.

Additionally, he emphasized that change is needed from a systemic standpoint to address the massive copays patients often have to pay for oral anti-cancer agents, which creates a barrier for those who cannot afford it.

I can tell you a number of patients who were appropriate candidates for Jakafi in a different setting, for acute GVHD who were not able to get the drug because they couldn't afford the out-of-pocket cost copay for the drug. And I think as a nation, we need to address this problem with drug costs.

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FDA Approval of Jakafi for Chronic GVHD Provides Another Option, But 'More Work Needs to Be Done' -

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Researchers May Have Found The Gene Responsible For Cellular Aging – Anti Aging News

Posted: December 4, 2020 at 11:54 am

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin Madison believe that they have solved an anti-aging mystery by identifying a gene that is responsible for cellular aging.

Research indicates that cellular reprogramming may be able to reverse the aging that leads to the decline in the activities and functions of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells, but scientists have not been able to figure out which molecular mechanisms are responsible for this reversal.

A study recently published in STEM CELLS may have solved this mystery, enhanced the knowledge of MSC aging and associated disease, and provided insight into developing pharmacological strategies designed to reduce or reverse the aging process.

For this study cellular reprogramming approaches were utilized to establish a genetically identical young and old cell model. While agreeing with previous findings in MSC rejuvenation by cellular reprogramming, our study goes further to provide insight into how reprogrammed MSCs are regulated molecularly to ameliorate the cellular hallmarks of aging, explained lead investigator, Wan-Ju Li, Ph.D., a faculty member in the Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation and the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Cell analysis was conducted to determine if there were any changes in global gene expression resulting from the reprogramming; expression of the protein GATA6 that plays important roles in the gut, lung, and heart development was found to be repressed in the reprogrammed cells as compared to the control cells. Repression of GATA6 led to increased activity of the sonic hedgehog (SHH) protein that is essential to embryonic development as well as the expression levels of FOXp1 proteins required for proper development of the brain, heart and lung.

Thus, we identified the GATA6/SHH/FOXP1 pathway as a key mechanism that regulates MSC aging and rejuvenation, Dr. Li said.

Identification of the GATA6/SHH/FOXP1 pathway in controlling the aging of MSCs is a very important accomplishment. Said Dr. Jan Nolta, Editor-in-Chief of STEM CELLS. Premature aging can thwart the ability to expand these promising cells while maintaining function for clinical use, and enhanced knowledge about the pathways that control differentiation and senescence is highly valuable.

In order to determine which of the 4 Yamanaka transcription factors used to reprogram genes to derive iPSCs were involved in repressing GATA6 in the iPSCs, the expression of GATA6 was analyzed in response to the knockdown of each factor. The analysis revealed that only OCT$ and KLF4 were able to regulate GATA6 activity, this finding is consistent with that of several; previous studies.

Overall, we were able to demonstrate that SF-MSCs undergo substantial changes in properties and functions as a result of cellular reprogramming. These changes in iPSC-MSCs collectively indicate amelioration of cell aging. Most significantly, we were able to identify the GATA6/SHH/FOXP1 signalling pathway as an underlying mechanism that controls cell aging-related activities, Dr. Li said.

We believe our findings will help improve the understanding of MSC aging and its significance in regenerative medicine, he concluded.

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Osteoporosis treatments could be on the way after scientists identify aging gene – iNews

Posted: December 4, 2020 at 11:54 am

Hopes for new treatments for osteoporosis and cartilage degeneration have been raised after scientists identified a gene that plays a key role in the ageing of bone, tendon, ligament and cartilage.

The researchers hope that they can use their findings to slow down treat age-related diseases connected to the skeletal system by creating treatments that slow down the ageing process behind them.

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Our findings are novel and significant in finding a critical answer to how skeletal tissues lose their capability to maintain their properties and functions when we age, said Wan-Ju Li, of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

We can also develop new pharmacological therapies to treat age-associated diseases based on our findings [although] it will take a few years before we can see the application happens, he said.

The study is published in the journal Stem Cells. The journals editor-in-chief, Jan Nolta, of the University of California at Davis, said the discovery is a very important accomplishment.

Researchers said it is possible that the same mechanism that has been identified for the skeletal system may also be present in neural stem cells and cardic stem cells, where it may play a role in causing diseases associated with those areas of the body.

We dont know if the molecule and mechanism we have identified in the paper also play the same role in other stem cells, such as neural stem cells and cardiac stem cells, in causing Parkinsons disease and heart diseases, respectively, since we havent tested it with these cells, Dr Lin said.

But I am sure that other scientists in the fields of aging and brain and heart will follow our study to answer these questions in the future, Dr Lin said.

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Stem Cell Assay Market In-Depth Analysis and Forecast 2017-2025 – Khabar South Asia

Posted: December 4, 2020 at 11:54 am

Stem Cell Assay Market: Snapshot

Stem cell assay refers to the procedure of measuring the potency of antineoplastic drugs, on the basis of their capability of retarding the growth of human tumor cells. The assay consists of qualitative or quantitative analysis or testing of affected tissues andtumors, wherein their toxicity, impurity, and other aspects are studied.

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With the growing number of successfulstem cell therapytreatment cases, the global market for stem cell assays will gain substantial momentum. A number of research and development projects are lending a hand to the growth of the market. For instance, the University of Washingtons Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (ISCRM) has attempted to manipulate stem cells to heal eye, kidney, and heart injuries. A number of diseases such as Alzheimers, spinal cord injury, Parkinsons, diabetes, stroke, retinal disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and neurological diseases can be successfully treated via stem cell therapy. Therefore, stem cell assays will exhibit growing demand.

Another key development in the stem cell assay market is the development of innovative stem cell therapies. In April 2017, for instance, the first participant in an innovative clinical trial at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health was successfully treated with stem cell therapy. CardiAMP, the investigational therapy, has been designed to direct a large dose of the patients own bone-marrow cells to the point of cardiac injury, stimulating the natural healing response of the body.

Newer areas of application in medicine are being explored constantly. Consequently, stem cell assays are likely to play a key role in the formulation of treatments of a number of diseases.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Overview

The increasing investment in research and development of novel therapeutics owing to the rising incidence of chronic diseases has led to immense growth in the global stem cell assay market. In the next couple of years, the market is expected to spawn into a multi-billion dollar industry as healthcare sector and governments around the world increase their research spending.

The report analyzes the prevalent opportunities for the markets growth and those that companies should capitalize in the near future to strengthen their position in the market. It presents insights into the growth drivers and lists down the major restraints. Additionally, the report gauges the effect of Porters five forces on the overall stem cell assay market.

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Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Key Market Segments

For the purpose of the study, the report segments the global stem cell assay market based on various parameters. For instance, in terms of assay type, the market can be segmented into isolation and purification, viability, cell identification, differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis, and function. By kit, the market can be bifurcated into human embryonic stem cell kits and adult stem cell kits. Based on instruments, flow cytometer, cell imaging systems, automated cell counter, and micro electrode arrays could be the key market segments.

In terms of application, the market can be segmented into drug discovery and development, clinical research, and regenerative medicine and therapy. The growth witnessed across the aforementioned application segments will be influenced by the increasing incidence of chronic ailments which will translate into the rising demand for regenerative medicines. Finally, based on end users, research institutes and industry research constitute the key market segments.

The report includes a detailed assessment of the various factors influencing the markets expansion across its key segments. The ones holding the most lucrative prospects are analyzed, and the factors restraining its trajectory across key segments are also discussed at length.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Regional Analysis

Regionally, the market is expected to witness heightened demand in the developed countries across Europe and North America. The increasing incidence of chronic ailments and the subsequently expanding patient population are the chief drivers of the stem cell assay market in North America. Besides this, the market is also expected to witness lucrative opportunities in Asia Pacific and Rest of the World.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Vendor Landscape

A major inclusion in the report is the detailed assessment of the markets vendor landscape. For the purpose of the study the report therefore profiles some of the leading players having influence on the overall market dynamics. It also conducts SWOT analysis to study the strengths and weaknesses of the companies profiled and identify threats and opportunities that these enterprises are forecast to witness over the course of the reports forecast period.

Some of the most prominent enterprises operating in the global stem cell assay market are Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc (U.S.), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), GE Healthcare (U.K.), Hemogenix Inc. (U.S.), Promega Corporation (U.S.), Bio-Techne Corporation (U.S.), Merck KGaA (Germany), STEMCELL Technologies Inc. (CA), Cell Biolabs, Inc. (U.S.), and Cellular Dynamics International, Inc. (U.S.).

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TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.

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Stem Cell Assay Market In-Depth Analysis and Forecast 2017-2025 - Khabar South Asia

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Stem Cell Assay Market In-Depth Analysis and Forecast 2017-2025 – Royal Sutton News

Posted: October 29, 2020 at 2:57 pm

Stem Cell Assay Market: Snapshot

Stem cell assay refers to the procedure of measuring the potency of antineoplastic drugs, on the basis of their capability of retarding the growth of human tumor cells. The assay consists of qualitative or quantitative analysis or testing of affected tissues andtumors, wherein their toxicity, impurity, and other aspects are studied.

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With the growing number of successfulstem cell therapytreatment cases, the global market for stem cell assays will gain substantial momentum. A number of research and development projects are lending a hand to the growth of the market. For instance, the University of Washingtons Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (ISCRM) has attempted to manipulate stem cells to heal eye, kidney, and heart injuries. A number of diseases such as Alzheimers, spinal cord injury, Parkinsons, diabetes, stroke, retinal disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and neurological diseases can be successfully treated via stem cell therapy. Therefore, stem cell assays will exhibit growing demand.

Another key development in the stem cell assay market is the development of innovative stem cell therapies. In April 2017, for instance, the first participant in an innovative clinical trial at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health was successfully treated with stem cell therapy. CardiAMP, the investigational therapy, has been designed to direct a large dose of the patients own bone-marrow cells to the point of cardiac injury, stimulating the natural healing response of the body.

Newer areas of application in medicine are being explored constantly. Consequently, stem cell assays are likely to play a key role in the formulation of treatments of a number of diseases.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Overview

The increasing investment in research and development of novel therapeutics owing to the rising incidence of chronic diseases has led to immense growth in the global stem cell assay market. In the next couple of years, the market is expected to spawn into a multi-billion dollar industry as healthcare sector and governments around the world increase their research spending.

The report analyzes the prevalent opportunities for the markets growth and those that companies should capitalize in the near future to strengthen their position in the market. It presents insights into the growth drivers and lists down the major restraints. Additionally, the report gauges the effect of Porters five forces on the overall stem cell assay market.

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Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Key Market Segments

For the purpose of the study, the report segments the global stem cell assay market based on various parameters. For instance, in terms of assay type, the market can be segmented into isolation and purification, viability, cell identification, differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis, and function. By kit, the market can be bifurcated into human embryonic stem cell kits and adult stem cell kits. Based on instruments, flow cytometer, cell imaging systems, automated cell counter, and micro electrode arrays could be the key market segments.

In terms of application, the market can be segmented into drug discovery and development, clinical research, and regenerative medicine and therapy. The growth witnessed across the aforementioned application segments will be influenced by the increasing incidence of chronic ailments which will translate into the rising demand for regenerative medicines. Finally, based on end users, research institutes and industry research constitute the key market segments.

The report includes a detailed assessment of the various factors influencing the markets expansion across its key segments. The ones holding the most lucrative prospects are analyzed, and the factors restraining its trajectory across key segments are also discussed at length.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Regional Analysis

Regionally, the market is expected to witness heightened demand in the developed countries across Europe and North America. The increasing incidence of chronic ailments and the subsequently expanding patient population are the chief drivers of the stem cell assay market in North America. Besides this, the market is also expected to witness lucrative opportunities in Asia Pacific and Rest of the World.

Global Stem Cell Assay Market: Vendor Landscape

A major inclusion in the report is the detailed assessment of the markets vendor landscape. For the purpose of the study the report therefore profiles some of the leading players having influence on the overall market dynamics. It also conducts SWOT analysis to study the strengths and weaknesses of the companies profiled and identify threats and opportunities that these enterprises are forecast to witness over the course of the reports forecast period.

Some of the most prominent enterprises operating in the global stem cell assay market are Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc (U.S.), Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), GE Healthcare (U.K.), Hemogenix Inc. (U.S.), Promega Corporation (U.S.), Bio-Techne Corporation (U.S.), Merck KGaA (Germany), STEMCELL Technologies Inc. (CA), Cell Biolabs, Inc. (U.S.), and Cellular Dynamics International, Inc. (U.S.).

To know more about the table of contents, you can click @

About Us:

TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in todays supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.

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Stem Cell Assay Market In-Depth Analysis and Forecast 2017-2025 - Royal Sutton News

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